Source code for bokeh.models.map_plots

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2019, Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.
# All rights reserved.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
''' Models for displaying maps in Bokeh plots.


# Boilerplate
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Standard library imports

# External imports

# Bokeh imports
from ..core.enums import MapType
from ..core.has_props import abstract
from import Bool, Enum, Float, Instance, Int, JSON, Override, String
from ..core.validation import error, warning
from ..core.validation.warnings import MISSING_RENDERERS
from ..model import Model
from ..models.ranges import Range1d
from .plots import Plot

# Globals and constants

__all__ = (

# General API

[docs]@abstract class MapOptions(Model): ''' Abstract base class for map options' models. ''' lat = Float(help=""" The latitude where the map should be centered. """) lng = Float(help=""" The longitude where the map should be centered. """) zoom = Int(12, help=""" The initial zoom level to use when displaying the map. """)
[docs]@abstract class MapPlot(Plot): ''' Abstract base class for map plot models. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kw): from ..models.ranges import Range1d for r in ('x_range', 'y_range'): if r in kw and not isinstance(kw.get(r), Range1d): raise ValueError('Invalid value for %r, MapPlot ranges may only be Range1d, not data ranges' % r) super(MapPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kw) @error(INCOMPATIBLE_MAP_RANGE_TYPE) def _check_incompatible_map_range_type(self): from ..models.ranges import Range1d if self.x_range is not None and not isinstance(self.x_range, Range1d): return "%s.x_range" % str(self) if self.y_range is not None and not isinstance(self.y_range, Range1d): return "%s.y_range" % str(self)
[docs]class GMapOptions(MapOptions): ''' Options for ``GMapPlot`` objects. ''' map_type = Enum(MapType, default="roadmap", help=""" The `map type`_ to use for the ``GMapPlot``. .. _map type: """) scale_control = Bool(default=False, help=""" Whether the Google map should display its distance scale control. """) styles = JSON(help=""" A JSON array of `map styles`_ to use for the ``GMapPlot``. Many example styles can `be found here`_. .. _map styles: .. _be found here: """) tilt = Int(default=45, help=""" `Tilt`_ angle of the map. The only allowed values are 0 and 45. Only has an effect on 'satellite' and 'hybrid' map types. A value of 0 causes the map to always use a 0 degree overhead view. A value of 45 causes the tilt angle to switch to 45 imagery if available. .. _Tilt: """)
[docs]class GMapPlot(MapPlot): ''' A Bokeh Plot with a `Google Map`_ displayed underneath. Data placed on this plot should be specified in decimal lat/lon coordinates e.g. ``(37.123, -122.404)``. It will be automatically converted into the web mercator projection to display properly over google maps tiles. Note that Google Maps exert explicit control over aspect ratios at all times, which imposes some limitations on ``GMapPlot``: * Only ``Range1d`` ranges are supported. Attempting to use other range types will result in an error. * Usage of ``BoxZoomTool`` is incompatible with ``GMapPlot``. Adding a ``BoxZoomTool`` will have no effect. .. _Google Map: ''' # TODO (bev) map plot might not have these @error(REQUIRED_RANGE) def _check_required_range(self): pass @warning(MISSING_RENDERERS) def _check_missing_renderers(self): pass @error(MISSING_GOOGLE_API_KEY) def _check_missing_google_api_key(self): if self.api_key is None: return str(self) map_options = Instance(GMapOptions, help=""" Options for displaying the plot. """) border_fill_color = Override(default="#ffffff") api_key = String(help=""" Google Maps API requires an API key. See for more information on how to obtain your own. """) x_range = Override(default=lambda: Range1d()) y_range = Override(default=lambda: Range1d())
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dev API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------