< stocks | back to Gallery | quiver >
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file
def streamlines(x, y, u, v, density=1):
''' Return streamlines of a vector flow.
* x and y are 1d arrays defining an *evenly spaced* grid.
* u and v are 2d arrays (shape [y,x]) giving velocities.
* density controls the closeness of the streamlines. For different
densities in each direction, use a tuple or list [densityx, densityy].
## Set up some constants - size of the grid used.
NGX = len(x)
NGY = len(y)
## Constants used to convert between grid index coords and user coords.
DX = x[1]-x[0]
DY = y[1]-y[0]
XOFF = x[0]
YOFF = y[0]
## Now rescale velocity onto axes-coordinates
u = u / (x[-1]-x[0])
v = v / (y[-1]-y[0])
speed = np.sqrt(u*u+v*v)
## s (path length) will now be in axes-coordinates, but we must
## rescale u for integrations.
u *= NGX
v *= NGY
## Now u and v in grid-coordinates.
NBX = int(30*density)
NBY = int(30*density)
blank = np.zeros((NBY,NBX))
bx_spacing = NGX/float(NBX-1)
by_spacing = NGY/float(NBY-1)
def blank_pos(xi, yi):
return int((xi / bx_spacing) + 0.5), \
int((yi / by_spacing) + 0.5)
def value_at(a, xi, yi):
if type(xi) == np.ndarray:
x = xi.astype(
y = yi.astype(
x =
y =
a00 = a[y,x]
a01 = a[y,x+1]
a10 = a[y+1,x]
a11 = a[y+1,x+1]
xt = xi - x
yt = yi - y
a0 = a00*(1-xt) + a01*xt
a1 = a10*(1-xt) + a11*xt
return a0*(1-yt) + a1*yt
def rk4_integrate(x0, y0):
## This function does RK4 forward and back trajectories from
## the initial conditions, with the odd 'blank array'
## termination conditions. TODO tidy the integration loops.
def f(xi, yi):
dt_ds = 1./value_at(speed, xi, yi)
ui = value_at(u, xi, yi)
vi = value_at(v, xi, yi)
return ui*dt_ds, vi*dt_ds
def g(xi, yi):
dt_ds = 1./value_at(speed, xi, yi)
ui = value_at(u, xi, yi)
vi = value_at(v, xi, yi)
return -ui*dt_ds, -vi*dt_ds
check = lambda xi, yi: xi>=0 and xi<NGX-1 and yi>=0 and yi<NGY-1
bx_changes = []
by_changes = []
## Integrator function
def rk4(x0, y0, f):
ds = 0.01 #min(1./NGX, 1./NGY, 0.01)
stotal = 0
xi = x0
yi = y0
xb, yb = blank_pos(xi, yi)
xf_traj = []
yf_traj = []
while check(xi, yi):
# Time step. First save the point.
# Next, advance one using RK4
k1x, k1y = f(xi, yi)
k2x, k2y = f(xi + .5*ds*k1x, yi + .5*ds*k1y)
k3x, k3y = f(xi + .5*ds*k2x, yi + .5*ds*k2y)
k4x, k4y = f(xi + ds*k3x, yi + ds*k3y)
except IndexError:
# Out of the domain on one of the intermediate steps
xi += ds*(k1x+2*k2x+2*k3x+k4x) / 6.
yi += ds*(k1y+2*k2y+2*k3y+k4y) / 6.
# Final position might be out of the domain
if not check(xi, yi): break
stotal += ds
# Next, if s gets to thres, check blank.
new_xb, new_yb = blank_pos(xi, yi)
if new_xb != xb or new_yb != yb:
# New square, so check and colour. Quit if required.
if blank[new_yb,new_xb] == 0:
blank[new_yb,new_xb] = 1
xb = new_xb
yb = new_yb
if stotal > 2:
return stotal, xf_traj, yf_traj
integrator = rk4
sf, xf_traj, yf_traj = integrator(x0, y0, f)
sb, xb_traj, yb_traj = integrator(x0, y0, g)
stotal = sf + sb
x_traj = xb_traj[::-1] + xf_traj[1:]
y_traj = yb_traj[::-1] + yf_traj[1:]
## Tests to check length of traj. Remember, s in units of axes.
if len(x_traj) < 1: return None
if stotal > .2:
initxb, inityb = blank_pos(x0, y0)
blank[inityb, initxb] = 1
return x_traj, y_traj
for xb, yb in zip(bx_changes, by_changes):
blank[yb, xb] = 0
return None
## A quick function for integrating trajectories if blank==0.
trajectories = []
def traj(xb, yb):
if xb < 0 or xb >= NBX or yb < 0 or yb >= NBY:
if blank[yb, xb] == 0:
t = rk4_integrate(xb*bx_spacing, yb*by_spacing)
if t != None:
## Now we build up the trajectory set. I've found it best to look
## for blank==0 along the edges first, and work inwards.
for indent in range((max(NBX,NBY))//2):
for xi in range(max(NBX,NBY)-2*indent):
traj(xi+indent, indent)
traj(xi+indent, NBY-1-indent)
traj(indent, xi+indent)
traj(NBX-1-indent, xi+indent)
xs = [np.array(t[0])*DX+XOFF for t in trajectories]
ys = [np.array(t[1])*DY+YOFF for t in trajectories]
return xs, ys
xx = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
yy = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
Y, X = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
U = -1 - X**2 + Y
V = 1 + X - Y**2
speed = np.sqrt(U*U + V*V)
theta = np.arctan(V/U)
x0 = X[::2, ::2].flatten()
y0 = Y[::2, ::2].flatten()
length = speed[::2, ::2].flatten()/40
angle = theta[::2, ::2].flatten()
x1 = x0 + length * np.cos(angle)
y1 = y0 + length * np.sin(angle)
xs, ys = streamlines(xx, yy, U.T, V.T, density=2)
cm = np.array(["#C7E9B4", "#7FCDBB", "#41B6C4", "#1D91C0", "#225EA8", "#0C2C84"])
ix = ((length-length.min())/(length.max()-length.min())*5).astype('int')
colors = cm[ix]
p1 = figure(x_range=(-3,3 ), y_range=(-3, 3))
p1.segment(x0, y0, x1, y1, color=colors, line_width=2)
p2 = figure(x_range=p1.x_range, y_range=p1.y_range)
p2.multi_line(xs, ys, color="#ee6666", line_width=2, line_alpha=0.8)
output_file("vector.html", title=" example")
show(gridplot([[p1,p2]], plot_width=400, plot_height=400)) # open a browser