This docs on this page refers to a PREVIOUS VERSION. For the latest stable release, go to

Archived docs for versions <= 1.0.4 have had to be modified from their original published configuration, and may be missing some features (e.g. source listing)

All users are encourage to update to version 1.1 or later, as soon as they are able.

bokeh.client.connection — Bokeh 1.0.2 documentation

Source code for bokeh.client.connection

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018, Anaconda, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Powered by the Bokeh Development Team.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
''' Implements a very low level facility for communicating with a Bokeh

Users will always want to use :class:`~bokeh.client.session.ClientSession`
instead for standard usage.


# Boilerplate
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Standard library imports

# External imports
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote_plus

from tornado import gen
from tornado.httpclient import HTTPRequest
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.websocket import websocket_connect, WebSocketError

# Bokeh imports
from ..protocol import Protocol
from ..protocol.exceptions import MessageError, ProtocolError, ValidationError
from ..protocol.receiver import Receiver
from .websocket import WebSocketClientConnectionWrapper

# Globals and constants

__all__ = (

# General API

# Dev API

[docs]class ClientConnection(object): ''' A Bokeh low-level class used to implement ``ClientSession``; use ``ClientSession`` to connect to the server. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, session, websocket_url, io_loop=None, arguments=None): ''' Opens a websocket connection to the server. ''' self._url = websocket_url self._session = session self._arguments = arguments self._protocol = Protocol("1.0") self._receiver = Receiver(self._protocol) self._socket = None self._state = NOT_YET_CONNECTED() if io_loop is None: # We can't use IOLoop.current because then we break # when running inside a notebook since ipython also uses it io_loop = IOLoop() self._loop = io_loop self._until_predicate = None self._server_info = None
# Properties -------------------------------------------------------------- @property def connected(self): ''' Whether we've connected the Websocket and have exchanged initial handshake messages. ''' return isinstance(self._state, CONNECTED_AFTER_ACK) @property def io_loop(self): ''' The Tornado ``IOLoop`` this connection is using. ''' return self._loop @property def url(self): ''' The URL of the websocket this Connection is to. ''' return self._url # Internal methods -------------------------------------------------------- def connect(self): def connected_or_closed(): # we should be looking at the same state here as the 'connected' property above, so connected # means both connected and that we did our initial message exchange return isinstance(self._state, CONNECTED_AFTER_ACK) or isinstance(self._state, DISCONNECTED) self._loop_until(connected_or_closed)
[docs] def close(self, why="closed"): ''' Close the Websocket connection. ''' if self._socket is not None: self._socket.close(1000, why)
[docs] def force_roundtrip(self): ''' Force a round-trip request/reply to the server, sometimes needed to avoid race conditions. Mostly useful for testing. Outside of test suites, this method hurts performance and should not be needed. Returns: None ''' self._send_request_server_info()
[docs] def loop_until_closed(self): ''' Execute a blocking loop that runs and executes event callbacks until the connection is closed (e.g. by hitting Ctrl-C). While this method can be used to run Bokeh application code "outside" the Bokeh server, this practice is HIGHLY DISCOURAGED for any real use case. ''' if isinstance(self._state, NOT_YET_CONNECTED): # we don't use self._transition_to_disconnected here # because _transition is a coroutine self._tell_session_about_disconnect() self._state = DISCONNECTED() else: def closed(): return isinstance(self._state, DISCONNECTED) self._loop_until(closed)
[docs] def pull_doc(self, document): ''' Pull a document from the server, overwriting the passed-in document Args: document : (Document) The document to overwrite with server content. Returns: None ''' msg = self._protocol.create('PULL-DOC-REQ') reply = self._send_message_wait_for_reply(msg) if reply is None: raise RuntimeError("Connection to server was lost") elif reply.header['msgtype'] == 'ERROR': raise RuntimeError("Failed to pull document: " + reply.content['text']) else: reply.push_to_document(document)
[docs] def push_doc(self, document): ''' Push a document to the server, overwriting any existing server-side doc. Args: document : (Document) A Document to push to the server Returns: The server reply ''' msg = self._protocol.create('PUSH-DOC', document) reply = self._send_message_wait_for_reply(msg) if reply is None: raise RuntimeError("Connection to server was lost") elif reply.header['msgtype'] == 'ERROR': raise RuntimeError("Failed to push document: " + reply.content['text']) else: return reply
[docs] def request_server_info(self): ''' Ask for information about the server. Returns: A dictionary of server attributes. ''' if self._server_info is None: self._server_info = self._send_request_server_info() return self._server_info
