
The bokeh.core package contains core facilities for implementing the Bokeh library.


For those implementing their own custom user-defined models, the bokeh.core.enums and modules may be useful. Otherwise, most of the modules in this package will not be of interest to must users, or be necessary for standard use of the library.


Implement compatibility between Bokeh and Matplotlib.

Currently, compatibility is implemented using the third-party mplexporter library. This library does not provide a full interface to all of Matplotlib functionality, and accordingly Bokeh’s Matplotlib compatibility is limited. A full serialization interface for Matplotlib is being planned in MEP25, and when this work is completed, a much closer and more complete integration will be possible.


Common enumerations to be used together with Enum property.

Typical usage of the enumerations in this module look similar to this:

from bokeh.model import Model
from bokeh.core.enums import StartEnd
from import Enum

class MyModel(Model):

    location = Enum(StartEnd, help="""
    Whether the thing should be located at the start or the end.
class Enumeration

Represent an enumerated collection of values.

enumeration(*values, **kwargs)

Create an Enumeration from a sequence of values.

Parameters:case_sensitive (bool, optional) – Whether validation should consider case or not (default: True)
Return type:Enumeration
Aggregation = Enumeration(sum, mean, count, nunique, median, min, max)

Specify an aggregation type for different charts

Anchor = Enumeration(top_left, top_center, top_right, right_center, bottom_right, bottom_center, bottom_left, left_center, center)

Specify a fixed location for a Bokeh legend

AngleUnits = Enumeration(deg, rad)

Specify the units for an angle value

ButtonType = Enumeration(default, primary, success, warning, danger, link)

Specify a style for button widgets

DashPattern = Enumeration(solid, dashed, dotted, dotdash, dashdot)

Specify a named dashing patter for stroking lines

DateFormat = Enumeration(ATOM, W3C, RFC-3339, ISO-8601, COOKIE, RFC-822, RFC-850, RFC-1036, RFC-1123, RFC-2822, RSS, TICKS, TIMESTAMP)

Specify a format for printing dates

DatetimeUnits = Enumeration(microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minsec, minutes, hourmin, hours, days, months, years)

Specify a date/time scale

Dimension = Enumeration(width, height)

Specify a vertical/horizontal dimension

Dimensions = Enumeration(width, height, both)

Specify a vertical/horizontal dimensions

Direction = Enumeration(clock, anticlock)

Specify a stroke direction for circles, wedges, etc.

FontStyle = Enumeration(normal, italic, bold)

Specify the font style for rendering text

JitterRandomDistribution = Enumeration(uniform, normal)

Specify a distribution to use for the Jitter class

LegendLocation = Enumeration(top_left, top_center, top_right, right_center, bottom_right, bottom_center, bottom_left, left_center, center)

Specify a fixed location for a Bokeh legend

LineCap = Enumeration(butt, round, square)

Specify how stroked lines should be terminated

LineDash = Enumeration(solid, dashed, dotted, dotdash, dashdot)

Specify a named dash pattern for stroking lines

LineJoin = Enumeration(miter, round, bevel)

Specify how stroked lines should be joined together

Location = Enumeration(above, below, left, right)

Specify a location in plot layouts

MapType = Enumeration(satellite, roadmap, terrain, hybrid)

Specify a style for a Google map

NamedColor = Enumeration(aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgreen, darkgrey, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, green, greenyellow, grey, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgreen, lightgrey, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen)

