''' The resources module provides the Resources class for easily configuring
how BokehJS code and CSS resources should be located, loaded, and embedded in
Bokeh documents.
Also provides some pre-configured Resources objects.
CDN : load minified BokehJS from CDN
INLINE : provide minified BokehJS from library static directory
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import re
import json
from os.path import basename, join, relpath
from six import string_types
from . import __version__
from .core.templates import JS_RESOURCES, CSS_RESOURCES
from .settings import settings
from .util.paths import bokehjsdir
from .util.session_id import generate_session_id
from .model import Model
class _SessionCoordinates(object):
""" Internal class used to parse kwargs for server URL, app_path, and session_id."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._url = kwargs.get('url', DEFAULT_SERVER_HTTP_URL)
if self._url is None:
raise ValueError("url cannot be None")
if self._url == 'default':
if self._url.startswith("ws"):
raise ValueError("url should be the http or https URL for the server, not the websocket URL")
self._url = self._url.rstrip("/")
# we lazy-generate the session_id so we can generate it server-side when appropriate
self._session_id = kwargs.get('session_id')
def url(self):
return self._url
def session_id(self):
""" Session ID derived from the kwargs provided."""
if self._session_id is None:
self._session_id = generate_session_id()
return self._session_id
def session_id_allowing_none(self):
""" Session ID provided in kwargs, keeping it None if it hasn't been generated yet.
The purpose of this is to preserve ``None`` as long as possible... in some cases
we may never generate the session ID because we generate it on the server.
return self._session_id
_DEV_PAT = re.compile(r"^(\d)+\.(\d)+\.(\d)+(dev|rc)")
def _cdn_base_url():
return "https://cdn.bokeh.org"
def _get_cdn_urls(components, version=None, minified=True):
if version is None:
if settings.docs_cdn():
version = settings.docs_cdn()
version = __version__.split('-')[0]
# check if we want minified js and css
_min = ".min" if minified else ""
base_url = _cdn_base_url()
dev_container = 'bokeh/dev'
rel_container = 'bokeh/release'
# check the 'dev' fingerprint
container = dev_container if _DEV_PAT.match(version) else rel_container
if version.endswith(('dev', 'rc')):
logger.debug("Getting CDN URL for local dev version will not produce usable URL")
def mk_url(comp, kind):
return '%s/%s/%s-%s%s.%s' % (base_url, container, comp, version, _min, kind)
result = {
'urls' : lambda kind: [ mk_url(component, kind) for component in components ],
'messages' : [],
if len(__version__.split('-')) > 1:
"type" : "warn",
"text" : ("Requesting CDN BokehJS version '%s' from Bokeh development version '%s'. "
"This configuration is unsupported and may not work!" % (version, __version__))
return result
def _get_server_urls(components, root_url, minified=True, path_versioner=None):
_min = ".min" if minified else ""
def mk_url(comp, kind):
path = "%s/%s%s.%s" % (kind, comp, _min, kind)
if path_versioner is not None:
path = path_versioner(path)
return '%sstatic/%s' % (root_url, path)
return {
'urls' : lambda kind: [ mk_url(component, kind) for component in components ],
'messages' : [],
class BaseResources(object):
_default_root_dir = "."
