Source code for bokeh.core.serialization

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2023, Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.
# All rights reserved.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
""" Serialization and deserialization utilities. """

# Boilerplate
from __future__ import annotations

import logging # isort:skip
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Standard library imports
import base64
import datetime as dt
import sys
from array import array as TypedArray
from math import isinf, isnan
from typing import (

# External imports
import numpy as np

# Bokeh imports
from ..util.dataclasses import (
from ..util.dependencies import uses_pandas
from ..util.serialization import (
from ..util.warnings import BokehUserWarning, warn
from .types import ID

    import numpy.typing as npt
    from typing_extensions import NotRequired, TypeAlias

    from ..core.has_props import Setter
    from ..model import Model

# Globals and constants

__all__ = (

_MAX_SAFE_INT = 2**53 - 1

# General API

AnyRep: TypeAlias = Any

class Ref(TypedDict):
    id: ID

class RefRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["ref"]
    id: ID

class SymbolRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["symbol"]
    name: str

class NumberRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["number"]
    value: Literal["nan", "-inf", "+inf"] | float

class ArrayRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["array"]
    entries: NotRequired[list[AnyRep]]

ArrayRepLike: TypeAlias = Union[ArrayRep, list[AnyRep]]

class SetRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["set"]
    entries: NotRequired[list[AnyRep]]

class MapRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["map"]
    entries: NotRequired[list[tuple[AnyRep, AnyRep]]]

class BytesRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["bytes"]
    data: Buffer | Ref | str

class SliceRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["slice"]
    start: int | None
    stop: int | None
    step: int | None

class ObjectRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["object"]
    name: str
    attributes: NotRequired[dict[str, AnyRep]]

class ObjectRefRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["object"]
    name: str
    id: ID
    attributes: NotRequired[dict[str, AnyRep]]

ModelRep = ObjectRefRep

ByteOrder: TypeAlias = Literal["little", "big"]

DataType: TypeAlias = Literal["uint8", "int8", "uint16", "int16", "uint32", "int32", "float32", "float64"] # "uint64", "int64"
NDDataType: TypeAlias = Union[Literal["bool"], DataType, Literal["object"]]

class TypedArrayRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["typed_array"]
    array: BytesRep
    order: ByteOrder
    dtype: DataType

class NDArrayRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["ndarray"]
    array: BytesRep | ArrayRepLike
    order: ByteOrder
    dtype: NDDataType
    shape: list[int]

