# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017, Anaconda, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Powered by the Bokeh Development Team.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
# Boilerplate
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from bokeh.util.api import general, dev ; general, dev
# Imports
# Standard library imports
from contextlib import contextmanager
import re
# External imports
# Bokeh imports
from ..core.templates import AUTOLOAD_JS, AUTOLOAD_TAG, FILE
from ..document.document import DEFAULT_TITLE, Document
from ..model import Model
from ..settings import settings
from ..util.compiler import bundle_all_models
from ..util.string import encode_utf8
from .bundle import bundle_for_objs_and_resources
from .util import FromCurdoc
from .util import (check_models_or_docs, check_one_model_or_doc, div_for_render_item, find_existing_docs, html_page_for_render_items,
script_for_render_items, standalone_docs_json_and_render_items, wrap_in_onload, wrap_in_script_tag)
# Globals and constants
# General API
def autoload_static(model, resources, script_path):
''' Return JavaScript code and a script tag that can be used to embed
Bokeh Plots.
The data for the plot is stored directly in the returned JavaScript code.
model (Model or Document) :
resources (Resources) :
script_path (str) :
(js, tag) :
JavaScript code to be saved at ``script_path`` and a ``<script>``
tag to load it
# TODO: maybe warn that it's not exactly useful, but technically possible
# if resources.mode == 'inline':
# raise ValueError("autoload_static() requires non-inline resources")
model = check_one_model_or_doc(model)
with _ModelInDocument([model]):
(docs_json, render_items) = standalone_docs_json_and_render_items([model])
bundle = bundle_all_models()
script = script_for_render_items(docs_json, render_items)
item = render_items[0]
js = wrap_in_onload(AUTOLOAD_JS.render(
js_urls = resources.js_files,
css_urls = resources.css_files,
js_raw = resources.js_raw + [bundle, script],
css_raw = resources.css_raw_str,
elementid = item['elementid'],
tag = AUTOLOAD_TAG.render(
src_path = script_path,
elementid = item['elementid'],
modelid = item.get('modelid', ''),
docid = item.get('docid', ''),
return encode_utf8(js), encode_utf8(tag)
def components(models, wrap_script=True, wrap_plot_info=True, theme=FromCurdoc):
''' Return HTML components to embed a Bokeh plot. The data for the plot is
stored directly in the returned HTML.
An example can be found in examples/embed/embed_multiple.py
The returned components assume that BokehJS resources are **already loaded**.
The html template in which they will be embedded needs to include the following
links and scripts tags. The widgets and tables resources are only necessary if
the components make use of widgets and tables.
.. code-block:: html
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-x.y.z.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-widgets-x.y.z.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-tables-x.y.z.min.js"></script>
Note that in Jupyter Notebooks, it is not possible to use components and show in
the same notebook cell.
models (Model|list|dict|tuple) :
A single Model, a list/tuple of Models, or a dictionary of keys and Models.
wrap_script (boolean, optional) :
If True, the returned javascript is wrapped in a script tag.
(default: True)
wrap_plot_info (boolean, optional) : If True, returns ``<div>`` strings.
Otherwise, return dicts that can be used to build your own divs.
(default: True)
If False, the returned dictionary contains the following information:
.. code-block:: python
'modelid': 'The model ID, used with Document.get_model_by_id',
'elementid': 'The css identifier the BokehJS will look for to target the plot',
'docid': 'Used by Bokeh to find the doc embedded in the returned script',
theme (Theme, optional) :
Defaults to the ``Theme`` instance in the current document.
Setting this to ``None`` uses the default theme or the theme
already specified in the document. Any other value must be an
instance of the ``Theme`` class.