_default_root_url = DEFAULT_SERVER_HTTP_URL
def __init__(self, mode='inline', version=None, root_dir=None,
minified=True, log_level="info", root_url=None,
path_versioner=None, components=None):
self.components = components if components is not None else ["bokeh", "bokeh-widgets"]
self.mode = settings.resources(mode); del mode
self.root_dir = settings.rootdir(root_dir); del root_dir
self.version = settings.version(version); del version
self.minified = settings.minified(minified); del minified
self.log_level = settings.log_level(log_level); del log_level
self.path_versioner = path_versioner; del path_versioner
if root_url and not root_url.endswith("/"):
logger.warning("root_url should end with a /, adding one")
root_url = root_url + "/"
self._root_url = root_url
if self.mode not in ['inline', 'cdn', 'server', 'server-dev', 'relative', 'relative-dev', 'absolute', 'absolute-dev']:
raise ValueError("wrong value for 'mode' parameter, expected "
"'inline', 'cdn', 'server(-dev)', 'relative(-dev)' or 'absolute(-dev)', got %r" % self.mode)
if self.root_dir and not self.mode.startswith("relative"):
raise ValueError("setting 'root_dir' makes sense only when 'mode' is set to 'relative'")
if self.version and not self.mode.startswith('cdn'):
raise ValueError("setting 'version' makes sense only when 'mode' is set to 'cdn'")
if root_url and not self.mode.startswith('server'):
raise ValueError("setting 'root_url' makes sense only when 'mode' is set to 'server'")
self.dev = self.mode.endswith('-dev')
if self.dev:
self.mode = self.mode[:-4]
self.messages = []
if self.mode == "cdn":
cdn = self._cdn_urls()
elif self.mode == "server":
server = self._server_urls()
def log_level(self):
return self._log_level
def log_level(self, level):
valid_levels = [
"trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal"
if not (level is None or level in valid_levels):
raise ValueError("Unknown log level '%s', valid levels are: %s", str(valid_levels))
self._log_level = level
def root_url(self):
if self._root_url is not None:
return self._root_url
return self._default_root_url
def _file_paths(self, kind):
bokehjs_dir = bokehjsdir(self.dev)
minified = ".min" if not self.dev and self.minified else ""
files = [ "%s%s.%s" % (component, minified, kind) for component in self.components ]
paths = [ join(bokehjs_dir, kind, file) for file in files ]
return paths
def _collect_external_resources(self, resource_attr):
""" Collect external resources set on resource_attr attribute of all models."""
external_resources = []
for _, cls in sorted(Model.model_class_reverse_map.items(), key=lambda arg: arg[0]):
external = getattr(cls, resource_attr, None)
if isinstance(external, string_types):
if external not in external_resources:
elif isinstance(external, list):
for e in external:
if e not in external_resources:
return external_resources
def _cdn_urls(self):
return _get_cdn_urls(self.components, self.version, self.minified)
def _server_urls(self):
return _get_server_urls(self.components, self.root_url, False if self.dev else self.minified, self.path_versioner)
def _resolve(self, kind):
paths = self._file_paths(kind)
files, raw = [], []
if self.mode == "inline":
raw = [ self._inline(path) for path in paths ]
elif self.mode == "relative":
root_dir = self.root_dir or self._default_root_dir
files = [ relpath(path, root_dir) for path in paths ]
elif self.mode == "absolute":
files = list(paths)
elif self.mode == "cdn":
cdn = self._cdn_urls()
files = list(cdn['urls'](kind))
elif self.mode == "server":
server = self._server_urls()
files = list(server['urls'](kind))
return (files, raw)
def _inline(self, path):
begin = "/* BEGIN %s */" % basename(path)
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
middle = f.read().decode("utf-8")
except IOError:
middle = ""
end = "/* END %s */" % basename(path)
return "%s\n%s\n%s" % (begin, middle, end)
[docs]class JSResources(BaseResources):
''' The Resources class encapsulates information relating to loading or embedding Bokeh Javascript.
mode (str) : How should Bokeh JS be included in output
See below for descriptions of available modes
version (str, optional) : what version of Bokeh JS to load
Only valid with the ``'cdn'`` mode
root_dir (str, optional) : root directory for loading Bokeh JS assets
Only valid with ``'relative'`` and ``'relative-dev'`` modes
minified (bool, optional) : whether JavaScript should be minified or not (default: True)
root_url (str, optional) : URL and port of Bokeh Server to load resources from (default: None)
If ``None``, absoute URLs based on the default server configuration will
be generated.
``root_url`` can also be the empty string, in which case relative URLs,
e.g., "static/css/bokeh.min.js", are generated.
Only valid with ``'server'`` and ``'server-dev'`` modes
The following **mode** values are available for configuring a Resource object:
* ``'inline'`` configure to provide entire Bokeh JS and CSS inline
* ``'cdn'`` configure to load Bokeh JS and CSS from ``https://cdn.bokeh.org``
* ``'server'`` configure to load from a Bokeh Server
* ``'server-dev'`` same as ``server`` but supports non-minified assets
* ``'relative'`` configure to load relative to the given directory
* ``'relative-dev'`` same as ``relative`` but supports non-minified assets
* ``'absolute'`` configure to load from the installed Bokeh library static directory
* ``'absolute-dev'`` same as ``absolute`` but supports non-minified assets
Once configured, a Resource object exposes the following public attributes:
css_raw : any raw CSS that needs to be places inside ``<style>`` tags
css_files : URLs of any CSS files that need to be loaded by ``<link>`` tags
messages : any informational messages concerning this configuration
These attributes are often useful as template parameters when embedding
Bokeh plots.