Specify one of the 137 named CSS colors

NamedIcon = Enumeration(adjust, adn, align-center, align-justify, align-left, align-right, ambulance, anchor, android, angellist, angle-double-down, angle-double-left, angle-double-right, angle-double-up, angle-down, angle-left, angle-right, angle-up, apple, archive, area-chart, arrow-circle-down, arrow-circle-left, arrow-circle-o-down, arrow-circle-o-left, arrow-circle-o-right, arrow-circle-o-up, arrow-circle-right, arrow-circle-up, arrow-down, arrow-left, arrow-right, arrow-up, arrows, arrows-alt, arrows-h, arrows-v, asterisk, at, automobile, backward, ban, bank, bar-chart, bar-chart-o, barcode, bars, beer, behance, behance-square, bell, bell-o, bell-slash, bell-slash-o, bicycle, binoculars, birthday-cake, bitbucket, bitbucket-square, bitcoin, bold, bolt, bomb, book, bookmark, bookmark-o, briefcase, btc, bug, building, building-o, bullhorn, bullseye, bus, cab, calculator, calendar, calendar-o, camera, camera-retro, car, caret-down, caret-left, caret-right, caret-square-o-down, caret-square-o-left, caret-square-o-right, caret-square-o-up, caret-up, cc, cc-amex, cc-discover, cc-mastercard, cc-paypal, cc-stripe, cc-visa, certificate, chain, chain-broken, check, check-circle, check-circle-o, check-square, check-square-o, chevron-circle-down, chevron-circle-left, chevron-circle-right, chevron-circle-up, chevron-down, chevron-left, chevron-right, chevron-up, child, circle, circle-o, circle-o-notch, circle-thin, clipboard, clock-o, close, cloud, cloud-download, cloud-upload, cny, code, code-fork, codepen, coffee, cog, cogs, columns, comment, comment-o, comments, comments-o, compass, compress, copy, copyright, credit-card, crop, crosshairs, css3, cube, cubes, cut, cutlery, dashboard, database, dedent, delicious, desktop, deviantart, digg, dollar, dot-circle-o, download, dribbble, dropbox, drupal, edit, eject, ellipsis-h, ellipsis-v, empire, envelope, envelope-o, envelope-square, eraser, eur, euro, exchange, exclamation, exclamation-circle, exclamation-triangle, expand, external-link, external-link-square, eye, eye-slash, eyedropper, facebook, facebook-square, fast-backward, fast-forward, fax, female, fighter-jet, file, file-archive-o, file-audio-o, file-code-o, file-excel-o, file-image-o, file-movie-o, file-o, file-pdf-o, file-photo-o, file-picture-o, file-powerpoint-o, file-sound-o, file-text, file-text-o, file-video-o, file-word-o, file-zip-o, files-o, film, filter, fire, fire-extinguisher, flag, flag-checkered, flag-o, flash, flask, flickr, floppy-o, folder, folder-o, folder-open, folder-open-o, font, forward, foursquare, frown-o, futbol-o, gamepad, gavel, gbp, ge, gear, gears, gift, git, git-square, github, github-alt, github-square, gittip, glass, globe, google, google-plus, google-plus-square, google-wallet, graduation-cap, group, h-square, hacker-news, hand-o-down, hand-o-left, hand-o-right, hand-o-up, hdd-o, header, headphones, heart, heart-o, history, home, hospital-o, html5, ils, image, inbox, indent, info, info-circle, inr, instagram, institution, ioxhost, italic, joomla, jpy, jsfiddle, key, keyboard-o, krw, language, laptop, lastfm, lastfm-square, leaf, legal, lemon-o, level-down, level-up, life-bouy, life-buoy, life-ring, life-saver, lightbulb-o, line-chart, link, linkedin, linkedin-square, linux, list, list-alt, list-ol, list-ul, location-arrow, lock, long-arrow-down, long-arrow-left, long-arrow-right, long-arrow-up, magic, magnet, mail-forward, mail-reply, mail-reply-all, male, map-marker, maxcdn, meanpath, medkit, meh-o, microphone, microphone-slash, minus, minus-circle, minus-square, minus-square-o, mobile, mobile-phone, money, moon-o, mortar-board, music, navicon, newspaper-o, openid, outdent, pagelines, paint-brush, paper-plane, paper-plane-o, paperclip, paragraph, paste, pause, paw, paypal, pencil, pencil-square, pencil-square-o, phone, phone-square, photo, picture-o, pie-chart, pied-piper, pied-piper-alt, pinterest, pinterest-square, plane, play, play-circle, play-circle-o, plug, plus, plus-circle, plus-square, plus-square-o, power-off, print, puzzle-piece, qq, qrcode, question, question-circle, quote-left, quote-right, ra, random, rebel, recycle, reddit, reddit-square, refresh, remove, renren, reorder, repeat, reply, reply-all, retweet, rmb, road, rocket, rotate-left, rotate-right, rouble, rss, rss-square, rub, ruble, rupee, save, scissors, search, search-minus, search-plus, send, send-o, share, share-alt, share-alt-square, share-square, share-square-o, shekel, sheqel, shield, shopping-cart, sign-in, sign-out, signal, sitemap, skype, slack, sliders, slideshare, smile-o, soccer-ball-o, sort, sort-alpha-asc, sort-alpha-desc, sort-amount-asc, sort-amount-desc, sort-asc, sort-desc, sort-down, sort-numeric-asc, sort-numeric-desc, sort-up, soundcloud, space-shuttle, spinner, spoon, spotify, square, square-o, stack-exchange, stack-overflow, star, star-half, star-half-empty, star-half-full, star-half-o, star-o, steam, steam-square, step-backward, step-forward, stethoscope, stop, strikethrough, stumbleupon, stumbleupon-circle, subscript, suitcase, sun-o, superscript, support, table, tablet, tachometer, tag, tags, tasks, taxi, tencent-weibo, terminal, text-height, text-width, th, th-large, th-list, thumb-tack, thumbs-down, thumbs-o-down, thumbs-o-up, thumbs-up, ticket, times, times-circle, times-circle-o, tint, toggle-down, toggle-left, toggle-off, toggle-on, toggle-right, toggle-up, trash, trash-o, tree, trello, trophy, truck, try, tty, tumblr, tumblr-square, turkish-lira, twitch, twitter, twitter-square, umbrella, underline, undo, university, unlink, unlock, unlock-alt, unsorted, upload, usd, user, user-md, users, video-camera, vimeo-square, vine, vk, volume-down, volume-off, volume-up, warning, wechat, weibo, weixin, wheelchair, wifi, windows, won, wordpress, wrench, xing, xing-square, yahoo, yelp, yen, youtube, youtube-play, youtube-square)

Specify the name of an from bokeh.icons

NumeralLanguage = Enumeration(be-nl, chs, cs, da-dk, de-ch, de, en, en-gb, es-ES, es, et, fi, fr-CA, fr-ch, fr, hu, it, ja, nl-nl, pl, pt-br, pt-pt, ru, ru-UA, sk, th, tr, uk-UA)

Specify a locale for printing numeric values

Orientation = Enumeration(horizontal, vertical)