UTF-8 encoded *(script, div[s])* or *(raw_script, plot_info[s])*
With default wrapping parameter values:
.. code-block:: python
# => (script, plot_div)
components((plot1, plot2))
# => (script, (plot1_div, plot2_div))
components({"Plot 1": plot1, "Plot 2": plot2})
# => (script, {"Plot 1": plot1_div, "Plot 2": plot2_div})
With wrapping parameters set to ``False``:
.. code-block:: python
components(plot, wrap_script=False, wrap_plot_info=False)
# => (javascript, plot_dict)
components((plot1, plot2), wrap_script=False, wrap_plot_info=False)
# => (javascript, (plot1_dict, plot2_dict))
components({"Plot 1": plot1, "Plot 2": plot2}, wrap_script=False, wrap_plot_info=False)
# => (javascript, {"Plot 1": plot1_dict, "Plot 2": plot2_dict})
# 1) Convert single items and dicts into list
was_single_object = isinstance(models, Model) or isinstance(models, Document)
# converts single to list
models = check_models_or_docs(models, allow_dict=True)
# now convert dict to list, saving keys in the same order
model_keys = None
if isinstance(models, dict):
model_keys = models.keys()
values = []
# don't just use .values() to ensure we are in the same order as key list
for k in model_keys:
models = values
# 2) Append models to one document. Either pre-existing or new and render
with _ModelInDocument(models, apply_theme=theme):
(docs_json, render_items) = standalone_docs_json_and_render_items(models)
script = bundle_all_models()
script += script_for_render_items(docs_json, render_items)
if wrap_script:
script = wrap_in_script_tag(script)
script = encode_utf8(script)
if wrap_plot_info:
results = list(div_for_render_item(item) for item in render_items)
results = render_items
# 3) convert back to the input shape
if was_single_object:
return script, results[0]
elif model_keys is not None:
result = {}
for (key, value) in zip(model_keys, results):
result[key] = value
return script, result
return script, tuple(results)
def file_html(models,
''' Return an HTML document that embeds Bokeh Model or Document objects.
The data for the plot is stored directly in the returned HTML, with
support for customizing the JS/CSS resources independently and
customizing the jinja2 template.
models (Model or Document or list) : Bokeh object or objects to render
typically a Model or Document
resources (Resources or tuple(JSResources or None, CSSResources or None)) : i
A resource configuration for Bokeh JS & CSS assets.
title (str, optional) : a title for the HTML document ``<title>`` tags or None. (default: None)
If None, attempt to automatically find the Document title from the given plot objects.
template (Template, optional) : HTML document template (default: FILE)
A Jinja2 Template, see bokeh.core.templates.FILE for the required
template parameters
template_variables (dict, optional) : variables to be used in the Jinja2
template. If used, the following variable names will be overwritten:
title, bokeh_js, bokeh_css, plot_script, plot_div
theme (Theme, optional) :
Defaults to the ``Theme`` instance in the current document.
Setting this to ``None`` uses the default theme or the theme
already specified in the document. Any other value must be an
instance of the ``Theme`` class.
UTF-8 encoded HTML
models = check_models_or_docs(models)
with _ModelInDocument(models, apply_theme=theme):
(docs_json, render_items) = standalone_docs_json_and_render_items(models)
title = _title_from_models(models, title)
bundle = bundle_for_objs_and_resources(models, resources)
return html_page_for_render_items(bundle, docs_json, render_items, title=title,
template=template, template_variables=template_variables)
# Dev API
# Private API
def _ModelInDocument(models, apply_theme=None):
doc = find_existing_docs(models)
old_theme = doc.theme
if apply_theme is FromCurdoc:
from ..io import curdoc; curdoc
doc.theme = curdoc().theme
elif apply_theme is not None:
doc.theme = apply_theme
models_to_dedoc = _add_doc_to_models(doc, models)
if settings.perform_document_validation():
yield doc
for model in models_to_dedoc:
doc.remove_root(model, apply_theme)
doc.theme = old_theme
def _add_doc_to_models(doc, models):
models_to_dedoc = []
for model in models:
if isinstance(model, Model):
if model.document is None:
except RuntimeError as e:
child = re.search('\((.*)\)', str(e)).group(0)
msg = ('Sub-model {0} of the root model {1} is already owned '
'by another document (Models must be owned by only a '
'single document). This may indicate a usage '
'error.'.format(child, model))
raise RuntimeError(msg)
return models_to_dedoc
def _title_from_models(models, title):
# use override title
if title is not None:
return title
# use title from any listed document
for p in models:
if isinstance(p, Document):
return p.title
# use title from any model's document
for p in models:
if p.document is not None:
return p.document.title
# use default title
# Code