Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2022, Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.
# All rights reserved.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
""" Provide the Instance property.

The Instance property is used to construct object graphs of Bokeh models,
where one Bokeh model refers to another.


# Boilerplate
from __future__ import annotations

import logging # isort:skip
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Standard library imports
from importlib import import_module
from typing import (

# Bokeh imports
from ._sphinx import model_link, property_link, register_type_link
from .bases import DeserializationError, Init, Property
from .singletons import Undefined

    from ..has_props import HasProps
    from ..types import JSON

# Globals and constants

__all__ = (

T = TypeVar("T", bound="HasProps")

# General API

[docs]class Instance(Property[T]): """ Accept values that are instances of |HasProps|. Args: readonly (bool, optional) : Whether attributes created from this property are read-only. (default: False) """ _instance_type: Type[T] | str def __init__(self, instance_type: Type[T] | str, default: Init[T] = Undefined, help: str | None = None, readonly: bool = False, serialized: bool | None = None): if not isinstance(instance_type, (type, str)): raise ValueError(f"expected a type or string, got {instance_type}") from ..has_props import HasProps if isinstance(instance_type, type) and not issubclass(instance_type, HasProps): raise ValueError(f"expected a subclass of HasProps, got {instance_type}") self._instance_type = instance_type super().__init__(default=default, help=help, readonly=readonly, serialized=serialized) def __str__(self) -> str: class_name = self.__class__.__name__ instance_type = self.instance_type.__name__ return f"{class_name}({instance_type})" @property def has_ref(self) -> bool: return True @property def instance_type(self) -> Type[HasProps]: if isinstance(self._instance_type, str): module, name = self._instance_type.rsplit(".", 1) self._instance_type = getattr(import_module(module, "bokeh"), name) return self._instance_type def from_json(self, json: JSON, *, models: Dict[str, HasProps] | None = None) -> T: if isinstance(json, dict): from ...model import Model if issubclass(self.instance_type, Model): if models is None: raise DeserializationError(f"{self} can't deserialize without models") else: model = models.get(json["id"]) if model is not None: return model else: raise DeserializationError(f"{self} failed to deserialize reference to {json}") else: attrs = {} for name, value in json.items(): prop_descriptor = self.instance_type.lookup(name).property attrs[name] = prop_descriptor.from_json(value, models=models) # XXX: this doesn't work when Instance(Superclass) := Subclass() # Serialization dict must carry type information to resolve this. return self.instance_type(**attrs) else: raise DeserializationError(f"{self} expected a dict, got {json}") def validate(self, value: Any, detail: bool = True) -> None: super().validate(value, detail) if isinstance(value, self.instance_type): return instance_type = self.instance_type.__name__ value_type = type(value).__name__ msg = "" if not detail else f"expected an instance of type {instance_type}, got {value} of type {value_type}" raise ValueError(msg) def _may_have_unstable_default(self): # because the instance value is mutable return True
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dev API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @register_type_link(Instance) def _sphinx_type_link(obj): fullname = f"{obj.instance_type.__module__}.{obj.instance_type.__name__}" return f"{property_link(obj)}({model_link(fullname)})"