[docs]@dataclass class Buffer: id: ID data: bytes | memoryview @property def ref(self) -> Ref: return Ref( def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: return if isinstance(, memoryview) else def to_base64(self) -> str: return base64.b64encode("utf-8")
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs]@dataclass class Serialized(Generic[T]): content: T buffers: list[Buffer] | None = None
Encoder: TypeAlias = Callable[[Any, "Serializer"], AnyRep] Decoder: TypeAlias = Callable[[AnyRep, "Deserializer"], Any]
[docs]class SerializationError(ValueError): pass
[docs]class Serializable: """ A mixin for making a type serializable. """ def to_serializable(self, serializer: Serializer) -> AnyRep: """ Converts this object to a serializable representation. """ raise NotImplementedError()
ObjID = int
[docs]class Serializer: """ Convert built-in and custom types into serializable representations. Not all built-in types are supported (e.g., decimal.Decimal due to lacking support for fixed point arithmetic in JavaScript). """ _encoders: ClassVar[dict[type[Any], Encoder]] = {} @classmethod def register(cls, type: type[Any], encoder: Encoder) -> None: assert type not in cls._encoders, f"'{type} is already registered" cls._encoders[type] = encoder _references: dict[ObjID, Ref] _deferred: bool _circular: dict[ObjID, Any] _buffers: list[Buffer] def __init__(self, *, references: set[Model] = set(), deferred: bool = True) -> None: self._references = {id(obj): obj.ref for obj in references} self._deferred = deferred self._circular = {} self._buffers = [] def has_ref(self, obj: Any) -> bool: return id(obj) in self._references def add_ref(self, obj: Any, ref: Ref) -> None: assert id(obj) not in self._references self._references[id(obj)] = ref def get_ref(self, obj: Any) -> Ref | None: return self._references.get(id(obj)) @property def buffers(self) -> list[Buffer]: return list(self._buffers) def serialize(self, obj: Any) -> Serialized[Any]: return Serialized(self.encode(obj), self.buffers) def encode(self, obj: Any) -> AnyRep: ref = self.get_ref(obj) if ref is not None: return ref ident = id(obj) if ident in self._circular: self.error("circular reference") self._circular[ident] = obj try: return self._encode(obj) finally: del self._circular[ident] def encode_struct(self, **fields: Any) -> dict[str, AnyRep]: return {key: self.encode(val) for key, val in fields.items() if val is not Unspecified} def _encode(self, obj: Any) -> AnyRep: if isinstance(obj, Serializable): return obj.to_serializable(self) elif (encoder := self._encoders.get(type(obj))) is not None: return encoder(obj, self) elif obj is None: return None elif isinstance(obj, bool): return self._encode_bool(obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): return self._encode_str(obj) elif isinstance(obj, int): return self._encode_int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, float): return self._encode_float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, tuple): return self._encode_tuple(obj) elif isinstance(obj, list): return self._encode_list(obj) elif isinstance(obj, set): return self._encode_set(obj) elif isinstance(obj, dict): return self._encode_dict(obj) elif isinstance(obj, bytes): return self._encode_bytes(obj) elif isinstance(obj, slice): return self._encode_slice(obj) elif isinstance(obj, TypedArray): return self._encode_typed_array(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): if obj.shape != (): return self._encode_ndarray(obj) else: return self._encode(obj.item()) elif is_dataclass(obj): return self._encode_dataclass(obj) else: return self._encode_other(obj) def _encode_bool(self, obj: bool) -> AnyRep: return obj def _encode_str(self, obj: str) -> AnyRep: return obj def _encode_int(self, obj: int) -> AnyRep: if -_MAX_SAFE_INT < obj <= _MAX_SAFE_INT: return obj else: warn("out of range integer may result in loss of precision", BokehUserWarning) return self._encode_float(float(obj)) def _encode_float(self, obj: float) -> NumberRep | float: if isnan(obj): return NumberRep(type="number", value="nan") elif isinf(obj): return NumberRep(type="number", value="-inf" if obj < 0 else "+inf") else: return obj def _encode_tuple(self, obj: tuple[Any, ...]) -> ArrayRepLike: return self._encode_list(list(obj)) def _encode_list(self, obj: list[Any]) -> ArrayRepLike: return [self.encode(item) for item in obj] def _encode_set(self, obj: set[Any]) -> SetRep: if len(obj) == 0: return SetRep(type="set") else: return SetRep( type="set", entries=[self.encode(entry) for entry in obj], ) def _encode_dict(self, obj: dict[Any, Any]) -> MapRep: if len(obj) == 0: return MapRep(type="map") else: return MapRep( type="map", entries=[(self.encode(key), self.encode(val)) for key, val in obj.items()], ) def _encode_dataclass(self, obj: Any) -> ObjectRep: cls = type(obj) module = cls.__module__ name = cls.