A bar chart using the Auto MPG dataset. This example demonstrates
automatic handing of Pandas GroupBy objects and colormapping with
- Sampledata
- Bokeh APIs
- More info
- Keywords
bars, categorical, colormap, groupby, pandas
from bokeh.palettes import Spectral5
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg as df
from bokeh.transform import factor_cmap
df.cyl = df.cyl.astype(str)
group = df.groupby('cyl')
cyl_cmap = factor_cmap('cyl', palette=Spectral5, factors=sorted(df.cyl.unique()))
p = figure(height=350, x_range=group, title="MPG by # Cylinders",
toolbar_location=None, tools="")
p.vbar(x='cyl', top='mpg_mean', width=1, source=group,
line_color=cyl_cmap, fill_color=cyl_cmap)
p.y_range.start = 0
p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
p.xaxis.axis_label = "some stuff"
p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = 1.2
p.outline_line_color = None