Specify a vertical/horizontal orientation for something

Palette = Enumeration(Accent3, Accent4, Accent5, Accent6, Accent7, Accent8, Blues3, Blues4, Blues5, Blues6, Blues7, Blues8, Blues9, BrBG3, BrBG4, BrBG5, BrBG6, BrBG7, BrBG8, BrBG9, BrBG10, BrBG11, BuGn3, BuGn4, BuGn5, BuGn6, BuGn7, BuGn8, BuGn9, BuPu3, BuPu4, BuPu5, BuPu6, BuPu7, BuPu8, BuPu9, Dark2_3, Dark2_4, Dark2_5, Dark2_6, Dark2_7, Dark2_8, GnBu3, GnBu4, GnBu5, GnBu6, GnBu7, GnBu8, GnBu9, Greens3, Greens4, Greens5, Greens6, Greens7, Greens8, Greens9, Greys3, Greys4, Greys5, Greys6, Greys7, Greys8, Greys9, Inferno3, Inferno4, Inferno5, Inferno6, Inferno7, Inferno8, Inferno9, Inferno10, Inferno11, Inferno256, Magma3, Magma4, Magma5, Magma6, Magma7, Magma8, Magma9, Magma10, Magma11, Magma256, OrRd3, OrRd4, OrRd5, OrRd6, OrRd7, OrRd8, OrRd9, Oranges3, Oranges4, Oranges5, Oranges6, Oranges7, Oranges8, Oranges9, PRGn3, PRGn4, PRGn5, PRGn6, PRGn7, PRGn8, PRGn9, PRGn10, PRGn11, Paired3, Paired4, Paired5, Paired6, Paired7, Paired8, Paired9, Paired10, Paired11, Paired12, Pastel1_3, Pastel1_4, Pastel1_5, Pastel1_6, Pastel1_7, Pastel1_8, Pastel1_9, Pastel2_3, Pastel2_4, Pastel2_5, Pastel2_6, Pastel2_7, Pastel2_8, PiYG3, PiYG4, PiYG5, PiYG6, PiYG7, PiYG8, PiYG9, PiYG10, PiYG11, Plasma3, Plasma4, Plasma5, Plasma6, Plasma7, Plasma8, Plasma9, Plasma10, Plasma11, Plasma256, PuBu3, PuBu4, PuBu5, PuBu6, PuBu7, PuBu8, PuBu9, PuBuGn3, PuBuGn4, PuBuGn5, PuBuGn6, PuBuGn7, PuBuGn8, PuBuGn9, PuOr3, PuOr4, PuOr5, PuOr6, PuOr7, PuOr8, PuOr9, PuOr10, PuOr11, PuRd3, PuRd4, PuRd5, PuRd6, PuRd7, PuRd8, PuRd9, Purples3, Purples4, Purples5, Purples6, Purples7, Purples8, Purples9, RdBu3, RdBu4, RdBu5, RdBu6, RdBu7, RdBu8, RdBu9, RdBu10, RdBu11, RdGy3, RdGy4, RdGy5, RdGy6, RdGy7, RdGy8, RdGy9, RdGy10, RdGy11, RdPu3, RdPu4, RdPu5, RdPu6, RdPu7, RdPu8, RdPu9, RdYlBu3, RdYlBu4, RdYlBu5, RdYlBu6, RdYlBu7, RdYlBu8, RdYlBu9, RdYlBu10, RdYlBu11, RdYlGn3, RdYlGn4, RdYlGn5, RdYlGn6, RdYlGn7, RdYlGn8, RdYlGn9, RdYlGn10, RdYlGn11, Reds3, Reds4, Reds5, Reds6, Reds7, Reds8, Reds9, Set1_3, Set1_4, Set1_5, Set1_6, Set1_7, Set1_8, Set1_9, Set2_3, Set2_4, Set2_5, Set2_6, Set2_7, Set2_8, Set3_3, Set3_4, Set3_5, Set3_6, Set3_7, Set3_8, Set3_9, Set3_10, Set3_11, Set3_12, Spectral3, Spectral4, Spectral5, Spectral6, Spectral7, Spectral8, Spectral9, Spectral10, Spectral11, Viridis3, Viridis4, Viridis5, Viridis6, Viridis7, Viridis8, Viridis9, Viridis10, Viridis11, Viridis256, YlGn3, YlGn4, YlGn5, YlGn6, YlGn7, YlGn8, YlGn9, YlGnBu3, YlGnBu4, YlGnBu5, YlGnBu6, YlGnBu7, YlGnBu8, YlGnBu9, YlOrBr3, YlOrBr4, YlOrBr5, YlOrBr6, YlOrBr7, YlOrBr8, YlOrBr9, YlOrRd3, YlOrRd4, YlOrRd5, YlOrRd6, YlOrRd7, YlOrRd8, YlOrRd9)

Specify the name of a palette from bokeh.palettes

RenderLevel = Enumeration(image, underlay, glyph, annotation, overlay)

Specify a position in the render order for a Bokeh renderer

RenderMode = Enumeration(canvas, css)

Specify a render mode for renderers that support both Canvas or CSS rendering

RoundingFunction = Enumeration(round, nearest, floor, rounddown, ceil, roundup)

Specify a policy for how numbers should be rounded

SizingMode = Enumeration(stretch_both, scale_width, scale_height, scale_both, fixed)

Sizing mode policies

SliderCallbackPolicy = Enumeration(continuous, throttle, mouseup)

Specify different callback policies for the slider widget

SortDirection = Enumeration(ascending, descending)

Specify sorting directions

StartEnd = Enumeration(start, end)

Specify a start/end value

StepMode = Enumeration(before, after, center)

Specify a mode for stepwise interpolation

TextAlign = Enumeration(left, right, center)

Specify the horizontal alignment for rendering text

TextBaseline = Enumeration(top, middle, bottom, alphabetic, hanging, ideographic)

Specify the baseline location for rendering text

Units = Enumeration(screen, data)

Specify units for mapping values


Provide a custom JSON encoder for serializing Bokeh models.

class BokehJSONEncoder(skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, encoding='utf-8', default=None)

Encode values to be used in Bokeh documents or communicated to a Bokeh server.


Handle special scalars, use default json encoder otherwise

serialize_json(obj, encoder=<class 'bokeh.core.json_encoder.BokehJSONEncoder'>, indent=None, **kwargs)

Return a serialized JSON representation of a Bokeh model.

In order to streamline and automate the creation and use of models that can for describing plots and scenes, Bokeh provides a collection of properties and property mixins. Property classes provide automatic validation and serialization for a large collection of useful types. Mixin and container classes provide for easy bulk addition of properties to model classes.

Properties are objects that can be assigned as class level attributes on Bokeh models, to provide automatic serialization and validation.

For example, the following defines a model that has integer, string, and list[float] properties:

class Model(HasProps):
    foo = Int
    bar = String
    baz = List(Float)

The properties of this class can be initialized by specifying keyword arguments to the initializer:

m = Model(foo=10, bar="a str", baz=[1,2,3,4])

But also by setting the attributes on an instance: = 20

Attempts to set a property to a value of the wrong type will result in a ValueError exception:

>>> = 2.3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/bryan/work/bokeh/bokeh/", line 585, in __setattr__
    super(HasProps, self).__setattr__(name, value)
  File "/Users/bryan/work/bokeh/bokeh/", line 159, in __set__
    raise e
  File "/Users/bryan/work/bokeh/bokeh/", line 152, in __set__
  File "/Users/bryan/work/bokeh/bokeh/", line 707, in validate
    (nice_join([ cls.__name__ for cls in self._underlying_type ]), value, type(value).__name__))
ValueError: expected a value of type int8, int16, int32, int64 or int, got 2.3 of type float

Additionally, properties know how to serialize themselves, to be understood by BokehJS.

class Angle(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Angle type property.

class AngleSpec(default=None, units_default='rad', help=None)

A numeric DataSpec property to represent angles.

Acceptable values for units are "rad" and "deg".

class Any(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Any type property accepts any values.

class Array(item_type, default=None, help=None)

NumPy array type property.

class BasicProperty(descriptor, name)

A PropertyDescriptor associated with a class attribute name, so it can be read and written.


Get the default value for a specific subtype of HasProps, which may not be used for an individual instance.


Get the default value that will be used for a specific instance.

set_from_json(obj, json, models=None)

Sets using the result of serializable_value().

class Bool(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Boolean type property.

class Byte(default=0, help=None)

Byte type property.

class Color(default=None, help=None)

Accepts color definition in a variety of ways, and produces an appropriate serialization of its value for whatever backend.

