
Define standard endpoints and their associated views for a Bokeh Server application.

These will be added by the BokehTornado application. The Bokeh Tornado application can then be served using Tornado’s built-in HTTPServer.


Top-level routes, independent of any applications. They will be prefixed with any configured prefix.

    ( r'/?',           RootHandler   ), # <prefix>/
    ( r'/static/(.*)', StaticHandler ), # <prefix>/static/

Per-application routes. These be prefixed with the application path, as well as with any configured prefix.

    ( r'/?',           DocHandler        ), # <prefix>/<app>/
    ( r'/ws',          WSHandler         ), # <prefix>/<app>/ws
    ( r'/metadata',    MetadataHandler   ), # <prefix>/<app>/metadata
    ( r'/autoload.js', AutoloadJsHandler ), # <prefix>/<app>/autoload.js