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bokeh.models.graphs — Bokeh 1.0.2 documentation

Source code for bokeh.models.graphs

from ..core.has_props import abstract
from import Any, Dict, Either, Int, Seq, String
from ..model import Model
from ..models.sources import ColumnDataSource

[docs]@abstract class LayoutProvider(Model): ''' ''' pass
[docs]class StaticLayoutProvider(LayoutProvider): ''' ''' graph_layout = Dict(Either(String, Int), Seq(Any), default={}, help=""" The coordinates of the graph nodes in cartesian space. The dictionary keys correspond to a node index and the values are a two element sequence containing the x and y coordinates of the node. .. code-block:: python { 0 : [0.5, 0.5], 1 : [1.0, 0.86], 2 : [0.86, 1], } """)
[docs]def from_networkx(graph, layout_function, **kwargs): ''' Generate a ``GraphRenderer`` from a ``networkx.Graph`` object and networkx layout function. Any keyword arguments will be passed to the layout function. Args: graph (networkx.Graph) : a networkx graph to render layout_function (function or dict) : a networkx layout function or mapping of node keys to positions. The position is a two element sequence containing the x and y coordinate. Returns: instance (GraphRenderer) .. warning:: Only two dimensional layouts are currently supported. .. warning:: Node attributes labeled 'index' and edge attributes labeled 'start' or 'end' are ignored. If you want to convert these attributes, please re-label them to other names. ''' # inline import to prevent circular imports from ..models.renderers import GraphRenderer from ..models.graphs import StaticLayoutProvider # Handles nx 1.x vs 2.x data structure change # Convert node attributes node_dict = dict() node_attr_keys = [attr_key for node in list(graph.nodes(data=True)) for attr_key in node[1].keys()] node_attr_keys = list(set(node_attr_keys)) for attr_key in node_attr_keys: node_dict[attr_key] = [node_attr[attr_key] if attr_key in node_attr.keys() else None for _, node_attr in graph.nodes(data=True)] if 'index' in node_attr_keys: from warnings import warn warn("Converting node attributes labeled 'index' are skipped. " "If you want to convert these attributes, please re-label with other names.") node_dict['index'] = list(graph.nodes()) # Convert edge attributes edge_dict = dict() edge_attr_keys = [attr_key for edge in graph.edges(data=True) for attr_key in edge[2].keys()] edge_attr_keys = list(set(edge_attr_keys)) for attr_key in edge_attr_keys: edge_dict[attr_key] = [edge_attr[attr_key] if attr_key in edge_attr.keys() else None for _, _, edge_attr in graph.edges(data=True)] if 'start' in edge_attr_keys or 'end' in edge_attr_keys: from warnings import warn warn("Converting edge attributes labeled 'start' or 'end' are skipped. " "If you want to convert these attributes, please re-label them with other names.") edge_dict['start'] = [x[0] for x in graph.edges()] edge_dict['end'] = [x[1] for x in graph.edges()] node_source = ColumnDataSource(data=node_dict) edge_source = ColumnDataSource(data=edge_dict) graph_renderer = GraphRenderer() = = if callable(layout_function): graph_layout = layout_function(graph, **kwargs) else: graph_layout = layout_function node_keys =['index'] if set(node_keys) != set(layout_function.keys()): from warnings import warn warn("Node keys in 'layout_function' don't match node keys in the graph. " "These nodes may not be displayed correctly.") graph_renderer.layout_provider = StaticLayoutProvider(graph_layout=graph_layout) return graph_renderer
[docs]@abstract class GraphHitTestPolicy(Model): ''' ''' pass
[docs]class NodesOnly(GraphHitTestPolicy): ''' With the ``NodesOnly`` policy, only graph nodes are able to be selected and inspected. There is no selection or inspection of graph edges. ''' pass
[docs]class NodesAndLinkedEdges(GraphHitTestPolicy): ''' With the ``NodesAndLinkedEdges`` policy, inspection or selection of graph nodes will result in the inspection or selection of the node and of the linked graph edges. There is no direct selection or inspection of graph edges. ''' pass
[docs]class EdgesAndLinkedNodes(GraphHitTestPolicy): ''' With the ``EdgesAndLinkedNodes`` policy, inspection or selection of graph edges will result in the inspection or selection of the edge and of the linked graph nodes. There is no direct selection or inspection of graph nodes. ''' pass