Source code for bokeh.plotting.gmap

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2020, Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.
# All rights reserved.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.

# Boilerplate
import logging # isort:skip
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Bokeh imports
from ..core.enums import HorizontalLocation, VerticalLocation
from import Auto, Either, Enum, Instance, Int, Seq, String
from ..models import (
from import Drag, Inspection, Scroll, Tap
from ..util.options import Options
from ._tools import process_active_tools, process_tools_arg
from .figure import Figure

# Globals and constants

DEFAULT_TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,reset,help"

__all__ = (

# General API

class GMap(GMapPlot):
    ''' A subclass of :class:`~bokeh.models.plots.Plot` that simplifies plot
    creation with default axes, grids, tools, etc.

        google_api_key (str):
            Google requires an API key be supplied for maps to function. See:


        map_options: (GMapOptions)
            Configuration specific to a Google Map

    In addition to all the Bokeh model property attributes documented below,
    the ``Figure`` initializer also accepts the following options, which can
    help simplify configuration:

    .. bokeh-options:: GMapFigureOptions
        :module: bokeh.plotting.figure


    __subtype__ = "GMap"
    __view_model__ = "GMapPlot"

    def __init__(self, **kw):

        if 'plot_width' in kw and 'width' in kw:
            raise ValueError("Figure called with both 'plot_width' and 'width' supplied, supply only one")
        if 'plot_height' in kw and 'height' in kw:
            raise ValueError("Figure called with both 'plot_height' and 'height' supplied, supply only one")
        if 'height' in kw:
            kw['plot_height'] = kw.pop('height')
        if 'width' in kw:
            kw['plot_width'] = kw.pop('width')

        opts = GMapFigureOptions(kw)

        title = kw.get("title", None)
        if isinstance(title, str):
            kw['title'] = Title(text=title)

        super().__init__(x_range=Range1d(), y_range=Range1d(), **kw)

        xf = MercatorTickFormatter(dimension="lon")
        xt = MercatorTicker(dimension="lon")
        self.add_layout(LinearAxis(formatter=xf, ticker=xt), 'below')

        yf = MercatorTickFormatter(dimension="lat")
        yt = MercatorTicker(dimension="lat")
        self.add_layout(LinearAxis(formatter=yf, ticker=yt), 'left')

        tool_objs, tool_map = process_tools_arg(self,
        process_active_tools(self.toolbar, tool_map, opts.active_drag, opts.active_inspect, opts.active_scroll, opts.active_tap)

    annular_wedge = Figure.annular_wedge

    annulus = Figure.annulus

    arc = Figure.arc

    asterisk = Figure.asterisk

    bezier = Figure.bezier

    circle =

    circle_cross = Figure.circle_cross

    circle_x = Figure.circle_x

    cross = Figure.cross

    dash = Figure.dash

    diamond = Figure.diamond

    diamond_cross = Figure.diamond_cross

    graph = Figure.graph

    harea = Figure.harea

    harea_stack = Figure.harea_stack

    hbar = Figure.hbar

    hbar_stack = Figure.hbar_stack

    hline_stack = Figure.hline_stack

    ellipse = Figure.ellipse

    hex = Figure.hex

    hexbin = Figure.hexbin

    hex_tile = Figure.hex_tile

    image = Figure.image

    image_rgba = Figure.image_rgba

    image_url = Figure.image_url

    inverted_triangle = Figure.inverted_triangle

    line = Figure.line

    multi_line = Figure.multi_line

    multi_polygons = Figure.multi_polygons

    oval = Figure.oval

    patch = Figure.patch

    patches = Figure.patches

    quad = Figure.quad

    quadratic = Figure.quadratic

    ray = Figure.ray

    rect = Figure.rect

    step = Figure.step

    scatter = Figure.scatter

    segment = Figure.segment

    square = Figure.square

    square_cross = Figure.square_cross

    square_x = Figure.square_x

    text = Figure.text

    triangle = Figure.triangle

    varea = Figure.varea

    varea_stack = Figure.varea_stack

    vbar = Figure.vbar

    vbar_stack = Figure.vbar_stack

    vline_stack = Figure.vline_stack

    wedge = Figure.wedge

    x = Figure.x

[docs]def gmap(google_api_key, map_options, **kwargs): ''' Create a new :class:`~bokeh.plotting.gmap.GMap` for plotting. Args: google_api_key (str): Google requires an API key be supplied for maps to function. See: The Google API key will be stored in the Bokeh Document JSON. map_options: (GMapOptions) Configuration specific to a Google Map In addition to the standard :class:`~bokeh.plotting.gmap.GMap` keyword arguments (e.g. ``plot_width`` or ``sizing_mode``), the following additional options can be passed as well: .. bokeh-options:: GMapFigureOptions :module: bokeh.plotting.gmap Returns: GMap ''' return GMap(api_key=google_api_key, map_options=map_options, **kwargs)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dev API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GMapFigureOptions(Options): tools = Either(String, Seq(Either(String, Instance(Tool))), default=DEFAULT_TOOLS, help=""" Tools the plot should start with. """) x_minor_ticks = Either(Auto, Int, default="auto", help=""" Number of minor ticks between adjacent x-axis major ticks. """) y_minor_ticks = Either(Auto, Int, default="auto", help=""" Number of minor ticks between adjacent y-axis major ticks. """) x_axis_location = Enum(VerticalLocation, default="below", help=""" Where the x-axis should be located. """) y_axis_location = Enum(HorizontalLocation, default="left", help=""" Where the y-axis should be located. """) x_axis_label = String(default="", help=""" A label for the x-axis. """) y_axis_label = String(default="", help=""" A label for the y-axis. """) active_drag = Either(Auto, String, Instance(Drag), default="auto", help=""" Which drag tool should initially be active. """) active_inspect = Either(Auto, String, Instance(Inspection), Seq(Instance(Inspection)), default="auto", help=""" Which drag tool should initially be active. """) active_scroll = Either(Auto, String, Instance(Scroll), default="auto", help=""" Which scroll tool should initially be active. """) active_tap = Either(Auto, String, Instance(Tap), default="auto", help=""" Which tap tool should initially be active. """) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------