# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2023, Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.
# All rights reserved.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
# Boilerplate
from __future__ import annotations
import logging # isort:skip
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Imports
# Standard library imports
from typing import (
# Bokeh imports
from .. import __version__
from ..core.templates import (
from ..document.document import DEFAULT_TITLE, Document
from ..model import Model
from ..resources import CSSResources, JSResources, Resources
from ..themes import Theme
from .bundle import Script, bundle_for_objs_and_resources
from .elements import html_page_for_render_items, script_for_render_items
from .util import (
from .wrappers import wrap_in_onload
from jinja2 import Template
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
from ..core.types import ID
from ..document.document import DocJson
# Globals and constants
__all__ = (
ModelLike: TypeAlias = Union[Model, Document]
ModelLikeCollection: TypeAlias = Union[Sequence[ModelLike], Dict[str, ModelLike]]
# General API
ThemeLike: TypeAlias = Union[None, Theme, Type[FromCurdoc]]
[docs]def autoload_static(model: Model | Document, resources: Resources, script_path: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
''' Return JavaScript code and a script tag that can be used to embed
Bokeh Plots.
The data for the plot is stored directly in the returned JavaScript code.
model (Model or Document) :
resources (Resources) :
script_path (str) :
(js, tag) :
JavaScript code to be saved at ``script_path`` and a ``<script>``
tag to load it
# TODO: maybe warn that it's not exactly useful, but technically possible
# if resources.mode == 'inline':
# raise ValueError("autoload_static() requires non-inline resources")
if isinstance(model, Model):
models = [model]
elif isinstance (model, Document):
models = model.roots
raise ValueError("autoload_static expects a single Model or Document")
with OutputDocumentFor(models):
(docs_json, [render_item]) = standalone_docs_json_and_render_items([model])
bundle = bundle_for_objs_and_resources(None, resources)
bundle.add(Script(script_for_render_items(docs_json, [render_item])))
(_, elementid) = list(render_item.roots.to_json().items())[0]
js = wrap_in_onload(AUTOLOAD_JS.render(bundle=bundle, elementid=elementid))
tag = AUTOLOAD_TAG.render(
src_path = script_path,
elementid = elementid,
return js, tag
def components(models: Model, wrap_script: bool = ..., # type: ignore[misc] # XXX: mypy bug
wrap_plot_info: Literal[True] = ..., theme: ThemeLike = ...) -> tuple[str, str]: ...
def components(models: Model, wrap_script: bool = ..., wrap_plot_info: Literal[False] = ...,
theme: ThemeLike = ...) -> tuple[str, RenderRoot]: ...
def components(models: Sequence[Model], wrap_script: bool = ..., # type: ignore[misc] # XXX: mypy bug
wrap_plot_info: Literal[True] = ..., theme: ThemeLike = ...) -> tuple[str, Sequence[str]]: ...
def components(models: Sequence[Model], wrap_script: bool = ..., wrap_plot_info: Literal[False] = ...,
theme: ThemeLike = ...) -> tuple[str, Sequence[RenderRoot]]: ...
def components(models: dict[str, Model], wrap_script: bool = ..., # type: ignore[misc] # XXX: mypy bug
wrap_plot_info: Literal[True] = ..., theme: ThemeLike = ...) -> tuple[str, dict[str, str]]: ...
def components(models: dict[str, Model], wrap_script: bool = ..., wrap_plot_info: Literal[False] = ...,
theme: ThemeLike = ...) -> tuple[str, dict[str, RenderRoot]]: ...
[docs]def components(models: Model | Sequence[Model] | dict[str, Model], wrap_script: bool = True,
wrap_plot_info: bool = True, theme: ThemeLike = None) -> tuple[str, Any]:
''' Return HTML components to embed a Bokeh plot. The data for the plot is
stored directly in the returned HTML.
An example can be found in examples/embed/embed_multiple.py
The returned components assume that BokehJS resources are **already loaded**.
The HTML document or template in which they will be embedded needs to
include scripts tags, either from a local URL or Bokeh's CDN (replacing
``x.y.z`` with the version of Bokeh you are using):
.. code-block:: html
<script src="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-x.y.z.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-widgets-x.y.z.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-tables-x.y.z.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-gl-x.y.z.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-mathjax-x.y.z.min.js"></script>
Only the Bokeh core library ``bokeh-x.y.z.min.js`` is always required. The
other scripts are optional and only need to be included if you want to use
corresponding features:
* The ``"bokeh-widgets"`` files are only necessary if you are using any of the
:ref:`Bokeh widgets <ug_interaction_widgets>`.
