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bokeh.models.grids — Bokeh 1.0.2 documentation

Source code for bokeh.models.grids

''' A guide renderer for displaying grid lines on Bokeh plots.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from import Auto, Either, Float, Include, Instance, Int, Override, String, Tuple
from ..core.property_mixins import FillProps, LineProps

from .renderers import GuideRenderer
from .tickers import Ticker

[docs]class Grid(GuideRenderer): ''' Display horizontal or vertical grid lines at locations given by a supplied ``Ticker``. ''' dimension = Int(0, help=""" Which dimension the Axis Grid lines will intersect. The x-axis is dimension 0 (vertical Grid lines) and the y-axis is dimension 1 (horizontal Grid lines). """) bounds = Either(Auto, Tuple(Float, Float), help=""" Bounds for the rendered grid lines. By default, a grid will look for a corresponding axis to ask for bounds. If one cannot be found, the grid will span the entire visible range. """) # Note: we must allow the possibility of setting both # range names be cause if a grid line is "traced" along # a path, ranges in both dimensions will matter. x_range_name = String('default', help=""" A particular (named) x-range to use for computing screen locations when rendering a grid on the plot. If unset, use the default x-range. """) y_range_name = String('default', help=""" A particular (named) y-range to use for computing screen locations when rendering a grid on the plot. If unset, use the default y-range. """) ticker = Instance(Ticker, help=""" The Ticker to use for computing locations for the Grid lines. """) grid_props = Include(LineProps, help=""" The %s of the Grid lines. """) grid_line_color = Override(default='#e5e5e5') minor_grid_props = Include(LineProps, help=""" The %s of the minor Grid lines. """) minor_grid_line_color = Override(default=None) band_props = Include(FillProps, help=""" The %s of alternating bands between Grid lines. """) band_fill_alpha = Override(default=0) band_fill_color = Override(default=None) level = Override(default="underlay")