
Abstract base class for subcommands that output to a file (or stdout).

class FileOutputSubcommand(parser: ArgumentParser)[source]#

Abstract subcommand to output applications as some type of file.

after_write_file(args: Namespace, filename: str, doc: Document) None[source]#
abstract file_contents(args: Namespace, doc: Document) str | bytes | list[str] | list[bytes][source]#

Subclasses must override this method to return the contents of the output file for the given doc. subclassed methods return different types: str: html, json bytes: SVG, png



filename_from_route(route: str, ext: str) str[source]#
classmethod files_arg(output_type_name: str) tuple[str | tuple[str, ...], Argument][source]#

Returns a positional arg for files to specify file inputs to the command.

Subclasses should include this to their class args.


class Foo(FileOutputSubcommand):

    args = (


        # more args for Foo

    ) + FileOutputSubcommand.other_args()
invoke(args: Namespace) None[source]#
classmethod other_args() tuple[tuple[str | tuple[str, ...], Argument], ...][source]#

Return args for -o / --output to specify where output should be written, and for a --args to pass on any additional command line args to the subcommand.

Subclasses should append these to their class args.


class Foo(FileOutputSubcommand):

    args = (


        # more args for Foo

    ) + FileOutputSubcommand.other_args()
write_file(args: Namespace, filename: str, doc: Document) None[source]#