
Supporting objects and functions to convert Matplotlib objects into Bokeh.

to_bokeh(fig=None, use_pandas=True, xkcd=False)

Uses bokeh to display a Matplotlib Figure.

You can store a bokeh plot in a standalone HTML file, as a document in a Bokeh plot server, or embedded directly into an IPython Notebook output cell.

  • fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) – The figure to display. If None or not specified, then the current figure will be used.
  • use_pandas (bool (default=True)) – The implementation should try to use Pandas for processing datetime data (if it is installed). Set to False to plot the datetime xaxis with other non-pandas interfaces.
  • xkcd (bool (default=False)) – If this option is True, then the Bokeh figure will be saved with a xkcd style.