
Provide a set of objects to represent different stages of a connection to a Bokeh server.


The ClientConnection connected to a Bokeh server, and has received an ACK from it.


The ClientConnection connected to a Bokeh server, but has not yet received an ACK from it.

class DISCONNECTED(reason=<ErrorReason.NO_ERROR: 1>, error_code=None, error_detail='')[source]

The ClientConnection was connected to a Bokeh server, but is now disconnected.

__init__(reason=<ErrorReason.NO_ERROR: 1>, error_code=None, error_detail='')[source]

Constructs a DISCONNECT-State with given reason (ErrorReason enum), error id and additional information provided as string.

property error_code

Holds the error code, if any. None otherwise.

property error_detail

Holds the error message, if any. Empty string otherwise.

property error_reason

The reason for the error encoded as an enumeration value.

class ErrorReason(value)[source]

An enumeration.

class NOT_YET_CONNECTED[source]

The ClientConnection is not yet connected.

class WAITING_FOR_REPLY(reqid)[source]

The ClientConnection has sent a message to the Bokeh Server which should generate a paired reply, and is waiting for the reply.

property reply

The reply from the server. (None until the reply arrives)

property reqid

The request ID of the originating message.