Provide Bokeh model “building block” classes.
One of the central design principals of Bokeh is that, regardless of how the plot creation code is spelled in Python (or other languages), the result is an object graph that encompasses all the visual and data aspects of the scene. Furthermore, this scene graph is to be serialized, and it is this serialized graph that the client library BokehJS uses to render the plot. The low-level objects that comprise a Bokeh scene graph are called Models.
These models are accumulated into Document
which can be serialized and sent to clients (typically browsers) for display
or use there.
As a concrete example, consider a column layout with Slider
and Select
widgets, and a plot with some tools, an axis and grid, and a glyph renderer
for circles. A simplified representation oh this document might look like the
figure below:
A Bokeh Document collects of Bokeh Models (e.g. plots, tools, glyphs, etc.) so that can be serialized as a single collection.¶
All of the rectangular boxes above are Bokeh models.
This reference links in the sidebar document all built-in Bokeh models, together with their property attributes, as well as a JSON prototype illustrating what a serialized version of the model looks like.
- bokeh.models.annotations
- bokeh.models.arrow_heads
- bokeh.models.axes
- bokeh.models.callbacks
- bokeh.models.expressions
- bokeh.models.filters
- bokeh.models.formatters
- bokeh.models.glyphs
- bokeh.models.glyphs.AnnularWedge
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Annulus
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Arc
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Bezier
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Ellipse
- bokeh.models.glyphs.HArea
- bokeh.models.glyphs.HBar
- bokeh.models.glyphs.HexTile
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Image
- bokeh.models.glyphs.ImageRGBA
- bokeh.models.glyphs.ImageURL
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Line
- bokeh.models.glyphs.MultiLine
- bokeh.models.glyphs.MultiPolygons
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Oval
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Patch
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Patches
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Quad
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Quadratic
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Ray
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Rect
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Segment
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Step
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Text
- bokeh.models.glyphs.VArea
- bokeh.models.glyphs.VBar
- bokeh.models.glyphs.Wedge
- bokeh.models.graphs
- bokeh.models.grids
- bokeh.models.layouts
- bokeh.models.map_plots
- bokeh.models.mappers
- bokeh.models.markers
- bokeh.models.markers.Asterisk
- bokeh.models.markers.Circle
- bokeh.models.markers.CircleCross
- bokeh.models.markers.CircleX
- bokeh.models.markers.Cross
- bokeh.models.markers.Dash
- bokeh.models.markers.Diamond
- bokeh.models.markers.DiamondCross
- bokeh.models.markers.Hex
- bokeh.models.markers.InvertedTriangle
- bokeh.models.markers.Square
- bokeh.models.markers.SquareCross
- bokeh.models.markers.SquareX
- bokeh.models.markers.Triangle
- bokeh.models.markers.X
- bokeh.models.plots
- bokeh.models.ranges
- bokeh.models.renderers
- bokeh.models.scales
- bokeh.models.selections
- bokeh.models.sources
- bokeh.models.textures
- bokeh.models.tickers
- bokeh.models.tiles
- bokeh.models.transforms
- bokeh.models.widgets.buttons
- bokeh.models.widgets.groups
- bokeh.models.widgets.icons
- bokeh.models.widgets.inputs
- bokeh.models.widgets.markups
- bokeh.models.widgets.panels
- bokeh.models.widgets.sliders
- bokeh.models.widgets.tables
- bokeh.models.widgets.widget