This docs on this page refers to a PREVIOUS VERSION. For the latest stable release, go to

Archived docs for versions <= 1.0.4 have had to be modified from their original published configuration, and may be missing some features (e.g. source listing)

All users are encourage to update to version 1.1 or later, as soon as they are able.

bokeh.server.session — Bokeh 1.0.2 documentation


Provides the ServerSession class.

class ServerSession(session_id, document, io_loop=None)[source]

Hosts an application “instance” (an instantiated Document) for one or more connections.

classmethod patch(message, connection)[source]

Handle a PATCH-DOC, return a Future with work to be scheduled.

classmethod pull(message, connection)[source]

Handle a PULL-DOC, return a Future with work to be scheduled.

classmethod push(message, connection)[source]

Handle a PUSH-DOC, return a Future with work to be scheduled.


Used in test suite for now. Forces immediate expiration if no connections.


This should only be called by ServerConnection.subscribe_session or our book-keeping will be broken


This should only be called by ServerConnection.unsubscribe_session or our book-keeping will be broken


Return the time in milliseconds since the epoch as a floating point number.