This docs on this page refers to a PREVIOUS VERSION. For the latest stable release, go to

Archived docs for versions <= 1.0.4 have had to be modified from their original published configuration, and may be missing some features (e.g. source listing)

All users are encourage to update to version 1.1 or later, as soon as they are able. — Bokeh 1.0.2 documentation

Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2018, Anaconda, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Powered by the Bokeh Development Team.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.


# Boilerplate
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Standard library imports
import collections

# External imports
from six import string_types, iteritems

# Bokeh imports
from ...util.serialization import decode_base64_dict, transform_column_source_data
from .bases import ContainerProperty, DeserializationError
from .descriptors import ColumnDataPropertyDescriptor
from .enum import Enum
from .numeric import Int
from .wrappers import PropertyValueColumnData, PropertyValueDict, PropertyValueList

# Globals and constants

__all__ = (

# General API

[docs]class Seq(ContainerProperty): ''' Accept non-string ordered sequences of values, e.g. list, tuple, array. ''' def __init__(self, item_type, default=None, help=None): self.item_type = self._validate_type_param(item_type) super(Seq, self).__init__(default=default, help=help) def __str__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.item_type) @property def type_params(self): return [self.item_type] def from_json(self, json, models=None): if json is None: return None elif isinstance(json, list): return self._new_instance([ self.item_type.from_json(item, models) for item in json ]) else: raise DeserializationError("%s expected a list or None, got %s" % (self, json)) def validate(self, value, detail=True): super(Seq, self).validate(value, True) if value is not None: if not (self._is_seq(value) and all(self.item_type.is_valid(item) for item in value)): if self._is_seq(value): invalid = [] for item in value: if not self.item_type.is_valid(item): invalid.append(item) msg = "" if not detail else "expected an element of %s, got seq with invalid items %r" % (self, invalid) raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = "" if not detail else "expected an element of %s, got %r" % (self, value) raise ValueError(msg) @classmethod def _is_seq(cls, value): return ((isinstance(value, collections.Sequence) or cls._is_seq_like(value)) and not isinstance(value, string_types)) @classmethod def _is_seq_like(cls, value): return (isinstance(value, (collections.Container, collections.Sized, collections.Iterable)) and hasattr(value, "__getitem__") # NOTE: this is what makes it disallow set type and not isinstance(value, collections.Mapping)) def _new_instance(self, value): return value def _sphinx_type(self): return self._sphinx_prop_link() + "( %s )" % self.item_type._sphinx_type()
[docs]class List(Seq): ''' Accept Python list values. ''' def __init__(self, item_type, default=[], help=None): # todo: refactor to not use mutable objects as default values. # Left in place for now because we want to allow None to express # optional values. Also in Dict. super(List, self).__init__(item_type, default=default, help=help) @classmethod def wrap(cls, value): ''' Some property types need to wrap their values in special containers, etc. ''' if isinstance(value, list): if isinstance(value, PropertyValueList): return value else: return PropertyValueList(value) else: return value @classmethod def _is_seq(cls, value): return isinstance(value, list)
[docs]class Array(Seq): ''' Accept NumPy array values. ''' @classmethod def _is_seq(cls, value): import numpy as np return isinstance(value, np.ndarray) def _new_instance(self, value): import numpy as np return np.array(value)
[docs]class Dict(ContainerProperty): ''' Accept Python dict values. If a default value is passed in, then a shallow copy of it will be used for each new use of this property. ''' def __init__(self, keys_type, values_type, default={}, help=None): self.keys_type = self._validate_type_param(keys_type) self.values_type = self._validate_type_param(values_type) super(Dict, self).