import numpy as np import pandas as pd from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show # generate some synthetic time series for six different categories cats = list("abcdef") yy = np.random.randn(2000) g = np.random.choice(cats, 2000) for i, l in enumerate(cats): yy[g == l] += i // 2 df = pd.DataFrame(dict(score=yy, group=g)) # find the quartiles and IQR for each category groups = df.groupby('group') q1 = groups.quantile(q=0.25) q2 = groups.quantile(q=0.5) q3 = groups.quantile(q=0.75) iqr = q3 - q1 upper = q3 + 1.5*iqr lower = q1 - 1.5*iqr # find the outliers for each category def outliers(group): cat = return group[(group.score > upper.loc[cat]['score']) | (group.score < lower.loc[cat]['score'])]['score'] out = groups.apply(outliers).dropna() # prepare outlier data for plotting, we need coordinates for every outlier. if not out.empty: outx = list(out.index.get_level_values(0)) outy = list(out.values) p = figure(tools="", background_fill_color="#efefef", x_range=cats, toolbar_location=None) # if no outliers, shrink lengths of stems to be no longer than the minimums or maximums qmin = groups.quantile(q=0.00) qmax = groups.quantile(q=1.00) upper.score = [min([x,y]) for (x,y) in zip(list(qmax.loc[:,'score']),upper.score)] lower.score = [max([x,y]) for (x,y) in zip(list(qmin.loc[:,'score']),lower.score)] # stems p.segment(cats, upper.score, cats, q3.score, line_color="black") p.segment(cats, lower.score, cats, q1.score, line_color="black") # boxes p.vbar(cats, 0.7, q2.score, q3.score, fill_color="#E08E79", line_color="black") p.vbar(cats, 0.7, q1.score, q2.score, fill_color="#3B8686", line_color="black") # whiskers (almost-0 height rects simpler than segments) p.rect(cats, lower.score, 0.2, 0.01, line_color="black") p.rect(cats, upper.score, 0.2, 0.01, line_color="black") # outliers if not out.empty:, outy, size=6, color="#F38630", fill_alpha=0.6) p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None p.ygrid.grid_line_color = "white" p.grid.grid_line_width = 2 p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size="16px" output_file("boxplot.html", title=" example") show(p)