This example shows different ways to place legends on a graph using the different location values included in the enumeration LegendLocation
The legend can be defined in terms of title, shape and orientation. This graph shows sin and cos plots.
- Bokeh APIs:
- More info:
- Keywords:
sin, cos, pi, linspace, LegendLocation
from numpy import cos, linspace, pi, sin
from bokeh.core.enums import LegendLocation
from bokeh.io import show
from bokeh.models import (Circle, ColumnDataSource, DataRange1d, Legend, Line,
LinearAxis, PanTool, Plot, SaveTool, WheelZoomTool)
x = linspace(-2*pi, 2*pi, 400)
y = sin(x)
y2 = cos(x)
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y, y2=y2))
xdr = DataRange1d()
ydr = DataRange1d()
plot = Plot(
x_range=xdr, y_range=ydr,
width=1000, height=600,
line_glyph = Line(x="x", y="y", line_color="navy", line_width=2, line_dash="dashed")
line = plot.add_glyph(source, line_glyph)
circle = Circle(x="x", y="y2", size=6, line_color="red", fill_color="orange", fill_alpha=0.6)
circle = plot.add_glyph(source, circle)
pan = PanTool()
wheel_zoom = WheelZoomTool()
preview_save = SaveTool()
plot.add_tools(pan, wheel_zoom, preview_save)
# Add axes (Note it's important to add these before adding legends in side panels)
plot.add_layout(LinearAxis(), 'below')
plot.add_layout(LinearAxis(), 'left')
plot.add_layout(LinearAxis(), 'right')
def add_legend(location, orientation, side):
legend = Legend(
# TODO: title
items=[("line", [line]), ("circle", [circle])],
location=location, orientation=orientation,
title='Example Title',
plot.add_layout(legend, side)
# Add legends in names positions e.g. 'top_right', 'top_left' (see plot for all)
for location in LegendLocation:
add_legend(location, "vertical", "center")
# Add legend at fixed positions
add_legend((150, 50), "horizontal", "center")
# Add legend in side panels
add_legend("center_left", "horizontal", "above")
add_legend("center", "horizontal", "below")
add_legend("center", "vertical", "left")
add_legend("bottom_center", "vertical", "right")