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bokeh.core.json_encoder — Bokeh 1.0.2 documentation

Source code for bokeh.core.json_encoder

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018, Anaconda, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Powered by the Bokeh Development Team.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
''' Provide a functions and classes to implement a custom JSON encoder for
serializing objects for BokehJS.

The primary interface is provided by the |serialize_json| function, which
uses the custom |BokehJSONEncoder| to produce JSON output.

In general, functions in this module convert values in the following way:

* Datetime values (Python, Pandas, NumPy) are converted to floating point
  milliseconds since epoch.

* TimeDelta values are converted to absolute floating point milliseconds.

* RelativeDelta values are converted to dictionaries.

* Decimal values are converted to floating point.

* Sequences (Pandas Series, NumPy arrays, python sequences) that are passed
  though this interface are converted to lists. Note, however, that arrays in
  data sources inside Bokeh Documents are converted elsewhere, and by default
  use a binary encoded format.

* Bokeh ``Model`` instances are usually serialized elsewhere in the context
  of an entire Bokeh Document. Models passed trough this interface are
  converted to references.

* ``HasProps`` (that are not Bokeh models) are converted to key/value dicts or
  all their properties and values.

* ``Color`` instances are converted to CSS color values.

.. |serialize_json| replace:: :class:`~bokeh.core.json_encoder.serialize_json`
.. |BokehJSONEncoder| replace:: :class:`~bokeh.core.json_encoder.BokehJSONEncoder`


# Boilerplate
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Standard library imports
import collections
import decimal
import json

# External imports
import numpy as np

# Bokeh imports
from ..settings import settings
from ..util.dependencies import import_optional
from ..util.serialization import convert_datetime_type, convert_timedelta_type, is_datetime_type, is_timedelta_type, transform_series, transform_array

# Globals and constants

rd = import_optional("dateutil.relativedelta")

pd = import_optional('pandas')

__all__ = (

# General API

[docs]def serialize_json(obj, pretty=None, indent=None, **kwargs): ''' Return a serialized JSON representation of objects, suitable to send to BokehJS. This function is typically used to serialize single python objects in the manner expected by BokehJS. In particular, many datetime values are automatically normalized to an expected format. Some Bokeh objects can also be passed, but note that Bokeh models are typically properly serialized in the context of an entire Bokeh document. The resulting JSON always has sorted keys. By default. the output is as compact as possible unless pretty output or indentation is requested. Args: obj (obj) : the object to serialize to JSON format pretty (bool, optional) : Whether to generate prettified output. If ``True``, spaces are added after added after separators, and indentation and newlines are applied. (default: False) Pretty output can also be enabled with the environment variable ``BOKEH_PRETTY``, which overrides this argument, if set. indent (int or None, optional) : Amount of indentation to use in generated JSON output. If ``None`` then no indentation is used, unless pretty output is enabled, in which case two spaces are used. (default: None) Any additional keyword arguments are passed to ``json.dumps``, except for some that are computed internally, and cannot be overridden: * allow_nan * indent * separators * sort_keys Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> data = dict(b=np.datetime64('2017-01-01'), a = np.arange(3)) >>>print(serialize_json(data)) {"a":[0,1,2],"b":1483228800000.0} >>> print(serialize_json(data, pretty=True)) { "a": [ 0, 1, 2 ], "b": 1483228800000.0 } ''' # these args to json.dumps are computed internally and should not be passed along for name in ['allow_nan', 'separators', 'sort_keys']: if name in kwargs: raise ValueError("The value of %r is computed internally, overriding is not permissable." % name) if pretty is None: pretty = settings.pretty(False) if pretty: separators=(",", ": ") else: separators=(",", ":") if pretty and indent is None: indent = 2 return json.dumps(obj, cls=BokehJSONEncoder, allow_nan=False, indent=indent, separators=separators, sort_keys=True, **kwargs)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dev API #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class BokehJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): ''' A custom ``json.JSONEncoder`` subclass for encoding objects in accordance with the BokehJS protocol. '''
[docs] def transform_python_types(self, obj): ''' Handle special scalars such as (Python, NumPy, or Pandas) datetimes, or Decimal values. Args: obj (obj) : The object to encode. Anything not specifically handled in this method is passed on to the default system JSON encoder. ''' # date/time values that get serialized as milliseconds if is_datetime_type(obj): return convert_datetime_type(obj) if is_timedelta_type(obj): return convert_timedelta_type(obj) # slice objects elif isinstance(obj, slice): return dict(start=obj.start, stop=obj.stop, step=obj.step) # NumPy scalars elif np.issubdtype(type(obj), np.floating): return float(obj) elif np.issubdtype(type(obj), np.integer): return int(obj) elif np.issubdtype(type(obj), np.bool_): return bool(obj) # Decimal values elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal): return float(obj) # RelativeDelta gets serialized as a dict elif rd and isinstance(obj, rd.relativedelta): return dict(years=obj.years, months=obj.months, days=obj.days, hours=obj.hours, minutes=obj.minutes, seconds=obj.seconds, microseconds=obj.microseconds) else: return super(BokehJSONEncoder, self).default(obj)
[docs] def default(self, obj): ''' The required ``default`` method for ``JSONEncoder`` subclasses. Args: obj (obj) : The object to encode. Anything not specifically handled in this method is passed on to the default system JSON encoder. ''' from ..model import Model from ..colors import Color from .has_props import HasProps # array types -- use force_list here, only binary # encoding CDS columns for now if pd and isinstance(obj, (pd.Series, pd.Index)): return transform_series(obj, force_list=True) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return transform_array(obj, force_list=True) elif isinstance(obj, collections.deque): return list(map(self.default, obj)) elif isinstance(obj, Model): return obj.ref elif isinstance(obj, HasProps): return obj.properties_with_values(include_defaults=False) elif isinstance(obj, Color): return obj.to_css() else: return self.transform_python_types(obj)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------