__qualname__.replace("<locals>.", "") rep = ObjectRep( type="object", name=f"{module}.{name}", ) attributes = list(entries(obj)) if attributes: rep["attributes"] = {key: self.encode(val) for key, val in attributes} return rep def _encode_bytes(self, obj: bytes | memoryview) -> BytesRep: buffer = Buffer(make_id(), obj) data: Buffer | str if self._deferred: self._buffers.append(buffer) data = buffer else: data = buffer.to_base64() return BytesRep(type="bytes", data=data) def _encode_slice(self, obj: slice) -> SliceRep: return SliceRep( type="slice", start=self.encode(obj.start), stop=self.encode(obj.stop), step=self.encode(obj.step), ) def _encode_typed_array(self, obj: TypedArray[Any]) -> TypedArrayRep: array = self._encode_bytes(memoryview(obj)) typecode = obj.typecode itemsize = obj.itemsize def dtype() -> DataType: if typecode == "f": return "float32" elif typecode == "d": return "float64" elif typecode in {"B", "H", "I", "L", "Q"}: if obj.itemsize == 1: return "uint8" elif obj.itemsize == 2: return "uint16" elif obj.itemsize == 4: return "uint32" #elif obj.itemsize == 8: # return "uint64" elif typecode in {"b", "h", "i", "l", "q"}: if obj.itemsize == 1: return "int8" elif obj.itemsize == 2: return "int16" elif obj.itemsize == 4: return "int32" #elif obj.itemsize == 8: # return "int64" self.error(f"can't serialize array with items of type '{typecode}@{itemsize}'") return TypedArrayRep( type="typed_array", array=array, order=sys.byteorder, dtype=dtype(), ) def _encode_ndarray(self, obj: npt.NDArray[Any]) -> NDArrayRep: array = transform_array(obj) data: ArrayRepLike | BytesRep dtype: NDDataType if array_encoding_disabled(array): data = self._encode_list(array.flatten().tolist()) dtype = "object" else: data = self._encode_bytes( dtype = cast(NDDataType, return NDArrayRep( type="ndarray", array=data, shape=list(array.shape), dtype=dtype, order=sys.byteorder, ) def _encode_other(self, obj: Any) -> AnyRep: # date/time values that get serialized as milliseconds if is_datetime_type(obj): return convert_datetime_type(obj) if is_timedelta_type(obj): return convert_timedelta_type(obj) if isinstance(obj, return obj.isoformat() # NumPy scalars if np.issubdtype(type(obj), np.floating): return self._encode_float(float(obj)) if np.issubdtype(type(obj), np.integer): return self._encode_int(int(obj)) if np.issubdtype(type(obj), np.bool_): return self._encode_bool(bool(obj)) # avoid importing pandas here unless it is actually in use if uses_pandas(obj): import pandas as pd if isinstance(obj, (pd.Series, pd.Index, pd.api.extensions.ExtensionArray)): return self._encode_ndarray(transform_series(obj)) elif obj is pd.NA: return None # handle array libraries that support conversion to a numpy array (e.g. polars, PyTorch) if hasattr(obj, "__array__") and isinstance(arr := obj.__array__(), np.ndarray): return self._encode_ndarray(arr) self.error(f"can't serialize {type(obj)}") def error(self, message: str) -> NoReturn: raise SerializationError(message)
[docs]class DeserializationError(ValueError): pass
class UnknownReferenceError(DeserializationError): def __init__(self, id: ID) -> None: super().__init__(f"can't resolve reference '{id}'") = id
[docs]class Deserializer: """ Convert from serializable representations to built-in and custom types. """ _decoders: ClassVar[dict[str, Decoder]] = {} @classmethod def register(cls, type: str, decoder: Decoder) -> None: assert type not in cls._decoders, f"'{type} is already registered" cls._decoders[type] = decoder _references: dict[ID, Model] _setter: Setter | None _decoding: bool _buffers: dict[ID, Buffer] def __init__(self, references: Sequence[Model] | None = None, *, setter: Setter | None = None): self._references = { obj for obj in references or []} self._setter = setter self._decoding = False self._buffers = {} def has_ref(self, obj: Model) -> bool: return in self._references def deserialize(self, obj: Any | Serialized[Any]) -> Any: if isinstance(obj, Serialized): return self.decode(obj.content, obj.buffers) else: return self.decode(obj) def decode(self, obj: AnyRep, buffers: list[Buffer] | None = None) -> Any: if buffers is not None: for buffer in buffers: self._buffers[] = buffer if self._decoding: return self._decode(obj) self._decoding = True try: return self._decode(obj) finally: self._buffers.clear() self._decoding = False def _decode(self, obj: AnyRep) -> Any: if isinstance(obj, dict): if "type" in obj: type = obj["type"] if type in self._decoders: return self._decoders[type](obj, self) elif type == "ref": return self._decode_ref(cast(Ref, obj)) elif type == "symbol": return self._decode_symbol(cast(SymbolRep, obj)) elif type == "number": return self._decode_number(cast(NumberRep, obj)) elif type == "array": return self._decode_array(cast(ArrayRep, obj)) elif type == "set": return self._decode_set(cast(SetRep, obj)) elif type == "map": return self._decode_map(cast(MapRep, obj)) elif