For colors, because we support named colors and hex values prefaced with a “#”, when we are handed a string value, there is a little interpretation: if the value is one of the 147 SVG named colors or it starts with a “#”, then it is interpreted as a value.

If a 3-tuple is provided, then it is treated as an RGB (0..255). If a 4-tuple is provided, then it is treated as an RGBa (0..255), with alpha as a float between 0 and 1. (This follows the HTML5 Canvas API.)

class ColorSpec(default, help=None)

A DataSpec property that can be set to a Color fixed value, or a data source column name referring to column of color data.

classmethod isconst(arg)

Returns True if the argument is a literal color. Check for a well-formed hexadecimal color value.

class Complex(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Complex floating point type property.

class ContainerProperty(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Base class for Container-like type properties.

class DashPattern(default=[], help=None)

Dash type property.

Express patterns that describe line dashes. DashPattern values can be specified in a variety of ways:

  • An enum: “solid”, “dashed”, “dotted”, “dotdash”, “dashdot”
  • a tuple or list of integers in the HTML5 Canvas dash specification style. Note that if the list of integers has an odd number of elements, then it is duplicated, and that duplicated list becomes the new dash list.

To indicate that dashing is turned off (solid lines), specify the empty list [].

class DataDistanceSpec(default=None, help=None)

A numeric DataSpec property to represent data space distances.


Units are always "data".

class DataSpecProperty(descriptor, name)

A Property with a DataSpec descriptor.

class Date(, 10, 7), help=None)

Date (not datetime) type property.

class Datetime(, 10, 7), help=None)

Datetime type property.

class Dict(keys_type, values_type, default={}, help=None)

Python dict type property.

If a default value is passed in, then a shallow copy of it will be used for each new use of this property.

class DistanceSpec(default=None, units_default='data', help=None)

A numeric DataSpec property to represent screen or data space distances.

Acceptable values for units are "screen" and "data".

class Either(tp1, tp2, *type_params, **kwargs)

Takes a list of valid properties and validates against them in succession.

class Enum(enum, *values, **kwargs)

An Enum with a list of allowed values. The first value in the list is the default value, unless a default is provided with the “default” keyword argument.

class Event(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Event type property.

class Float(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Floating point type property.

class FontSizeSpec(default, help=None)

A DataSpec property that can be set to a font size fixed value, or a data source column name referring to column of font size data.

class Function(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Function type property.

class HasProps(**properties)

Base class for all class types that have Bokeh properties.


Apply a set of theme values which will be used rather than defaults, but will not override application-set values.

The passed-in dictionary may be kept around as-is and shared with other instances to save memory (so neither the caller nor the HasProps instance should modify it).

classmethod dataspecs()

Returns a set of the names of this object’s dataspecs (and dataspec subclasses). Traverses the class hierarchy.

classmethod dataspecs_with_props()

Returns a dict of dataspec names to dataspec properties.


Structural equality of models.

pprint(verbose=False, max_width=79, newline='\n')

Like pretty but print to stdout.

pretty(verbose=False, max_width=79, newline='\n')

Pretty print the object’s representation.

classmethod properties(with_bases=True)

Return a set of the names of this object’s properties. If with_bases is True, we traverse the class hierarchy and pull together the full list of properties; if False, we only return the properties introduced in the class itself.

Parameters:with_bases (bool, optional) – Whether to include properties that haven’t been set. (default: True)
Returns:a set of property names
classmethod properties_containers()

Returns a list of properties that are containers.

classmethod properties_with_refs()

Return a set of the names of this object’s properties that have references. We traverse the class hierarchy and pull together the full list of properties.


Return a dict from property names to the current values of those properties.

Non-serializable properties are skipped and property values are in “serialized” format which may be slightly different from the values you would normally read from the properties; the intent of this method is to return the information needed to losslessly reconstitute the object instance.

Parameters:include_defaults (bool, optional) – Whether to include properties that haven’t been set. (default: True)
Returns:mapping from property names to their values
Return type:dict

Sets a number of properties at once

set_from_json(name, json, models=None)

Sets a property of the object using JSON and a dictionary mapping model ids to model instances. The model instances are necessary if the JSON contains references to models.


Get any theme-provided overrides as a dict from property name to value, or None if no theme overrides any values for this instance.


Updates the object’s properties from the given keyword args.

update_from_json(json_attributes, models=None)

Updates the object’s properties from a JSON attributes dictionary.

class Include(delegate, help='', use_prefix=True)

Include other properties from mixin Models, with a given prefix.

class Instance(instance_type, default=None, help=None)

Instance type property, for references to other Models in the object graph.

class Int(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Signed integer type property.

class Interval(interval_type, start, end, default=None, help=None)

Range type property ensures values are contained inside a given interval.

class JSON(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

JSON type property validates that text values are valid JSON.


The string is transmitted and received by BokehJS as a string containing JSON content. i.e., you must use JSON.parse to unpack the value into a JavaScript hash.

class List(item_type, default=[], help=None)

Python list type property.

class MinMaxBounds(accept_datetime=False, default='auto', help=None)

Accepts min and max bounds for use with Ranges.

Bounds are provided as a tuple of (min, max) so regardless of whether your range is increasing or decreasing, the first item should be the minimum value of the range and the second item should be the maximum. Setting min > max will result in a ValueError.

Setting bounds to None will allow your plot to pan/zoom as far as you want. If you only want to constrain one end of the plot, you can set min or max to None e.g. DataRange1d(bounds=(None, 12))

class NumberSpec(default=None, help=None)

A DataSpec property that can be set to a numeric fixed value, or a data source column name referring to column of numeric data.

class Override(**kwargs)

Override aspects of the PropertyDescriptor from a superclass.

class ParameterizedPropertyDescriptor(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Base class for Properties that have type parameters, e.g. List(String).

class Percent(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Percentage type property.

Percents are useful for specifying alphas and coverage and extents; more semantically meaningful than Float(0..1).

class PrimitiveProperty(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

A base class for simple property types.

Subclasses should define a class attribute _underlying_type that is a tuple of acceptable type values for the property.

class Property(name)

A named attribute that can be read and written.


The default as computed for a certain class, ignoring any per-instance theming.


