Source code for

"""This is the Bokeh charts interface. It gives you a high level API
to build complex plot is a simple way.

This is the Chord class which lets you build your Chord charts
just passing the arguments to the Chart class and calling the proper
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2016, Anaconda, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Powered by the Bokeh Development Team.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
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# Imports
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from math import cos, sin, pi
from import Dimension
from bokeh.charts.builder import create_and_build, Builder
from bokeh.charts.attributes import MarkerAttr, ColorAttr, CatAttr
from bokeh.charts.utils import color_in_equal_space, help
from bokeh.models import Range1d
from bokeh.models.glyphs import Arc, Bezier, Text
from bokeh.models.renderers import GlyphRenderer
from bokeh.models.sources import ColumnDataSource
from import Instance, Bool, String, Array, Float, Any, Seq, Either, Int

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# Classes and functions
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class Area:
    """ It represents an arc area. It will create a list of available points through the arc representing that area and
    then those points will be used as start and end for the beziers lines.

    def __init__(self, n_conn, start_point, end_point):
        # Number of connections in that arc area
        self.n_conn = n_conn
        # The start point of the arc representing the area
        self.start_point = start_point
        self.end_point = end_point
        # Equally spaced points between start point and end point
        free_points_angles = np.linspace(start_point, end_point, n_conn)
        # A list of available X,Y in the chart to consume by each bezier's start and end point
        self.free_points = [[cos(angle), sin(angle)] for angle in free_points_angles]
        assert self.n_conn == len(self.free_points)

