To generate standalone SVGs for a Bokeh application from a single
Python script, pass the script name to bokeh svg
on the command
bokeh svg
The generated SVGs will be saved in the current working directory with
the name app_script.svg
. If there are multiple SVGs within an application,
the subsequent ones will be named app_script_1.svg
, app_script_2.svg
It is also possible to run the same commmand with jupyter notebooks:
bokeh svg app_notebook.ipynb
This will generate SVG files named app_notebook_{n}.svg
just like
with a python script.
Applications can also be created from directories. The directory should
contain a
(and any other helper modules that are required) as
well as any additional assets (e.g., theme files). Pass the directory name
to bokeh svg
to generate the SVG:
bokeh svg app_dir
It is possible to generate SVG files for multiple applications at once:
bokeh svg app_dir
For all cases, it’s required to explicitly add a Bokeh layout to
for it to appear in the output.