Gets the value as it should be serialized, which differs from the __get__ value occasionally when we allow the __get__ value to appear simpler for developer convenience.

set_from_json(obj, json, models)

Sets from a JSON value.

trigger_if_changed(obj, old)

Send a change event if the property’s value is not equal to old.


True if the property can refer to another HasProps instance.


True if the property should be serialized when serializing an object. This would be False for a “virtual” or “convenience” property that duplicates information already available in other properties, for example.

class PropertyDescriptor(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Base class for a description of a property, not associated yet with an attribute name or a class.

from_json(json, models=None)

Convert from JSON-compatible values (list, dict, number, string, bool, None) into a value for this property.

themed_default(cls, name, theme_overrides)

The default transformed by prepare_value() and the theme overrides.


Change the value into the canonical format for this property.


Check whether we can set this property from this value (called before transform()).


True if the property should be serialized when serializing an object. This would be False for a “virtual” or “convenience” property that duplicates information already available in other properties, for example.

class PropertyFactory

Base class for objects that can generate Property instances.

classmethod autocreate()

Called by the metaclass to create a new instance of this descriptor if the user just assigned it to a property without trailing parentheses.


Returns a list of Property instances.

class Regex(regex, default=None, help=None)

Regex type property validates that text values match the given regular expression.

class RelativeDelta(default={}, help=None)

RelativeDelta type property for time deltas.

class ScreenDistanceSpec(default=None, help=None)

A numeric DataSpec property to represent screen distances.


Units are always "screen".

class Seq(item_type, default=None, help=None)

An ordered sequence of values (list, tuple, (nd)array).

class Size(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

Size type property.


Size is equivalent to an unsigned int.

class String(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

String type property.

class StringSpec(default, help=None)

A DataSpec property that can be set to a string fixed value, or a data source column name referring to column of string data.


Because acceptable fixed values and field names are both strings, it is often necessary to use the field() and value() functions explicitly to disambiguate.

class This(default=None, help=None, serialized=True)

A reference to an instance of the class being defined.

class TimeDelta(default=datetime.timedelta(0), help=None)

TimeDelta type property.

class Tuple(tp1, tp2, *type_params, **kwargs)

Tuple type property.

class UnitsSpec(default, units_type, units_default, help=None)

A numeric DataSpec property with units.

class UnitsSpecProperty(descriptor, name, units_prop)

A Property that sets a matching _units property as a side effect.


A phony decorator to mark abstract base classes.


Convenience function do explicitly mark a field specification for a Bokeh model property.

Parameters:name (str) – name of a data source field to reference for a property.
Returns:{“field”: name}
Return type:dict


This function is included for completeness. String values for property specifications are by default interpreted as field names.


Convenience function do explicitly mark a value specification for a Bokeh model property.

Parameters:val (any) – a fixed value to specify for a property.
Returns:{“value”: name}
Return type:dict


String values for property specifications are by default interpreted as field names. This function is especially useful when you want to specify a fixed value with text properties.


# The following will take text values to render from a data source
# column "text_column", but use a fixed value "12pt" for font size
p.text("x", "y", text="text_column",
       text_font_size=value("12pt"), source=source)


Provide special versions of list, dict, that can be used for property values.

Mutations to these values are detected, and the properties owning the collection is notified of the changes.

class PropertyValueContainer(*args, **kwargs)

A base class for property container classes that support change notifications on mutating operations.

class PropertyValueDict(*args, **kwargs)

A dict property value that supports change notifications on mutating opertations.

class PropertyValueList(*args, **kwargs)

A list property value that supports change notifications on mutating operations.


A decorator for mutating methods of property container classes, to notify a the owner that a mutating change has occurred.


class FillProps(**properties)

Properties to use when performing fill operations while rendering.

Mirrors the BokehJS properties.Fill class.


property type: fill_alpha:NumberSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Instance(Transform), Instance(ColorMapper), Float)), Float)

An alpha value to use to fill paths with.

Acceptable values are floating point numbers between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).


property type: fill_color:ColorSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Instance(Transform), Instance(ColorMapper), Color)), Color)

A color to use to fill paths with.

Acceptable values are:

  • any of the 147 named CSS colors, e.g 'green', 'indigo'
  • an RGB(A) hex value, e.g., '#FF0000', '#44444444'
  • a 3-tuple of integers (r,g,b) between 0 and 255
  • a 4-tuple of (r,g,b,a) where r,g,b are integers between 0..255 and a is between 0..1
class LineProps(**properties)

Properties to use when performing stroke operations while rendering.

Mirrors the BokehJS properties.Line class.


property type: line_alpha:NumberSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Instance(Transform), Instance(ColorMapper), Float)), Float)

An alpha value to use to stroke paths with.

Acceptable values are floating point numbers between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).


property type: line_cap:Enum(‘butt’, ‘round’, ‘square’)

How path segments should be terminated.

Acceptable values are:

  • 'butt' butt_cap
  • 'round' round_cap
  • 'square' square_cap

property type: line_color:ColorSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Instance(Transform), Instance(ColorMapper), Color)), Color)

A color to use to stroke paths with.

Acceptable values are:

  • any of the 147 named CSS colors, e.g 'green', 'indigo'
  • an RGB(A) hex value, e.g., '#FF0000', '#44444444'
  • a 3-tuple of integers (r,g,b) between 0 and 255
  • a 4-tuple of (r,g,b,a) where r,g,b are integers between 0..255 and a is between 0..1

property type: line_dash:DashPattern

How should the line be dashed.


property type: line_dash_offset:Int

The distance into the line_dash (in pixels) that the pattern should start from.


property type: line_join:Enum(‘miter’, ‘round’, ‘bevel’)

How path segments should be joined together.

Acceptable values are:

  • 'miter' miter_join
  • 'round' round_join
  • 'bevel' bevel_join

property type: line_width:NumberSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Instance(Transform), Instance(ColorMapper), Float)), Float)

Stroke width in units of pixels.

class TextProps(**properties)

Properties to use when performing text drawing operations while rendering.

Mirrors the BokehJS properties.Text class.


There is currently only support for filling text. An interface to stroke the outlines of text has not yet been exposed.


property type: text_align:Enum(‘left’, ‘right’, ‘center’)

Horizontal anchor point to use when rendering text.

Acceptable values are:

  • 'left'
  • 'right'
  • 'center'

property type: text_alpha:NumberSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Instance(Transform), Instance(ColorMapper), Float)), Float)

An alpha value to use to fill text with.