def _autoload_path(self, elementid):
return self.root_url + "bokeh/autoload.js/%s" % elementid
def js_files(self):
files, _ = self._resolve('js')
external_resources = self._collect_external_resources('__javascript__')
return files
def js_raw(self):
_, raw = self._resolve('js')
if self.log_level is not None:
raw.append('Bokeh.set_log_level("%s");' % self.log_level)
return raw
def render_js(self):
return JS_RESOURCES.render(js_raw=self.js_raw, js_files=self.js_files)
[docs]class CSSResources(BaseResources):
''' The CSSResources class encapsulates information relating to loading or embedding Bokeh client-side CSS.
mode (str) : how should Bokeh CSS be included in output
See below for descriptions of available modes
version (str, optional) : what version of Bokeh CSS to load
Only valid with the ``'cdn'`` mode
root_dir (str, optional) : root directory for loading BokehJS resources
Only valid with ``'relative'`` and ``'relative-dev'`` modes
minified (bool, optional) : whether CSS should be minified or not (default: True)
root_url (str, optional) : URL and port of Bokeh Server to load resources from
Only valid with ``'server'`` and ``'server-dev'`` modes
The following **mode** values are available for configuring a Resource object:
* ``'inline'`` configure to provide entire BokehJS code and CSS inline
* ``'cdn'`` configure to load Bokeh CSS from ``https://cdn.bokeh.org``
* ``'server'`` configure to load from a Bokeh Server
* ``'server-dev'`` same as ``server`` but supports non-minified CSS
* ``'relative'`` configure to load relative to the given directory
* ``'relative-dev'`` same as ``relative`` but supports non-minified CSS
* ``'absolute'`` configure to load from the installed Bokeh library static directory
* ``'absolute-dev'`` same as ``absolute`` but supports non-minified CSS
Once configured, a Resource object exposes the following public attributes:
css_raw : any raw CSS that needs to be places inside ``<style>`` tags
css_files : URLs of any CSS files that need to be loaded by ``<link>`` tags
messages : any informational messages concerning this configuration
These attributes are often useful as template parameters when embedding Bokeh plots.
def css_files(self):
files, _ = self._resolve('css')
external_resources = self._collect_external_resources("__css__")
return files
def css_raw(self):
_, raw = self._resolve('css')
return raw
def css_raw_str(self):
return [ json.dumps(css) for css in self.css_raw ]
def render_css(self):
return CSS_RESOURCES.render(css_raw=self.css_raw, css_files=self.css_files)
[docs]class Resources(JSResources, CSSResources):
''' The Resources class encapsulates information relating to loading or
embedding Bokeh Javascript and CSS.
mode (str) : how should Bokeh JS and CSS be included in output
See below for descriptions of available modes
version (str, optional) : what version of Bokeh JS and CSS to load
Only valid with the ``'cdn'`` mode
root_dir (str, optional) : root directory for loading Bokeh JS and CSS assets
Only valid with ``'relative'`` and ``'relative-dev'`` modes
minified (bool, optional) : whether JavaScript and CSS should be minified or not (default: True)
root_url (str, optional) : URL and port of Bokeh Server to load resources from
Only valid with ``'server'`` and ``'server-dev'`` modes
The following **mode** values are available for configuring a Resource object:
* ``'inline'`` configure to provide entire Bokeh JS and CSS inline
* ``'cdn'`` configure to load Bokeh JS and CSS from ``https://cdn.bokeh.org``
* ``'server'`` configure to load from a Bokeh Server
* ``'server-dev'`` same as ``server`` but supports non-minified assets
* ``'relative'`` configure to load relative to the given directory
* ``'relative-dev'`` same as ``relative`` but supports non-minified assets
* ``'absolute'`` configure to load from the installed Bokeh library static directory
* ``'absolute-dev'`` same as ``absolute`` but supports non-minified assets
Once configured, a Resource object exposes the following public attributes:
js_raw : any raw JS that needs to be placed inside ``<script>`` tags
css_raw : any raw CSS that needs to be places inside ``<style>`` tags
js_files : URLs of any JS files that need to be loaded by ``<script>`` tags
css_files : URLs of any CSS files that need to be loaded by ``<link>`` tags
messages : any informational messages concerning this configuration
These attributes are often useful as template parameters when embedding
Bokeh plots.
def render(self):
return "%s\n%s" % (self.render_css(), self.render_js())
CDN = Resources(mode="cdn")
INLINE = Resources(mode="inline")