This docs on this page refers to a PREVIOUS VERSION. For the latest stable release, go to

Archived docs for versions <= 1.0.4 have had to be modified from their original published configuration, and may be missing some features (e.g. source listing)

All users are encourage to update to version 1.1 or later, as soon as they are able.

Environment Variables — Bokeh 1.0.3 documentation

Environment Variables

There are several environment variables that can be useful for developers:


List of websocket origins allowed to access bokeh. Comma separated list of domains that need to access bokeh websocket interface. This can also be provided using the –allow-websocket-origin parameter.

Note: This option overrides the –allow-websocket-origin flag


What browser to use when opening plots Valid values are any of the browser names understood by the python standard library webbrowser module.


Whether to use development mode This uses absolute paths to development (non-minified) BokehJS components, sets logging to debug, makes generated HTML and JSON human-readable, etc.

This is a meta variable equivalent to the following environment variables:

  • BOKEH_RESOURCES=absolute-dev

Accepted values are yes/no, true/false or 0/1.


What version of BokehJS to use when building sphinx docs.

To build and display the docs using a locally built BokehJS, set to local. For example:

BOKEH_DOCS_CDN=local make clean serve

Will build a fresh copy of the docs using the locally built BokehJS and open a new browser tab to view hem.

To build test docs to deploy to a one-off location on the docs site, set to test:<location>. For example:

BOKEH_DOCS_CDN=test:newthing make clean

will build docs that can be deployed with fab deploy:newthing.

Otherwise, the value is interpreted a version for CDN:

BOKEH_DOCS_CDN=0.12.7rc1 make clean

will build docs that use BokehJS version 0.12.7rc1 from CDN (whether viewed locally or deployed to the docs site).


What version of Bokeh to show when building sphinx docs locally. Useful if it is necessary to re-deploy old docs with hotfixes.


Where to get the CSS stylesheet from, by default this will be


The BokehJS console logging level to use Valid values are, in order of increasing severity:

  • trace
  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • fatal

The default logging level is info.


When running server examples, it is the value of this BOKEH_LOG_LEVEL that is set for the server that matters.


Whether to emit minified JavaScript for bokeh.js Accepted values are yes/no, true/false or 0/1.


Whether to emit “pretty printed” JSON Accepted values are yes/no, true/false or 0/1.


The Python logging level to set As in the JS side, valid values are, in order of increasing severity:

  • trace
  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • fatal
  • none

The default logging level is none.


What kind of BokehJS resources to configure For example: inline, cdn, server. See the Resources class reference for full details.


Root directory to use with relative resources See the Resources class reference for full details.


Whether to generate human-friendly object IDs Accepted values are yes/no, true/false or 0/1. Normally Bokeh generates UUIDs for object identifiers. Setting this variable to an affirmative value will result in more friendly simple numeric IDs counting up from 1000.


Whether to perform a validation check on the document before outputting. Accepted values are yes/no, true/false or 0/1. Setting this variable to a negative value for a document that is known to be correctly configured may yield performance improvements.


What version of BokehJS to use with cdn resources See the Resources class reference for full details.