type == "bytes": return self._decode_bytes(cast(BytesRep, obj)) elif type == "slice": return self._decode_slice(cast(SliceRep, obj)) elif type == "typed_array": return self._decode_typed_array(cast(TypedArrayRep, obj)) elif type == "ndarray": return self._decode_ndarray(cast(NDArrayRep, obj)) elif type == "object": if "id" in obj: return self._decode_object_ref(cast(ObjectRefRep, obj)) else: return self._decode_object(cast(ObjectRep, obj)) else: self.error(f"unable to decode an object of type '{type}'") elif "id" in obj: return self._decode_ref(cast(Ref, obj)) else: return {key: self._decode(val) for key, val in obj.items()} elif isinstance(obj, list): return [self._decode(entry) for entry in obj] else: return obj def _decode_ref(self, obj: Ref) -> Model: id = obj["id"] instance = self._references.get(id) if instance is not None: return instance else: self.error(UnknownReferenceError(id)) def _decode_symbol(self, obj: SymbolRep) -> float: name = obj["name"] self.error(f"can't resolve named symbol '{name}'") # TODO: implement symbol resolution def _decode_number(self, obj: NumberRep) -> float: value = obj["value"] return float(value) if isinstance(value, str) else value def _decode_array(self, obj: ArrayRep) -> list[Any]: entries = obj.get("entries", []) return [ self._decode(entry) for entry in entries ] def _decode_set(self, obj: SetRep) -> set[Any]: entries = obj.get("entries", []) return { self._decode(entry) for entry in entries } def _decode_map(self, obj: MapRep) -> dict[Any, Any]: entries = obj.get("entries", []) return { self._decode(key): self._decode(val) for key, val in entries } def _decode_bytes(self, obj: BytesRep) -> bytes: data = obj["data"] if isinstance(data, str): return base64.b64decode(data) elif isinstance(data, Buffer): buffer = data # in case of decode(encode(obj)) else: id = data["id"] if id in self._buffers: buffer = self._buffers[id] else: self.error(f"can't resolve buffer '{id}'") return def _decode_slice(self, obj: SliceRep) -> slice: start = self._decode(obj["start"]) stop = self._decode(obj["stop"]) step = self._decode(obj["step"]) return slice(start, stop, step) def _decode_typed_array(self, obj: TypedArrayRep) -> TypedArray[Any]: array = obj["array"] order = obj["order"] dtype = obj["dtype"] data = self._decode(array) dtype_to_typecode = dict( uint8="B", int8="b", uint16="H", int16="h", uint32="I", int32="i", #uint64="Q", #int64="q", float32="f", float64="d", ) typecode = dtype_to_typecode.get(dtype) if typecode is None: self.error(f"unsupported dtype '{dtype}'") typed_array: TypedArray[Any] = TypedArray(typecode, data) if order != sys.byteorder: typed_array.byteswap() return typed_array def _decode_ndarray(self, obj: NDArrayRep) -> npt.NDArray[Any]: array = obj["array"] order = obj["order"] dtype = obj["dtype"] shape = obj["shape"] decoded = self._decode(array) ndarray: npt.NDArray[Any] if isinstance(decoded, bytes): ndarray = np.copy(np.frombuffer(decoded, dtype=dtype)) if order != sys.byteorder: ndarray.byteswap(inplace=True) else: ndarray = np.array(decoded, dtype=dtype) if len(shape) > 1: ndarray = ndarray.reshape(shape) return ndarray def _decode_object(self, obj: ObjectRep) -> object: raise NotImplementedError() def _decode_object_ref(self, obj: ObjectRefRep) -> Model: id = obj["id"] instance = self._references.get(id) if instance is not None: warn(f"reference already known '{id}'", BokehUserWarning) return instance name = obj["name"] attributes = obj.get("attributes") cls = self._resolve_type(name) instance = cls.__new__(cls, id=id) if instance is None: self.error(f"can't instantiate {name}(id={id})") self._references[] = instance # We want to avoid any Model specific initialization that happens with # Slider(...) when reconstituting from JSON, but we do need to perform # general HasProps machinery that sets properties, so call it explicitly if not instance._initialized: from .has_props import HasProps HasProps.__init__(instance) if attributes is not None: decoded_attributes = {key: self._decode(val) for key, val in attributes.items()} for key, val in decoded_attributes.items(): instance.set_from_json(key, val, setter=self._setter) return instance def _resolve_type(self, type: str) -> type[Model]: from ..model import Model cls = Model.model_class_reverse_map.get(type) if cls is not None: if issubclass(cls, Model): return cls else: self.error(f"object of type '{type}' is not a subclass of 'Model'") else: if type == "Figure": from ..plotting import figure return figure # XXX: helps with push_session(); this needs a better resolution scheme else: self.error(f"can't resolve type '{type}'") def error(self, error: str | DeserializationError) -> NoReturn: if isinstance(error, str): raise DeserializationError(error) else: raise error
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dev API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------