import numpy as np
from import value
from bokeh.document import Document
from bokeh.embed import file_html
from bokeh.models import (AnnularWedge, Annulus, Arc, Bezier, Circle, Column,
ColumnDataSource, Ellipse, Grid, HoverTool, ImageURL,
Line, LinearAxis, MultiLine, MultiPolygons, Paragraph,
Patch, Patches, Plot, Quad, Quadratic, Ray, Rect,
Scatter, Segment, TabPanel, Tabs, Text, Wedge)
from bokeh.resources import INLINE
from bokeh.util.browser import view
N = 9
x = np.linspace(-2, 2, N)
y = x**2
sizes = np.linspace(10, 20, N)
xpts = np.array([-.09, -.12, .0, .12, .09])
ypts = np.array([-.1, .02, .1, .02, -.1])
xs = [ xpts + xx for xx in x ]
ys = [ ypts + yy for yy in y ]
source = ColumnDataSource(dict(
x = x,
y = y,
sizes = sizes,
xs = xs,
ys = ys,
xsss = [[[x]] for x in xs],
ysss = [[[y]] for y in ys],
xp02 = x + 0.2,
xp01 = x + 0.1,
xm01 = x - 0.1,
yp01 = y + 0.1,
ym01 = y - 0.1,
def screen(val: float):
return value(val, units="screen")
glyphs = [
("annular_wedge", AnnularWedge(x="x", y="y", inner_radius=screen(10), outer_radius=screen(20), start_angle=0.6, end_angle=4.1, fill_color="#8888ee")),
("annulus", Annulus(x="x", y="y", inner_radius=screen(10), outer_radius=screen(20), fill_color="#7FC97F")),
("arc", Arc(x="x", y="y", radius=screen(20), start_angle=0.6, end_angle=4.1, line_color="#BEAED4", line_width=3)),
("bezier", Bezier(x0="x", y0="y", x1="xp02", y1="y", cx0="xp01", cy0="yp01", cx1="xm01", cy1="ym01", line_color="#D95F02", line_width=2)),
("ellipse", Ellipse(x="x", y="y", width=screen(15), height=screen(25), angle=-0.7, fill_color="#1D91C0")),
("image_url", ImageURL(x="x", y="y", w=0.4, h=0.4, url=value(""), anchor="center")),
("line", Line(x="x", y="y", line_color="#F46D43")),
("multi_line", MultiLine(xs="xs", ys="ys", line_color="#8073AC", line_width=2)),
("multi_polygons", MultiPolygons(xs="xsss", ys="ysss", line_color="#8073AC", fill_color="#FB9A99", line_width=2)),
("patch", Patch(x="x", y="y", fill_color="#A6CEE3")),
("patches", Patches(xs="xs", ys="ys", fill_color="#FB9A99")),
("quad", Quad(left="x", right="xp01", top="y", bottom="ym01", fill_color="#B3DE69")),
("quadratic", Quadratic(x0="x", y0="y", x1="xp02", y1="y", cx="xp01", cy="yp01", line_color="#4DAF4A", line_width=3)),
("ray", Ray(x="x", y="y", length=45, angle=-0.7, line_color="#FB8072", line_width=2)),
("rect", Rect(x="x", y="y", width=screen(10), height=screen(20), angle=-0.7, fill_color="#CAB2D6")),
("segment", Segment(x0="x", y0="y", x1="xm01", y1="ym01", line_color="#F4A582", line_width=3)),
("text", Text(x="x", y="y", text=value("hello"))),
("wedge", Wedge(x="x", y="y", radius=screen(15), start_angle=0.6, end_angle=4.1, fill_color="#B3DE69")),
markers = [
("circle", Circle(x="x", y="y", radius=0.1, fill_color="#3288BD")),
("circle_x", Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#DD1C77", fill_color=None, marker="circle_x")),
("circle_cross",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#FB8072", fill_color=None, line_width=2, marker="circle_x")),
("square",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", fill_color="#74ADD1", marker="square")),
("square_x",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#FDAE6B", fill_color=None, line_width=2, marker="square_x")),
("square_cross",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#7FC97F", fill_color=None, line_width=2, marker="square_cross")),
("diamond",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#1C9099", line_width=2, marker="diamond")),
("diamond_cross",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#386CB0", fill_color=None, line_width=2, marker="diamond_cross")),
("triangle",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#99D594", line_width=2, marker="triangle")),
("inverted_triangle",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#DE2D26", line_width=2, marker="inverted_triangle")),
("cross",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#E6550D", fill_color=None, line_width=2, marker="cross")),
("asterisk",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#F0027F", fill_color=None, line_width=2, marker="asterisk")),
("x",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="thistle", fill_color=None, line_width=2, marker="x")),
("hex",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#99D594", line_width=2, marker="hex")),
("dash",Scatter(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", angle=0.5, line_color="#386CB0", line_width=1, marker="dash")),
def make_tab(title, glyph):
plot = Plot()
plot.title.text = title
plot.add_glyph(source, glyph)
xaxis = LinearAxis()
plot.add_layout(xaxis, 'below')
yaxis = LinearAxis()
plot.add_layout(yaxis, 'left')
plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=0, ticker=xaxis.ticker))
plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=1, ticker=yaxis.ticker))
tab = TabPanel(child=plot, title=title, closable=True)
return tab
def make_tabs(objs):
return Tabs(tabs=[ make_tab(title, obj) for title, obj in objs ], width=600)
layout = Column(children=[Paragraph(text="Only Image and ImageRGBA glyphs are not demonstrated."), make_tabs(glyphs), make_tabs(markers)])
doc = Document()
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = "glyphs.html"
with open(filename, "w") as f:
f.write(file_html(doc, INLINE, "Glyphs"))
print(f"Wrote {filename}")