Acceptable values are floating point numbers between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).


property type: text_baseline:Enum(‘top’, ‘middle’, ‘bottom’, ‘alphabetic’, ‘hanging’, ‘ideographic’)

Vertical anchor point to use when rendering text.

Acceptable values are:

  • 'top'
  • 'middle'
  • 'bottom'
  • 'alphabetic'
  • 'hanging'
  • 'ideographic'

property type: text_color:ColorSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Instance(Transform), Instance(ColorMapper), Color)), Color)

A color to use to fill text with.

Acceptable values are:

  • any of the 147 named CSS colors, e.g 'green', 'indigo'
  • an RGB(A) hex value, e.g., '#FF0000', '#44444444'
  • a 3-tuple of integers (r,g,b) between 0 and 255
  • a 4-tuple of (r,g,b,a) where r,g,b are integers between 0..255 and a is between 0..1

property type: text_font:String

Name of a font to use for rendering text, e.g., 'times', 'helvetica'.


property type: text_font_style:Enum(‘normal’, ‘italic’, ‘bold’)

A style to use for rendering text.

Acceptable values are:

  • 'normal' normal text
  • 'italic' italic text
  • 'bold' bold text


The query module provides functions for searching Bokeh object graphs for objects that match specified criteria.

Queries are specified as selectors similar to MongoDB style query selectors.


.. code-block:: python

    # find all objects with type "grid"
    find(p, {'type': 'grid'})

    # find all objects with type "grid" or "axis"
    find(p, {OR: [
        {'type': 'grid'}, {'type': 'axis'}

    # same query, using IN operator
    find(p, {'type': {IN: ['grid', 'axis']})

    # find all plot objects on the 'left' layout of the Plot
    list(find(p, {'layout': 'left'}, {'plot': p}))

    # find all subplots in column 0
    find(p, {type: 'plot', 'column: 0}, {'gridplot': p})

    # find all subplots the last row
    find(p, {type: 'plot', 'row': -1}, {'gridplot': p})
find(objs, selector, context=None)

Query an object and all of its contained references and yield objects that match the given selector.

  • obj (Model) – object to query
  • selector (JSON-like) – query selector See module docs for details

Model – objects that match the query


match(obj, selector, context=None)

Test whether a particular object matches a given selector.

  • obj (Model) – object to Test
  • selector (JSON-like) – query selector See module docs for details

True if the object matches, False otherwise

Return type:


There are two selector keys that are handled especially. The first is ‘type’, which will do an isinstance check:

>>> from bokeh.plotting import line
>>> from bokeh.models import Axis
>>> p = line([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
>>> len(list({'type': Axis})))

There is also a ‘tags’ attribute that Model objects have, that is a list of user-supplied values. The ‘tags’ selector key can be used to query against this list of tags. An object matches if any of the tags in the selector match any of the tags on the object:

>>> from bokeh.plotting import line
>>> from bokeh.models import Axis
>>> p = line([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
>>> p.tags = ["my plot", 10]
>>> len(list({'tags': "my plot"})))
>>> len(list({'tags': ["my plot", 10]})))


Encapsulate implicit state that is useful for Bokeh plotting APIs.

Generating output for Bokeh plots requires coordinating several things:

Group together Bokeh models that may be shared between plots (e.g., range or data source objects) into one common namespace.
Control how JavaScript and CSS for the client library BokehJS are included and used in the generated output.

It is certainly possible to handle the configuration of these objects manually, and several examples of this can be found in examples/models. When developing sophisticated applications, it may be necessary or desirable to work at this level. However, for general use this would quickly become burdensome. The bokeh.state module provides a State class that encapsulates these objects and ensures their proper configuration.

class State

Manage state related to controlling Bokeh output.


bokeh.document.Document – a default document to use


dict – default filename, resources, etc. for file output This dictionary has the following form:

    'filename'  : # filename to use when saving
    'resources' : # resources configuration
    'title'     : # a title for the HTML document

bool – whether to generate notebook output


str – a default session ID for Bokeh server output


bool – whether certain functions automatically add roots to the document


bool – whether certain functions automatically save the file


bool – whether certain functions automatically push to the server

output_file(filename, title='Bokeh Plot', autosave=False, mode='cdn', root_dir=None)

Output to a standalone HTML file.

Does not change the current Document from curdoc(). File, server, and notebook output may be active at the same time, so this does not clear the effects of output_server() or output_notebook().

  • filename (str) – a filename for saving the HTML document
  • title (str, optional) – a title for the HTML document
  • autosave (bool, optional) – whether to automatically save (default: False) If True, then Bokeh plotting APIs may opt to automatically save the file more frequently (e.g., after any plotting command). If False, then the file is only saved upon calling show() or save().
  • mode (str, optional) – how to include BokehJS (default: 'cdn') One of: 'inline', 'cdn', 'relative(-dev)' or 'absolute(-dev)'. See bokeh.resources.Resources for more details.
  • root_dir (str, optional) – root directory to use for ‘absolute’ resources. (default: None) This value is ignored for other resource types, e.g. INLINE or CDN.


This output file will be overwritten on every save, e.g., each time show() or save() is invoked, or any time a Bokeh plotting API causes a save, if autosave is True.


Generate output in Jupyter/IPython notebook cells.

This does not clear the effects of output_file() or output_server(), it only adds an additional output destination (publishing to IPython Notebook). If output_server() has been called, the notebook output cell will be loaded from a Bokeh server; otherwise, Bokeh publishes HTML to the notebook directly.

output_server(session_id='default', url='default', app_path='/', autopush=False)

Store Bokeh plots and objects on a Bokeh server.

File, server, and notebook output may be active at the same time, so this does not clear the effects of output_file() or output_notebook(). output_server() changes the behavior of output_notebook(), so the notebook will load output cells from the server rather than receiving them as inline HTML.

  • session_id (str) – Name of session to push on Bokeh server Any existing session with the same name will be overwritten.
  • url (str, optional) – base URL of the Bokeh server (default: “default”) If “default” use the default localhost URL.
  • app_path (str, optional) – relative path of the app on the Bokeh server (default: “/”)
  • autopush (bool, optional) – whether to automatically push (default: False) If True, then Bokeh plotting APIs may opt to automatically push the document more frequently (e.g., after any plotting command). If False, then the document is only pushed upon calling show() or push().



