''' Guide renderers for various kinds of axes that can be added to
Bokeh plots
from __future__ import absolute_import
from ..core.has_props import abstract
from ..core.properties import Auto, Datetime, Dict, Either, Enum, Float, Include, Instance, Int, Override, Seq, String, Tuple
from ..core.property_mixins import LineProps, TextProps
from .formatters import BasicTickFormatter, CategoricalTickFormatter, DatetimeTickFormatter, LogTickFormatter, TickFormatter
from .renderers import GuideRenderer
from .tickers import Ticker, BasicTicker, LogTicker, CategoricalTicker, DatetimeTicker, FixedTicker
[docs]class Axis(GuideRenderer):
''' A base class that defines common properties for all axis types.
bounds = Either(Auto, Tuple(Float, Float), Tuple(Datetime, Datetime), help="""
Bounds for the rendered axis. If unset, the axis will span the
entire plot in the given dimension.
x_range_name = String('default', help="""
A particular (named) x-range to use for computing screen
locations when rendering an axis on the plot. If unset, use the
default x-range.
y_range_name = String('default', help="""
A particular (named) y-range to use for computing screen
locations when rendering an axis on the plot. If unset, use the
default y-range.
ticker = Instance(Ticker, help="""
A Ticker to use for computing locations of axis components.
The property may also be passed a sequence of floating point numbers as
a shorthand for creating and configuring a ``FixedTicker``, e.g. the
following code
.. code-block:: python
from bokeh.plotting import figure
p = figure()
p.xaxis.ticker = [10, 20, 37.4]
is equivalent to:
.. code-block:: python
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models.tickers import FixedTicker
p = figure()
p.xaxis.ticker = FixedTicker(ticks=[10, 20, 37.4])
""").accepts(Seq(Float), lambda ticks: FixedTicker(ticks=ticks))
formatter = Instance(TickFormatter, help="""
A TickFormatter to use for formatting the visual appearance
of ticks.
axis_label = String(default='', help="""
A text label for the axis, displayed parallel to the axis rule.
.. note::
LaTeX notation is not currently supported; please see
:bokeh-issue:`647` to track progress or contribute.
axis_label_standoff = Int(default=5, help="""
The distance in pixels that the axis labels should be offset
from the tick labels.
axis_label_props = Include(TextProps, help="""
The %s of the axis label.
axis_label_text_font_size = Override(default={'value': "10pt"})
axis_label_text_font_style = Override(default="italic")
major_label_standoff = Int(default=5, help="""
The distance in pixels that the major tick labels should be
offset from the associated ticks.
major_label_orientation = Either(Enum("horizontal", "vertical"), Float, help="""
What direction the major label text should be oriented. If a
number is supplied, the angle of the text is measured from horizontal.
major_label_overrides = Dict(Either(Float, String), String, default={}, help="""
Provide explicit tick label values for specific tick locations that
override normal formatting.
major_label_props = Include(TextProps, help="""
The %s of the major tick labels.
major_label_text_align = Override(default="center")
major_label_text_baseline = Override(default="alphabetic")
major_label_text_font_size = Override(default={'value': "8pt"})
axis_props = Include(LineProps, help="""
The %s of the axis line.
major_tick_props = Include(LineProps, help="""
The %s of the major ticks.
major_tick_in = Int(default=2, help="""
The distance in pixels that major ticks should extend into the
main plot area.
major_tick_out = Int(default=6, help="""
The distance in pixels that major ticks should extend out of the
main plot area.
minor_tick_props = Include(LineProps, help="""
The %s of the minor ticks.
minor_tick_in = Int(default=0, help="""
The distance in pixels that minor ticks should extend into the
main plot area.
minor_tick_out = Int(default=4, help="""
The distance in pixels that major ticks should extend out of the
main plot area.
[docs]class ContinuousAxis(Axis):
''' A base class for all numeric, non-categorical axes types.
[docs]class LinearAxis(ContinuousAxis):
''' An axis that picks nice numbers for tick locations on a
linear scale. Configured with a ``BasicTickFormatter`` by default.
ticker = Override(default=lambda: BasicTicker())
formatter = Override(default=lambda: BasicTickFormatter())
[docs]class LogAxis(ContinuousAxis):
''' An axis that picks nice numbers for tick locations on a
log scale. Configured with a ``LogTickFormatter`` by default.
ticker = Override(default=lambda: LogTicker())
formatter = Override(default=lambda: LogTickFormatter())
[docs]class CategoricalAxis(Axis):
''' An axis that picks evenly spaced tick locations for a
collection of categories/factors.
ticker = Override(default=lambda: CategoricalTicker())
formatter = Override(default=lambda: CategoricalTickFormatter())
separator_props = Include(LineProps, help="""
The %s of the separator line between top-level categorical groups.
separator_line_color = Override(default="lightgrey")
separator_line_width = Override(default=2)
group_props = Include(TextProps, help="""
The %s of the group top-level categorical groups.
group_text_font_size = Override(default={'value': "8pt"})
group_text_font_style = Override(default="bold")
group_text_color = Override(default="grey")
subgroup_props = Include(TextProps, help="""
The %s of the group top-level categorical groups.
subgroup_text_font_size = Override(default={'value': "8pt"})
subgroup_text_font_style = Override(default="bold")
[docs]class DatetimeAxis(LinearAxis):
''' An LinearAxis that picks nice numbers for tick locations on
a datetime scale. Configured with a ``DatetimeTickFormatter`` by
ticker = Override(default=lambda: DatetimeTicker())
formatter = Override(default=lambda: DatetimeTickFormatter())