@gen.coroutine def send_message(self, message): if self._socket is None:"We're disconnected, so not sending message %r", message) else: try: sent = yield message.send(self._socket) log.debug("Sent %r [%d bytes]", message, sent) except WebSocketError as e: # A thing that happens is that we detect the # socket closing by getting a None from # read_message, but the network socket can be down # with many messages still in the read buffer, so # we'll process all those incoming messages and # get write errors trying to send change # notifications during that processing. # this is just debug level because it's completely normal # for it to happen when the socket shuts down. log.debug("Error sending message to server: %r", e) # error is almost certainly because # socket is already closed, but be sure, # because once we fail to send a message # we can't recover self.close(why="received error while sending") # don't re-throw the error - there's nothing to # do about it. raise gen.Return(None) # Private methods --------------------------------------------------------- def _versioned_url(self): versioned_url = "%s?bokeh-protocol-version=1.0&bokeh-session-id=%s" % (self._url, if self._arguments is not None: for key, value in self._arguments.items(): versioned_url += "&{}={}".format(quote_plus(str(key)), quote_plus(str(value))) return versioned_url @gen.coroutine def _connect_async(self): versioned_url = self._versioned_url() request = HTTPRequest(versioned_url) try: socket = yield websocket_connect(request) self._socket = WebSocketClientConnectionWrapper(socket) except Exception as e:"Failed to connect to server: %r", e) if self._socket is None: yield self._transition_to_disconnected() else: yield self._transition(CONNECTED_BEFORE_ACK()) @gen.coroutine def _handle_messages(self): message = yield self._pop_message() if message is None: yield self._transition_to_disconnected() else: if message.msgtype == 'PATCH-DOC': log.debug("Got PATCH-DOC, applying to session") self._session._handle_patch(message) else: log.debug("Ignoring %r", message) # we don't know about whatever message we got, ignore it. yield self._next() def _loop_until(self, predicate): self._until_predicate = predicate try: # this runs self._next ONE time, but # self._next re-runs itself until # the predicate says to quit. self._loop.add_callback(self._next) self._loop.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.close("user interruption") @gen.coroutine def _next(self): if self._until_predicate is not None and self._until_predicate(): log.debug("Stopping client loop in state %s due to True from %s", self._state.__class__.__name__, self._until_predicate.__name__) self._until_predicate = None self._loop.stop() raise gen.Return(None) else: log.debug("Running state " + self._state.__class__.__name__) yield @gen.coroutine def _pop_message(self): while True: if self._socket is None: raise gen.Return(None) # log.debug("Waiting for fragment...") fragment = None try: fragment = yield self._socket.read_message() except Exception as e: # this happens on close, so debug level since it's "normal" log.debug("Error reading from socket %r", e) # log.debug("... got fragment %r", fragment) if fragment is None: # XXX Tornado doesn't give us the code and reason"Connection closed by server") raise gen.Return(None) try: message = yield self._receiver.consume(fragment) if message is not None: log.debug("Received message %r" % message) raise gen.Return(message) except (MessageError, ProtocolError, ValidationError) as e: log.error("%r", e, exc_info=True) self.close(why="error parsing message from server") def _send_message_wait_for_reply(self, message): waiter = WAITING_FOR_REPLY(message.header['msgid']) self._state = waiter send_result = [] def message_sent(future): send_result.append(future) self._loop.add_future(self.send_message(message), message_sent) def have_send_result_or_disconnected(): return len(send_result) > 0 or self._state != waiter self._loop_until(have_send_result_or_disconnected) def have_reply_or_disconnected(): return self._state != waiter or waiter.reply is not None self._loop_until(have_reply_or_disconnected) return waiter.reply def _send_patch_document(self, session_id, event): # XXX This will cause the client to always send all columns when a CDS # is mutated in place. Additionally we set use_buffers=False below as # well, to suppress using the binary array transport. Real Bokeh server # apps running inside a server can handle these updates much more # efficiently from import ColumnDataChangedEvent if hasattr(event, 'hint') and isinstance(event.hint, ColumnDataChangedEvent): event.hint.cols = None msg = self._protocol.create('PATCH-DOC', [event], use_buffers=False) self.send_message(msg) def _send_request_server_info(self): msg = self._protocol.create('SERVER-INFO-REQ') reply = self._send_message_wait_for_reply(msg) if reply is None: raise RuntimeError("Did not get a reply to server info request before disconnect") return reply.content def _tell_session_about_disconnect(self): if self._session: self._session._notify_disconnected() @gen.coroutine def _transition(self, new_state): log.debug("transitioning to state " + new_state.__class__.__name__) self._state = new_state yield self._next() @gen.coroutine def _transition_to_disconnected(self): self._tell_session_about_disconnect() yield self._transition(DISCONNECTED()) @gen.coroutine def _wait_for_ack(self): message = yield self._pop_message() if message and message.msgtype == 'ACK': log.debug("Received %r", message) yield self._transition(CONNECTED_AFTER_ACK()) elif message is None: yield self._transition_to_disconnected() else: raise ProtocolError("Received %r instead of ACK" % message)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------