* The ``"bokeh-tables"`` files are only necessary if you are using Bokeh's
:ref:`data tables <ug_interaction_widgets_examples_datatable>`.
* The ``"bokeh-api"`` files are required to use the
:ref:`BokehJS API <ug_advanced_bokehjs>` and must be loaded *after* the
core BokehJS library.
* The ``"bokeh-gl"`` files are required to enable
:ref:`WebGL support <ug_output_webgl>`.
* the ``"bokeh-mathjax"`` files are required to enable
:ref:`MathJax support <ug_styling_mathtext>`.
models (Model|list|dict|tuple) :
A single Model, a list/tuple of Models, or a dictionary of keys
and Models.
wrap_script (boolean, optional) :
If True, the returned javascript is wrapped in a script tag.
(default: True)
wrap_plot_info (boolean, optional) :
If True, returns ``<div>`` strings. Otherwise, return
:class:`~bokeh.embed.RenderRoot` objects that can be used to build
your own divs. (default: True)
theme (Theme, optional) :
Applies the specified theme when creating the components. If None,
or not specified, and the supplied models constitute the full set
of roots of a document, applies the theme of that document to the
components. Otherwise applies the default theme.
UTF-8 encoded *(script, div[s])* or *(raw_script, plot_info[s])*
With default wrapping parameter values:
.. code-block:: python
# => (script, plot_div)
components((plot1, plot2))
# => (script, (plot1_div, plot2_div))
components({"Plot 1": plot1, "Plot 2": plot2})
# => (script, {"Plot 1": plot1_div, "Plot 2": plot2_div})
With wrapping parameters set to ``False``:
.. code-block:: python
components(plot, wrap_script=False, wrap_plot_info=False)
# => (javascript, plot_root)
components((plot1, plot2), wrap_script=False, wrap_plot_info=False)
# => (javascript, (plot1_root, plot2_root))
components({"Plot 1": plot1, "Plot 2": plot2}, wrap_script=False, wrap_plot_info=False)
# => (javascript, {"Plot 1": plot1_root, "Plot 2": plot2_root})
# 1) Convert single items and dicts into list
# XXX: was_single_object = isinstance(models, Model) #or isinstance(models, Document)
was_single_object = False
if isinstance(models, Model):
was_single_object = True
models = [models]
models = _check_models_or_docs(models) # type: ignore # XXX: this API needs to be refined
# now convert dict to list, saving keys in the same order
model_keys = None
dict_type: type[dict[Any, Any]] = dict
if isinstance(models, dict):
dict_type = models.__class__
model_keys = models.keys()
models = list(models.values())
# 2) Append models to one document. Either pre-existing or new and render
with OutputDocumentFor(models, apply_theme=theme):
(docs_json, [render_item]) = standalone_docs_json_and_render_items(models)
bundle = bundle_for_objs_and_resources(None, None)
bundle.add(Script(script_for_render_items(docs_json, [render_item])))
script = bundle.scripts(tag=wrap_script)
def div_for_root(root: RenderRoot) -> str:
return ROOT_DIV.render(root=root, macros=MACROS)
results: list[str] | list[RenderRoot]
if wrap_plot_info:
results = [div_for_root(root) for root in render_item.roots]
results = list(render_item.roots)
# 3) convert back to the input shape
result: Any
if was_single_object:
result = results[0]
elif model_keys is not None:
result = dict_type(zip(model_keys, results))
result = tuple(results)
return script, result
[docs]def file_html(models: Model | Document | Sequence[Model],
resources: Resources | tuple[JSResources | None, CSSResources | None] | None,
title: str | None = None,
template: Template | str = FILE,
template_variables: dict[str, Any] = {},
theme: ThemeLike = None,
suppress_callback_warning: bool = False,
_always_new: bool = False) -> str:
''' Return an HTML document that embeds Bokeh Model or Document objects.
