Source code for bokeh.models.map_plots

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2020, Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.
# All rights reserved.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
''' Models for displaying maps in Bokeh plots.


# Boilerplate
import logging # isort:skip
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Bokeh imports
from ..core.enums import MapType
from ..core.has_props import abstract
from import JSON, Bool, Enum, Float, Instance, Int, Override, String
from ..core.validation import error, warning
from ..core.validation.errors import (
from ..core.validation.warnings import MISSING_RENDERERS
from ..model import Model
from ..models.ranges import Range1d
from .plots import Plot

# Globals and constants

__all__ = (

# General API

[docs]@abstract class MapOptions(Model): ''' Abstract base class for map options' models. ''' lat = Float(help=""" The latitude where the map should be centered. """) lng = Float(help=""" The longitude where the map should be centered. """) zoom = Int(12, help=""" The initial zoom level to use when displaying the map. """)
[docs]@abstract class MapPlot(Plot): ''' Abstract base class for map plot models. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kw): from ..models.ranges import Range1d for r in ('x_range', 'y_range'): if r in kw and not isinstance(kw.get(r), Range1d): raise ValueError('Invalid value for %r, MapPlot ranges may only be Range1d, not data ranges' % r) super().__init__(*args, **kw) @error(INCOMPATIBLE_MAP_RANGE_TYPE) def _check_incompatible_map_range_type(self): from ..models.ranges import Range1d if self.x_range is not None and not isinstance(self.x_range, Range1d): return "%s.x_range" % str(self) if self.y_range is not None and not isinstance(self.y_range, Range1d): return "%s.y_range" % str(self)
[docs]class GMapOptions(MapOptions): ''' Options for ``GMapPlot`` objects. ''' map_type = Enum(MapType, default="roadmap", help=""" The `map type`_ to use for the ``GMapPlot``. .. _map type: """) scale_control = Bool(default=False, help=""" Whether the Google map should display its distance scale control. """) styles = JSON(help=""" A JSON array of `map styles`_ to use for the ``GMapPlot``. Many example styles can `be found here`_. .. _map styles: .. _be found here: """) tilt = Int(default=45, help=""" `Tilt`_ angle of the map. The only allowed values are 0 and 45. Only has an effect on 'satellite' and 'hybrid' map types. A value of 0 causes the map to always use a 0 degree overhead view. A value of 45 causes the tilt angle to switch to 45 imagery if available. .. _Tilt: """)
[docs]class GMapPlot(MapPlot): ''' A Bokeh Plot with a `Google Map`_ displayed underneath. Data placed on this plot should be specified in decimal lat/lon coordinates e.g. ``(37.123, -122.404)``. It will be automatically converted into the web mercator projection to display properly over google maps tiles. The ``api_key`` property must be configured with a Google API Key in order for ``GMapPlot`` to function. The key will be stored in the Bokeh Document JSON. Note that Google Maps exert explicit control over aspect ratios at all times, which imposes some limitations on ``GMapPlot``: * Only ``Range1d`` ranges are supported. Attempting to use other range types will result in an error. * Usage of ``BoxZoomTool`` is incompatible with ``GMapPlot``. Adding a ``BoxZoomTool`` will have no effect. .. _Google Map: ''' # TODO (bev) map plot might not have these @error(REQUIRED_RANGE) def _check_required_range(self): pass @warning(MISSING_RENDERERS) def _check_missing_renderers(self): pass @error(MISSING_GOOGLE_API_KEY) def _check_missing_google_api_key(self): if self.api_key is None: return str(self) map_options = Instance(GMapOptions, help=""" Options for displaying the plot. """) border_fill_color = Override(default="#ffffff") api_key = String(help=""" Google Maps API requires an API key. See for more information on how to obtain your own. """) x_range = Override(default=lambda: Range1d()) y_range = Override(default=lambda: Range1d())
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dev API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------