__init__(default=default, help=help) def __str__(self): return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.keys_type, self.values_type) @property def type_params(self): return [self.keys_type, self.values_type] def from_json(self, json, models=None): if json is None: return None elif isinstance(json, dict): return { self.keys_type.from_json(key, models): self.values_type.from_json(value, models) for key, value in iteritems(json) } else: raise DeserializationError("%s expected a dict or None, got %s" % (self, json)) def validate(self, value, detail=True): super(Dict, self).validate(value, detail) if value is not None: if not (isinstance(value, dict) and \ all(self.keys_type.is_valid(key) and self.values_type.is_valid(val) for key, val in iteritems(value))): msg = "" if not detail else "expected an element of %s, got %r" % (self, value) raise ValueError(msg) @classmethod def wrap(cls, value): ''' Some property types need to wrap their values in special containers, etc. ''' if isinstance(value, dict): if isinstance(value, PropertyValueDict): return value else: return PropertyValueDict(value) else: return value def _sphinx_type(self): return self._sphinx_prop_link() + "( %s, %s )" % (self.keys_type._sphinx_type(), self.values_type._sphinx_type())
[docs]class ColumnData(Dict): ''' Accept a Python dictionary suitable as the ``data`` attribute of a :class:`~bokeh.models.sources.ColumnDataSource`. This class is a specialization of ``Dict`` that handles efficiently encoding columns that are NumPy arrays. ''' def make_descriptors(self, base_name): ''' Return a list of ``ColumnDataPropertyDescriptor`` instances to install on a class, in order to delegate attribute access to this property. Args: base_name (str) : the name of the property these descriptors are for Returns: list[ColumnDataPropertyDescriptor] The descriptors returned are collected by the ``MetaHasProps`` metaclass and added to ``HasProps`` subclasses during class creation. ''' return [ ColumnDataPropertyDescriptor(base_name, self) ] def from_json(self, json, models=None): ''' Decodes column source data encoded as lists or base64 strings. ''' if json is None: return None elif not isinstance(json, dict): raise DeserializationError("%s expected a dict or None, got %s" % (self, json)) new_data = {} for key, value in json.items(): key = self.keys_type.from_json(key, models) if isinstance(value, dict) and '__ndarray__' in value: new_data[key] = decode_base64_dict(value) elif isinstance(value, list) and any(isinstance(el, dict) and '__ndarray__' in el for el in value): new_list = [] for el in value: if isinstance(el, dict) and '__ndarray__' in el: el = decode_base64_dict(el) elif isinstance(el, list): el = self.values_type.from_json(el) new_list.append(el) new_data[key] = new_list else: new_data[key] = self.values_type.from_json(value, models) return new_data def serialize_value(self, value): return transform_column_source_data(value) @classmethod def wrap(cls, value): ''' Some property types need to wrap their values in special containers, etc. ''' if isinstance(value, dict): if isinstance(value, PropertyValueColumnData): return value else: return PropertyValueColumnData(value) else: return value
[docs]class Tuple(ContainerProperty): ''' Accept Python tuple values. ''' def __init__(self, tp1, tp2, *type_params, **kwargs): self._type_params = list(map(self._validate_type_param, (tp1, tp2) + type_params)) super(Tuple, self).__init__(default=kwargs.get("default"), help=kwargs.get("help")) def __str__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(map(str, self.type_params))) @property def type_params(self): return self._type_params def from_json(self, json, models=None): if json is None: return None elif isinstance(json, list): return tuple(type_param.from_json(item, models) for type_param, item in zip(self.type_params, json)) else: raise DeserializationError("%s expected a list or None, got %s" % (self, json)) def validate(self, value, detail=True): super(Tuple, self).validate(value, detail) if value is not None: if not (isinstance(value, (tuple, list)) and len(self.type_params) == len(value) and \ all(type_param.is_valid(item) for type_param, item in zip(self.type_params, value))): msg = "" if not detail else "expected an element of %s, got %r" % (self, value) raise ValueError(msg) def _sphinx_type(self): return self._sphinx_prop_link() + "( %s )" % ", ".join(x._sphinx_type() for x in self.type_params)
[docs]class RelativeDelta(Dict): ''' Accept RelativeDelta dicts for time delta values. ''' def __init__(self, default={}, help=None): keys = Enum("years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "microseconds") values = Int super(RelativeDelta, self).__init__(keys, values, default=default, help=help) def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dev API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------