The data for the plot is stored directly in the returned HTML, with
support for customizing the JS/CSS resources independently and
customizing the jinja2 template.
models (Model or Document or seq[Model]) : Bokeh object or objects to render
typically a Model or Document
resources (Resources or tuple(JSResources or None, CSSResources or None)) :
A resource configuration for Bokeh JS & CSS assets.
title (str, optional) :
A title for the HTML document ``<title>`` tags or None. (default: None)
If None, attempt to automatically find the Document title from the given
plot objects.
template (Template, optional) : HTML document template (default: FILE)
A Jinja2 Template, see bokeh.core.templates.FILE for the required
template parameters
template_variables (dict, optional) : variables to be used in the Jinja2
template. If used, the following variable names will be overwritten:
title, bokeh_js, bokeh_css, plot_script, plot_div
theme (Theme, optional) :
Applies the specified theme to the created html. If ``None``, or
not specified, and the function is passed a document or the full set
of roots of a document, applies the theme of that document. Otherwise
applies the default theme.
suppress_callback_warning (bool, optional) :
Normally generating standalone HTML from a Bokeh Document that has
Python callbacks will result in a warning stating that the callbacks
cannot function. However, this warning can be suppressed by setting
this value to True (default: False)
UTF-8 encoded HTML
models_seq: Sequence[Model] = []
if isinstance(models, Model):
models_seq = [models]
elif isinstance(models, Document):
models_seq = models.roots
models_seq = models
with OutputDocumentFor(models_seq, apply_theme=theme, always_new=_always_new) as doc:
(docs_json, render_items) = standalone_docs_json_and_render_items(models_seq, suppress_callback_warning=suppress_callback_warning)
title = _title_from_models(models_seq, title)
bundle = bundle_for_objs_and_resources([doc], resources)
return html_page_for_render_items(bundle, docs_json, render_items, title=title,
template=template, template_variables=template_variables)
class StandaloneEmbedJson(TypedDict):
target_id: ID | None
root_id: ID
doc: DocJson
version: str
[docs]def json_item(model: Model, target: ID | None = None, theme: ThemeLike = None) -> StandaloneEmbedJson:
''' Return a JSON block that can be used to embed standalone Bokeh content.
model (Model) :
The Bokeh object to embed
target (string, optional)
A div id to embed the model into. If None, the target id must
be supplied in the JavaScript call.
theme (Theme, optional) :
Applies the specified theme to the created html. If ``None``, or
not specified, and the function is passed a document or the full set
of roots of a document, applies the theme of that document. Otherwise
applies the default theme.
This function returns a JSON block that can be consumed by the BokehJS
function ``Bokeh.embed.embed_item``. As an example, a Flask endpoint for
``/plot`` might return the following content to embed a Bokeh plot into
a div with id *"myplot"*:
.. code-block:: python
def plot():
p = make_plot('petal_width', 'petal_length')
return json.dumps(json_item(p, "myplot"))
Then a web page can retrieve this JSON and embed the plot by calling
.. code-block:: html
.then(function(response) { return response.json(); })
.then(function(item) { Bokeh.embed.embed_item(item); })
Alternatively, if is more convenient to supply the target div id directly
in the page source, that is also possible. If `target_id` is omitted in the
call to this function:
.. code-block:: python
return json.dumps(json_item(p))
Then the value passed to ``embed_item`` is used:
.. code-block:: javascript
Bokeh.embed.embed_item(item, "myplot");
with OutputDocumentFor([model], apply_theme=theme) as doc:
doc.title = ""
[doc_json] = standalone_docs_json([model]).values()
root_id = doc_json["roots"][0]["id"]
return StandaloneEmbedJson(
target_id = target,
root_id = root_id,
doc = doc_json,
version = __version__,
# Dev API
# Private API
def _check_models_or_docs(models: ModelLike | ModelLikeCollection) -> ModelLikeCollection:
input_type_valid = False
# Check for single item
if isinstance(models, (Model, Document)):
models = [models]
# Check for sequence
if isinstance(models, Sequence) and all(isinstance(x, (Model, Document)) for x in models):
input_type_valid = True
if isinstance(models, dict) and \
all(isinstance(x, str) for x in models.keys()) and \
all(isinstance(x, (Model, Document)) for x in models.values()):
input_type_valid = True
if not input_type_valid:
raise ValueError(
'Input must be a Model, a Document, a Sequence of Models and Document, or a dictionary from string to Model and Document'
return models
def _title_from_models(models: Sequence[Model | Document], title: str | None) -> str:
# use override title
if title is not None:
return title
# use title from any listed document
for p in models:
if isinstance(p, Document):
return p.title
# use title from any model's document
for p in cast(Sequence[Model], models):
if p.document is not None:
return p.document.title
# use default title
# Code