Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2023, Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.
# All rights reserved.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.


# Boilerplate
from __future__ import annotations

import logging # isort:skip
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Standard library imports
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

# Bokeh imports
from .notebook import run_notebook_hook
from .state import curstate

    from ..core.types import PathLike
    from ..resources import Resources, ResourcesMode
    from .notebook import NotebookType
    from .state import State

# Globals and constants

__all__ = (

# General API

[docs]def output_file(filename: PathLike, title: str = "Bokeh Plot", mode: ResourcesMode | None = None, root_dir: PathLike | None = None) -> None: ''' Configure the default output state to generate output saved to a file when :func:`show` is called. Does not change the current ``Document`` from ``curdoc()``. File and notebook output may be active at the same time, so e.g., this does not clear the effects of ``output_notebook()``. Args: filename (str) : a filename for saving the HTML document title (str, optional) : a title for the HTML document (default: "Bokeh Plot") mode (str, optional) : how to include BokehJS (default: ``'cdn'``) One of: ``'inline'``, ``'cdn'``, ``'relative(-dev)'`` or ``'absolute(-dev)'``. See :class:`bokeh.resources.Resources` for more details. root_dir (str, optional) : root directory to use for 'absolute' resources. (default: None) This value is ignored for other resource types, e.g. ``INLINE`` or ``CDN``. Returns: None .. note:: Generally, this should be called at the beginning of an interactive session or the top of a script. .. warning:: This output file will be overwritten on every save, e.g., each time |show| or |save| is invoked. ''' curstate().output_file( filename, title=title, mode=mode, root_dir=root_dir, )
[docs]def output_notebook(resources: Resources | None = None, verbose: bool = False, hide_banner: bool = False, load_timeout: int = 5000, notebook_type: NotebookType = "jupyter") -> None: ''' Configure the default output state to generate output in notebook cells when |show| is called. Note that |show| may be called multiple times in a single cell to display multiple objects in the output cell. The objects will be displayed in order. Args: resources (Resource, optional) : How and where to load BokehJS from (default: CDN) verbose (bool, optional) : whether to display detailed BokehJS banner (default: False) hide_banner (bool, optional): whether to hide the Bokeh banner (default: False) load_timeout (int, optional) : Timeout in milliseconds when plots assume load timed out (default: 5000) notebook_type (string, optional): Notebook type (default: jupyter) Returns: None .. note:: Generally, this should be called at the beginning of an interactive session or the top of a script. ''' # verify notebook_type first in curstate().output_notebook curstate().output_notebook(notebook_type) run_notebook_hook(notebook_type, "load", resources, verbose, hide_banner, load_timeout)
[docs]def reset_output(state: State | None = None) -> None: ''' Clear the default state of all output modes. Returns: None ''' curstate().reset()
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dev API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------