Calling this function will replace any existing server-side document in the named session.


Deactivate all currently active output modes and set curdoc() to a fresh empty Document.

Subsequent calls to show() will not render until a new output mode is activated.


Gets the full server URL (including the app path).


Gets the server base URL (not including any app path).


The templates module contains Jinja2 templates used by Bokeh embed Bokeh models (e.g. plots, widgets, layouts) in various ways.

AUTOLOAD_JS = <Template 'autoload_js.js'>

Renders JavaScript code for “autoloading”.

The code automatically and asynchronously loads BokehJS (if necessary) and then replaces the AUTOLOAD_TAG <script> tag that calls it with the rendered model.

  • elementid (str) – the unique id for the script tag
  • websocket_url (str) – path to use to open websocket, or null if we are not using a server
  • sessionid (str) – The id of the Bokeh server session to get a document from
  • docs_json (dict) – embedded JSON serialization of documents
  • js_urls (list) – URLs of JS files making up Bokeh library
  • css_urls (list) – CSS urls to inject
Template: autoload_js.js
(function(global) {
  function now() {
    return new Date();

  var force = "{{ force }}";

  if (typeof (window._bokeh_onload_callbacks) === "undefined" || force !== "") {
    window._bokeh_onload_callbacks = [];
    window._bokeh_is_loading = undefined;

  {% block autoload_init %}
  {% endblock %}

  function run_callbacks() {
    window._bokeh_onload_callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback() });
    delete window._bokeh_onload_callbacks"Bokeh: all callbacks have finished");

  function load_libs(js_urls, callback) {
    if (window._bokeh_is_loading > 0) {
      console.log("Bokeh: BokehJS is being loaded, scheduling callback at", now());
      return null;
    if (js_urls == null || js_urls.length === 0) {
      return null;
    console.log("Bokeh: BokehJS not loaded, scheduling load and callback at", now());
    window._bokeh_is_loading = js_urls.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < js_urls.length; i++) {
      var url = js_urls[i];
      var s = document.createElement('script');
      s.src = url;
      s.async = false;
      s.onreadystatechange = s.onload = function() {
        if (window._bokeh_is_loading === 0) {
          console.log("Bokeh: all BokehJS libraries loaded");
      s.onerror = function() {
        console.warn("failed to load library " + url);
      console.log("Bokeh: injecting script tag for BokehJS library: ", url);

  {%- if elementid -%}
  var element = document.getElementById("{{ elementid }}");
  if (element == null) {
    console.log("Bokeh: ERROR: autoload.js configured with elementid '{{ elementid }}' but no matching script tag was found. ")
    return false;
  {%- endif %}

  var js_urls = {{ js_urls }};

  var inline_js = [
    {%- for js in js_raw %}
    function(Bokeh) {
      {{ js|indent(6) }}
    {% endfor -%}
    function(Bokeh) {
      {%- for url in css_urls %}
      console.log("Bokeh: injecting CSS: {{ url }}");
      Bokeh.embed.inject_css("{{ url }}");
      {%- endfor %}
      {%- for css in css_raw %}
      console.log("Bokeh: injecting raw CSS");
      Bokeh.embed.inject_raw_css({{ css }});
      {%- endfor %}

  function run_inline_js() {
    {% block run_inline_js %}
    for (var i = 0; i < inline_js.length; i++) {
    {% endblock %}

  if (window._bokeh_is_loading === 0) {
    console.log("Bokeh: BokehJS loaded, going straight to plotting");
  } else {
    load_libs(js_urls, function() {
      console.log("Bokeh: BokehJS plotting callback run at", now());
AUTOLOAD_TAG = <Template 'autoload_tag.html'>

Renders <script> tags that automatically load BokehJS (if necessary) and then renders a Bokeh model or document. The document may be specified as either an embedded doc ID or a server session ID. If a specific model ID is not specified, the entire document will be rendered.

  • src_path (str) – path to AUTOLOAD script
  • elementid (str) – the a unique id for the script tag
  • modelid (str) – The Bokeh model id for the object to render (if missing, render the whole doc; if present, only render the one model)
  • docid (str) – The id of the embedded Bokeh document to render


This script injects a <div> in place, so must be placed under <body>.

Template: autoload_tag.html
    src="{{ src_path }}"
    id="{{ elementid }}"
    data-bokeh-model-id="{{ modelid }}"
    data-bokeh-doc-id="{{ docid }}"
CSS_RESOURCES = <Template 'css_resources.html'>

Renders HTML that loads Bokeh CSS according to the configuration in a Resources object.

  • css_files (list[str]) – a list of URIs for CSS files to include
  • css_raw (list[str]) – a list of raw CSS snippets to put between <style> tags
Template: css_resources.html
{%- for file in css_files %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ file }}" type="text/css" />
{%- endfor %}

{%- for css in css_raw %}
    {{ css|indent(8) }}
{%- endfor %}
DOC_JS = <Template 'doc_js.js'>
Template: doc_js.js
var docs_json = {{ docs_json }};
var render_items = {{ render_items }};

Bokeh.embed.embed_items(docs_json, render_items{%- if websocket_url -%}, "{{ websocket_url }}" {%- endif -%});
FILE = <Template 'file.html'>

Renders Bokeh models into a basic .html file.

  • title (str) – value for <title> tags
  • plot_resources (str) – typically the output of RESOURCES
  • plot_script (str) – typically the output of PLOT_SCRIPT
  • plot_div (str) – typically the output of PLOT_DIV

Users can customize the file output by providing their own Jinja2 template that accepts these same parameters.

Template: file.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>{{ title if title else "Bokeh Plot" }}</title>
        {{ bokeh_css }}
        {{ bokeh_js }}
          html {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
          body {
            width: 90%;
            height: 100%;
            margin: auto;
        {{ plot_div|indent(8) }}
        {{ plot_script|indent(8) }}
JS_RESOURCES = <Template 'js_resources.html'>

Renders HTML that loads BokehJS JavaScript code and CSS according to the configuration in a Resources object.

  • js_files (list[str]) – a list of URIs for JS files to include
  • js_raw (list[str]) – a list of raw JS snippets to put between <style> tags
Template: js_resources.html
{%- for file in js_files %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ file }}"></script>
{%- endfor %}

{%- for js in js_raw %}
<script type="text/javascript">
    {{ js|indent(8) }}
{%- endfor %}
NOTEBOOK_LOAD = <Template 'notebook_load.html'>

Renders HTML for loading BokehJS JavaScript code and CSS into a Jupyter Notebook according to a Resources object.

