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Archived docs for versions <= 1.0.4 have had to be modified from their original published configuration, and may be missing some features (e.g. source listing)

All users are encourage to update to version 1.1 or later, as soon as they are able.

bokeh.application.handlers.server_lifecycle — Bokeh 1.0.2 documentation


Bokeh Application Handler to look for Bokeh server lifecycle callbacks in a specified Python module.

class ServerLifecycleHandler(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Load a script which contains server lifecycle callbacks.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Keyword Arguments:
  • filename (str) – path to a module to load lifecycle callbacks from
  • argv (list[str], optional) – a list of string arguments to use as sys.argv when the callback code is executed. (default: [])

The last path component for the basename of the path to the callback module.


If the handler fails, may contain a related error message.


If the handler fails, may contain a traceback or other details.


True if the lifecycle callbacks failed to execute