A combined bar and line chart using simple Python lists. This example demonstrates mixing nested categorical factors with top-level categorical factors.
- Bokeh APIs
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bar, line, vbar
from bokeh.models import FactorRange
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
factors = [
("Q1", "jan"), ("Q1", "feb"), ("Q1", "mar"),
("Q2", "apr"), ("Q2", "may"), ("Q2", "jun"),
("Q3", "jul"), ("Q3", "aug"), ("Q3", "sep"),
("Q4", "oct"), ("Q4", "nov"), ("Q4", "dec"),
p = figure(x_range=FactorRange(*factors), height=350,
toolbar_location=None, tools="")
x = [ 10, 12, 16, 9, 10, 8, 12, 13, 14, 14, 12, 16 ]
p.vbar(x=factors, top=x, width=0.9, alpha=0.5)
p.line(x=["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"], y=[12, 9, 13, 14], color="red", line_width=2)
p.y_range.start = 0
p.x_range.range_padding = 0.1
p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = 1
p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None