[docs]class ChordBuilder(Builder): """ This is the Chord builder and it is in charge of plotting Chord graphs in an easy and intuitive way. Essentially, we provide a way to ingest the data, make the proper calculations and push the references into a source object. We additionally make calculations for the ranges. And finally add the needed glyphs (markers) taking the references from the source. """ default_attributes = {'color': ColorAttr(), 'marker': MarkerAttr(), 'stack': CatAttr()} dimensions = ['values'] values = Dimension('values') arcs_data = Instance(ColumnDataSource) text_data = Instance(ColumnDataSource) connection_data = Instance(ColumnDataSource) origin = String() destination = String() value = Any() square_matrix = Bool() label = Seq(Any()) matrix = Array(Array(Either(Float(), Int())))
[docs] def set_ranges(self): rng = 1.1 if not self.label else 1.8 self.x_range = Range1d(-rng, rng) self.y_range = Range1d(-rng, rng)
[docs] def setup(self): # Process only if not a square_matrix if not self.square_matrix: source = self.values._data[self.origin] target = self.values._data[self.destination] union = source.append(target).unique() N = union.shape[0] m = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((N, N)), columns=union, index=union) if not self.label: self.label = list(union) if self.value is None: for _, row in self.values._data.iterrows(): m[row[self.origin]][row[self.destination]] += 1 self.matrix = m.get_values() if self.value is not None: if isinstance(self.value, int) or isinstance(self.value, float): for _, row in self.values._data.iterrows(): m[row[self.origin]][row[self.destination]] = self.value self.matrix = m.get_values() elif isinstance(self.value, str): for _, row in self.values._data.iterrows(): m[row[self.origin]][row[self.destination]] = row[self.value] self.matrix = m.get_values().T else: # It's already a square matrix self.matrix = self._data.df.get_values() if self.label: assert len(self.label) == self.matrix.shape[0]
[docs] def process_data(self): weights_of_areas = (self.matrix.sum(axis=0) + self.matrix.sum(axis=1)) - self.matrix.diagonal() areas_in_radians = (weights_of_areas / weights_of_areas.sum()) * (2 * pi) # We add a zero in the begging for the cumulative sum points = np.zeros((areas_in_radians.shape[0] + 1)) points[1:] = areas_in_radians points = points.cumsum() colors = [color_in_equal_space(area / areas_in_radians.shape[0]) for area in range(areas_in_radians.shape[0])] arcs_data = pd.DataFrame({ 'start_angle': points[:-1], 'end_angle': points[1:], 'line_color': colors }) self.arcs_data = ColumnDataSource(arcs_data) # Text if self.label: text_radius = 1.1 angles = (points[:-1]+points[1:])/2.0 text_positions = pd.DataFrame({ 'angles': angles, 'text_x': np.cos(angles) * text_radius, 'text_y': np.sin(angles) * text_radius, 'text': list(self.label) }) self.text_data = ColumnDataSource(text_positions) # Lines all_areas = [] for i in range(areas_in_radians.shape[0]): all_areas.append(Area(weights_of_areas[i], points[:-1][i], points[1:][i])) all_connections = [] for j, region1 in enumerate(self.matrix): # Get the connections origin region source = all_areas[j] color = colors[j] weight = weights_of_areas[j] for k, region2 in enumerate(region1): # Get the connection destination region target = all_areas[k] for _ in range(int(region2)): p1 = source.free_points.pop() p2 = target.free_points.pop() # Get both regions free points and create a connection with the data all_connections.append(p1 + p2 + [color, weight]) connections_df = pd.DataFrame(all_connections, dtype=str) connections_df.columns = ["start_x", "start_y", "end_x", "end_y", "colors", "weight"] connections_df["cx0"] = connections_df.start_x.astype("float64")/2 connections_df["cy0"] = connections_df.start_y.astype("float64")/2 connections_df["cx1"] = connections_df.end_x.astype("float64")/2 connections_df["cy1"] = connections_df.end_y.astype("float64")/2 connections_df.weight = (connections_df.weight.astype("float64")/connections_df.weight.astype("float64").sum()) * 3000 self.connection_data = ColumnDataSource(connections_df)
[docs] def yield_renderers(self): """Use the marker glyphs to display the arcs and beziers. Takes reference points from data loaded at the ColumnDataSource. """ beziers = Bezier(x0='start_x', y0='start_y', x1='end_x', y1='end_y', cx0='cx0', cy0='cy0', cx1='cx1', cy1='cy1', line_alpha='weight', line_color='colors') yield GlyphRenderer(data_source=self.connection_data, glyph=beziers) arcs = Arc(x=0, y=0, radius=1, line_width=10, start_angle='start_angle', end_angle='end_angle', line_color='line_color') yield GlyphRenderer(data_source=self.arcs_data, glyph=arcs) if self.label: text_props = { "text_color": "#000000", "text_font_size": "8pt", "text_align": "left", "text_baseline": "middle" } labels = Text(x='text_x', y='text_y', text='text', angle='angles', **text_props ) yield GlyphRenderer(data_source=self.text_data, glyph=labels)
[docs]def Chord(data, source=None, target=None, value=None, square_matrix=False, label=None, xgrid=False, ygrid=False, **kw): """ Create a chord chart using :class:`ChordBuilder <>` to render a chord graph from a variety of value forms. This chart displays the inter-relationships between data in a matrix. The data can be generated by the chart interface. Given a :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>`, select two columns to be used as arcs with `source` and `target` attributes, passing by the name of those columns. The :class:`Chord <>` chart will then deduce the relationship between the arcs. The value of the connections can be inferred automatically by counting `source` and `target`. If you prefer you can assign a fixed value for all the connections with `value` simply passing by a number. A third option is to pass a reference to a third column in the :class:`DataFrame <pandas.DataFrame>` with the values for the connections. If you want to plot the relationships in a squared matrix, simply pass the matrix and set `square_matrix` attribute to `True`. Reference: `Chord diagram on Wikipedia <>`_ Args: data (:ref:`userguide_charts_data_types`): the data source for the chart. source (list(str) or str, optional): Data source to use as origin of the connection to a destination. target (list(str) or str, optional): Data source to use as destination of a connection. value (list(num) or num, optional): The value the connection should have. square_matrix (bool, optional): If square matrix, avoid any calculations during the setup. label (list(str), optional): The labels to be put in the areas. Returns: :class:`Chart`: includes glyph renderers that generate the chord Examples: .. bokeh-plot:: :source-position: above import pandas as pd from bokeh.charts import Chord from import show, output_file from bokeh.sampledata.les_mis import data nodes = data['nodes'] links = data['links'] nodes_df = pd.DataFrame(nodes) links_df = pd.DataFrame(links) source_data = links_df.merge(nodes_df, how='left', left_on='source', right_index=True) source_data = source_data.merge(nodes_df, how='left', left_on='target', right_index=True) source_data = source_data[source_data["value"] > 5] # Select those with 5 or more connections chord_from_df = Chord(source_data, source="name_x", target="name_y", value="value") output_file('chord_from_df.html') show(chord_from_df) """ kw["origin"] = source kw["destination"] = target kw["value"] = value kw["square_matrix"] = square_matrix kw["label"] = label kw['xgrid'] = xgrid kw['ygrid'] = ygrid chart = create_and_build(ChordBuilder, data, **kw) chart.left[0].visible = False chart.below[0].visible = False chart.outline_line_color = None return chart