Source code for bokeh.application.handlers.code_runner

''' Provide a utility class ``CodeRunner`` for use by handlers that execute
Python source code.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from types import ModuleType
import os
import sys
import traceback

from bokeh.util.serialization import make_id

[docs]class CodeRunner(object): ''' Compile and run Python source code. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, source, path, argv): ''' Args: source (str) : python source code path (str) : a filename to use in any debugging or error output argv (list[str]) : a list of string arguments to make available as ``sys.argv`` when the code executes ''' self._failed = False self._error = None self._error_detail = None import ast self._code = None try: nodes = ast.parse(source, path) self._code = compile(nodes, filename=path, mode='exec', dont_inherit=True) except SyntaxError as e: self._failed = True self._error = ("Invalid syntax in \"%s\" on line %d:\n%s" % (os.path.basename(e.filename), e.lineno, e.text)) import traceback self._error_detail = traceback.format_exc() self._path = path self._source = source self._argv = argv self.ran = False
@property def source(self): ''' The configured source code that will be executed when ``run`` is called. ''' return self._source @property def path(self): ''' The path that new modules will be configured with. ''' return self._path @property def failed(self): ''' ``True`` if code execution failed ''' return self._failed @property def error(self): ''' If code execution fails, may contain a related error message. ''' return self._error @property def error_detail(self): ''' If code execution fails, may contain a traceback or other details. ''' return self._error_detail
[docs] def new_module(self): ''' Make a fresh module to run in. Returns: Module ''' if self.failed: return None module_name = 'bk_script_' + make_id().replace('-', '') module = ModuleType(module_name) module.__dict__['__file__'] = os.path.abspath(self._path) return module
[docs] def run(self, module, post_check): ''' Execute the configured source code in a module and run any post checks. Args: module (Module) : a module to execute the configured code in. post_check(callable) : a function that can raise an exception if expected post-conditions are not met after code execution. ''' try: # Simulate the sys.path behaviour decribed here: # # _cwd = os.getcwd() _sys_path = list(sys.path) _sys_argv = list(sys.argv) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(self._path)) sys.argv = [os.path.basename(self._path)] + self._argv exec(self._code, module.__dict__) post_check() except Exception as e: self._failed = True self._error_detail = traceback.format_exc() exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() filename, line_number, func, txt = traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback)[-1] self._error = "%s\nFile \"%s\", line %d, in %s:\n%s" % (str(e), os.path.basename(filename), line_number, func, txt) finally: # undo sys.path, CWD fixups os.chdir(_cwd) sys.path = _sys_path sys.argv = _sys_argv self.ran = True