''' Models (mostly base classes) for the various kinds of renderer
types that Bokeh supports.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from ..core.enums import RenderLevel
from ..core.has_props import abstract
from ..core.properties import Auto, Bool, Either, Enum, Float, Instance, Override, String
from ..core.validation import error
from ..core.validation.errors import (BAD_COLUMN_NAME, MISSING_GLYPH, NO_SOURCE_FOR_GLYPH,
from ..model import Model
from ..util.deprecation import deprecated
from .glyphs import Glyph, Circle, MultiLine
from .graphs import LayoutProvider, GraphHitTestPolicy, NodesOnly
from .images import ImageSource
from .sources import ColumnDataSource, DataSource, RemoteSource, CDSView
from .tiles import TileSource, WMTSTileSource
[docs]class Renderer(Model):
'''An abstract base class for renderer types.
level = Enum(RenderLevel, help="""
Specifies the level in which to paint this renderer.
visible = Bool(default=True, help="""
Is the renderer visible.
[docs]class DataRenderer(Renderer):
''' An abstract base class for data renderer types (e.g. ``GlyphRenderer``, ``TileRenderer``, ``GraphRenderer``).
[docs]class TileRenderer(DataRenderer):
tile_source = Instance(TileSource, default=lambda: WMTSTileSource(), help="""
Local data source to use when rendering glyphs on the plot.
alpha = Float(1.0, help="""
tile opacity 0.0 - 1.0
x_range_name = String('default', help="""
A particular (named) x-range to use for computing screen
locations when rendering glyphs on the plot. If unset, use the
default x-range.
y_range_name = String('default', help="""
A particular (named) y-range to use for computing screen
locations when rendering glyphs on the plot. If unset, use the
default y-range.
level = Override(default="underlay")
render_parents = Bool(default=True, help="""
Flag enable/disable drawing of parent tiles while waiting for new tiles to arrive. Default value is True.
[docs]class DynamicImageRenderer(DataRenderer):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(DynamicImageRenderer, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
deprecated((0, 12, 7), "DynamicImageRenderer", "GeoViews for GIS functions on top of Bokeh (http://geo.holoviews.org)")
image_source = Instance(ImageSource, help="""
Image source to use when rendering on the plot.
alpha = Float(1.0, help="""
tile opacity 0.0 - 1.0
level = Override(default="underlay")
render_parents = Bool(default=True, help="""
Flag enable/disable drawing of parent tiles while waiting for new tiles to arrive. Default value is True.
[docs]class GlyphRenderer(DataRenderer):
def _check_missing_glyph(self):
if not self.glyph: return str(self)
def _check_no_source_for_glyph(self):
if not self.data_source: return str(self)
def _check_cdsview_source(self):
if self.data_source is not self.view.source: return str(self)
def _check_bad_column_name(self):
if not self.glyph: return
if not self.data_source: return
if isinstance(self.data_source, RemoteSource): return
missing = set()
specs = self.glyph.dataspecs()
for name, item in self.glyph.properties_with_values(include_defaults=False).items():
if name not in specs: continue
if not isinstance(item, dict): continue
if not isinstance(self.data_source, ColumnDataSource): continue
if 'field' in item and item['field'] not in self.data_source.column_names:
if missing:
return "%s [renderer: %s]" % (", ".join(sorted(missing)), self)
def __init__(self, **kw):
super(GlyphRenderer, self).__init__(**kw)
if "view" not in kw:
self.view = CDSView(source=self.data_source)
data_source = Instance(DataSource, help="""
Local data source to use when rendering glyphs on the plot.
view = Instance(CDSView, help="""
A view into the data source to use when rendering glyphs. A default view
of the entire data source is created when a view is not passed in during
x_range_name = String('default', help="""
A particular (named) x-range to use for computing screen
locations when rendering glyphs on the plot. If unset, use the
default x-range.
y_range_name = String('default', help="""
A particular (named) y-range to use for computing screen
locations when rendering glyphs on the plot. If unset, use the
default -range.
glyph = Instance(Glyph, help="""
The glyph to render, in conjunction with the supplied data source
and ranges.
selection_glyph = Either(Auto, Instance(Glyph), default="auto", help="""
An optional glyph used for selected points.
If set to "auto" then the standard glyph will be used for selected
nonselection_glyph = Either(Auto, Instance(Glyph), default="auto", help="""
An optional glyph used for explicitly non-selected points
(i.e., non-selected when there are other points that are selected,
but not when no points at all are selected.)
If set to "auto" then a glyph with a low alpha value (0.1) will
be used for non-selected points.
hover_glyph = Instance(Glyph, help="""
An optional glyph used for inspected points, e.g., those that are
being hovered over by a HoverTool.
muted_glyph = Instance(Glyph, help="""
muted = Bool(False, help="""
level = Override(default="glyph")
_DEFAULT_NODE_RENDERER = lambda: GlyphRenderer(
glyph=Circle(), data_source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict(index=[]))
_DEFAULT_EDGE_RENDERER = lambda: GlyphRenderer(
glyph=MultiLine(), data_source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict(start=[], end=[]))
[docs]class GraphRenderer(DataRenderer):
def _check_malformed_graph_source(self):
missing = []
if "index" not in self.node_renderer.data_source.column_names:
missing.append("Column 'index' is missing in GraphSource.node_renderer.data_source")
if "start" not in self.edge_renderer.data_source.column_names:
missing.append("Column 'start' is missing in GraphSource.edge_renderer.data_source")
if "end" not in self.edge_renderer.data_source.column_names:
missing.append("Column 'end' is missing in GraphSource.edge_renderer.data_source")
if missing:
return " ,".join(missing) + " [%s]" % self
x_range_name = String('default', help="""
A particular (named) x-range to use for computing screen
locations when rendering graphs on the plot. If unset, use the
default x-range.
y_range_name = String('default', help="""
A particular (named) y-range to use for computing screen
locations when rendering graphs on the plot. If unset, use the
default -range.
layout_provider = Instance(LayoutProvider, help="""
An instance of a LayoutProvider that supplies the layout of the network
graph in cartesian space.
node_renderer = Instance(GlyphRenderer, default=_DEFAULT_NODE_RENDERER, help="""
Instance of a GlyphRenderer containing an XYGlyph that will be rendered
as the graph nodes.
edge_renderer = Instance(GlyphRenderer, default=_DEFAULT_EDGE_RENDERER, help="""
Instance of a GlyphRenderer containing an MultiLine Glyph that will be
rendered as the graph edges.
selection_policy = Instance(GraphHitTestPolicy, default=lambda: NodesOnly(), help="""
An instance of a GraphHitTestPolicy that provides the logic for selection
of graph components.
inspection_policy = Instance(GraphHitTestPolicy, default=lambda: NodesOnly(), help="""
An instance of a GraphHitTestPolicy that provides the logic for inspection
of graph components.
level = Override(default="glyph")
[docs]class GuideRenderer(Renderer):
''' A base class for all guide renderer types. ``GuideRenderer`` is
not generally useful to instantiate on its own.
plot = Instance(".models.plots.Plot", help="""
The plot to which this guide renderer is attached.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(GuideRenderer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
if self.plot is not None:
if self not in self.plot.renderers:
level = Override(default="overlay")