  • plot_resources (str) – typically the output of RESOURCES
  • verbose (bool) – whether to display verbose info about BokehJS configuration, etc
  • bokeh_version (str) – the current version of Bokeh
  • js_info (str) – information about the location, version, etc. of BokehJS code
  • css_info (str) – information about the location, version, etc. of BokehJS css
  • warnings (list[str]) – a list of warnings to display to user
Template: notebook_load.html
    {%- if not hide_banner %}
    <div class="bk-root">
        <a href="" target="_blank" class="bk-logo bk-logo-small bk-logo-notebook"></a>
        <span id="{{ element_id }}">Loading BokehJS ...</span>

    {%- if verbose %}
        p.bokeh_notebook { margin-left: 24px; }
        table.bokeh_notebook {
            border: 1px solid #e7e7e7;
            margin: 5px;
            margin-left: 24px;
            width: 80%;
        tr.bokeh_notebook {
            border: 1px solid #e7e7e7;
            background-color: #FFF;
        th.bokeh_notebook {
            border: 1px solid #e7e7e7;
            background-color: #f8f8f8;
            text-align: center;
        td.bokeh_notebook {
            border: 1px solid #e7e7e7;
            background-color: #d2d7ec;
            text-align: left;
    <p class="bokeh_notebook">Using Settings:</p>
    <table class="bokeh_notebook">
        <tr class="bokeh_notebook">
            <th class="bokeh_notebook">Bokeh</th>
            <th class="bokeh_notebook">version</th>
            <td class="bokeh_notebook">{{ bokeh_version }}</td>
        <tr class="bokeh_notebook">
            <th class="bokeh_notebook" rowspan="2">BokehJS</th>
            <th class="bokeh_notebook">js</th>
            <td class="bokeh_notebook">{{ js_info }}</td>
        <tr class="bokeh_notebook">
            <th class="bokeh_notebook">css</th>
            <td class="bokeh_notebook">{{ css_info }}</td>
    {%- endif %}
    {%- for warning in warnings %}
    <p style="background-color: #f2d7dc;">{{ warning }}</p>
    {%- endfor %}
    {%- endif %}
NOTEBOOK_DIV = <Template 'notebook_div.html'>

Renders a div to display a Bokeh model into a Jupyter Notebook.

  • plot_script (str) – typically the output of PLOT_SCRIPT
  • plot_div (str) – typically the output of PLOT_DIV
Template: notebook_div.html
{{ plot_div|indent(4) }}
<script type="text/javascript">
  {{ plot_script|indent(2) }}
PLOT_DIV = <Template 'plot_div.html'>

Renders a basic plot div, that can be used in conjunction with PLOT_JS.

Parameters:elementid (str) – a unique identifier for the <div> a PLOT_JS template should be configured with the same elementid
Template: plot_div.html
<div class="bk-root">
    <div class="plotdiv" id="{{ elementid }}"></div>
SCRIPT_TAG = <Template 'script_tag.html'>

Renders a <script> tag for raw JavaScript code.

Parameters:js_code (str) – raw JavaScript code to put in the tag.
Template: script_tag.html
<script type="text/javascript">
    {{ js_code }}


To create a Bokeh visualization, the central task is to assemble a collection model objects from bokeh.plotting into a graph that represents the scene that should be created in the client. It is possible to to this “by hand”, using the model objects directly. However, to make this process easier, Bokeh provides higher level interfaces such as bokeh.plotting and bokeh.plotting for users. These interfaces automate common “assembly” steps, to ensure a Bokeh object graph is created in a consistent, predictable way. However, regardless of what interface is used, it is possible to put Bokeh models together in ways that are incomplete, or that do not make sense in some way.

To assist with diagnosing potential problems, Bokeh performs a validation step when outputting a visualization for display. These errors and warnings are outlined below.


Define standard error codes and messages for Bokeh validation checks.

A ColumnDataSource has columns whose lengths are not all the same.
A glyph has a property set to a field name that does not correspond to any column in the GlyphRenderer‘s data source.
A GlyphRenderer has no glyph configured.
A GlyphRenderer has no data source configured.
A Plot is missing one or more required default ranges (will result in blank plot).
Google Maps API now requires an API key for all use. See for more information on how to obtain your own, to use for the api_key property of your Google Map plot .
All data_sources on LegendItem.renderers must match when LegendItem.label is type field.
Indicates that a custom error check has failed.


Define standard warning codes and messages for Bokeh validation checks.

A Plot object has no renderers configured (will result in a blank plot).
A Plot object has no data renderers (will result in an empty plot frame).
A layout model has no children (will result in a blank layout).
Category labels cannot contain colons (will result in a blank layout).
Each component can be rendered in only one place, can’t be both a root and in a layout.
Indicates that a custom warning check has failed.



Mark a validator method for a Bokeh error condition

Parameters:code_or_name (int or str) – a code from bokeh.validation.errors or a string label for a custom check
Returns:decorator for Bokeh model methods
Return type:callable


The first example uses a numeric code for a standard error provided in bokeh.validation.errors. This usage is primarily of interest to Bokeh core developers.

from bokeh.validation.errors import REQUIRED_RANGES

def _check_no_glyph_renderers(self):

The second example shows how a custom warning check can be implemented by passing an arbitrary string label to the decorator. This usage is primarily of interest to anyone extending Bokeh with their own custom models.

def _check_my_custom_warning(self):

Mark a validator method for a Bokeh error condition

Parameters:code_or_name (int or str) – a code from bokeh.validation.errors or a string label for a custom check
Returns:decorator for Bokeh model methods
Return type:callable


The first example uses a numeric code for a standard warning provided in bokeh.validation.warnings. This usage is primarily of interest to Bokeh core developers.

from bokeh.validation.warnings import NO_DATA_RENDERERS

def _check_no_glyph_renderers(self):

The second example shows how a custom warning check can be implemented by passing an arbitrary string label to the decorator. This usage is primarily of interest to anyone extending Bokeh with their own custom models.

def _check_my_custom_warning(self):


Provide exception types for Bokeh object graph validation.

exception ValidationError

Failed Bokeh validation check