#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2022, Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.# All rights reserved.## The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------''' Represent array expressions to be computed on the client (browser) sideby BokehJS.Expression models are useful as ``DataSpec`` values when it is desired thatthe array values be computed in the browser:.. code-block:: python p.circle(x={'expr': some_expression}, ...)or using the ``expr`` convenience function:.. code-block:: python from bokeh.core.properties import expr p.circle(x=expr(some_expression), ...)In this case, the values of the ``x`` coordinates will be computed in thebrowser by the JavaScript implementation of ``some_expression`` using a``ColumnDataSource`` as input.'''#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Boilerplate#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------from__future__importannotationsimportlogging# isort:skiplog=logging.getLogger(__name__)#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Imports#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Bokeh importsfrom..core.enumsimportDirectionfrom..core.has_propsimportabstractfrom..core.propertiesimport(AngleSpec,AnyRef,Bool,Dict,Enum,Float,Instance,NonNullable,Nullable,NumberSpec,Seq,String,field,)from..modelimportModel#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Globals and constants#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------__all__=('CumSum','CustomJSExpr','Expression','PolarTransform','Stack',)#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# General API#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]@abstractclassExpression(Model):''' Base class for ``Expression`` models that represent a computation to be carried out on the client-side. JavaScript implementations should implement the following methods: .. code-block v_compute(source: ColumnarDataSource): Arrayable { # compute and return array of values } .. note:: If you wish for results to be cached per source and updated only if the source changes, implement ``_v_compute: (source)`` instead. '''pass
[docs]classCustomJSExpr(Expression):''' Evaluate a JavaScript function/generator. .. warning:: The explicit purpose of this Bokeh Model is to embed *raw JavaScript code* for a browser to execute. If any part of the code is derived from untrusted user inputs, then you must take appropriate care to sanitize the user input prior to passing to Bokeh. '''args=Dict(String,AnyRef,help=""" A mapping of names to Python objects. In particular those can be bokeh's models. These objects are made available to the callback's code snippet as the values of named parameters to the callback. There is no need to manually include the data source of the associated glyph renderer, as it is available within the scope of the code via `this` keyword (e.g. `this.data` will give access to raw data). """)code=String(default="",help=""" A snippet of JavaScript code to execute in the browser. The code is made into the body of a generator function, and all of of the named objects in ``args`` are available as parameters that the code can use. One can either return an array-like object (array, typed array, nd-array), an iterable (which will be converted to an array) or a scalar value (which will be converted into an array of an appropriate length), or alternatively yield values that will be collected into an array. """)
[docs]classCumSum(Expression):''' An expression for generating arrays by cumulatively summing a single column from a ``ColumnDataSource``. '''field=NonNullable(String,help=""" The name of a ``ColumnDataSource`` column to cumulatively sum for new values. """)include_zero=Bool(default=False,help=""" Whether to include zero at the start of the result. Note that the length of the result is always the same as the input column. Therefore if this property is True, then the last value of the column will not be included in the sum. .. code-block:: python source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(foo=[1, 2, 3, 4])) CumSum(field='foo') # -> [1, 3, 6, 10] CumSum(field='foo', include_zero=True) # -> [0, 1, 3, 6] """)
[docs]classStack(Expression):''' An expression for generating arrays by summing different columns from a ``ColumnDataSource``. This expression is useful for implementing stacked bar charts at a low level. '''fields=Seq(String,default=[],help=""" A sequence of fields from a ``ColumnDataSource`` to sum (elementwise). For example: .. code-block:: python Stack(fields=['sales', 'marketing']) Will compute an array of values (in the browser) by adding the elements of the ``'sales'`` and ``'marketing'`` columns of a data source. """)
@abstractclassScalarExpression(Model):""" Base class for for scalar expressions. """classMinimum(ScalarExpression):""" Computes minimum value of a data source's column. """field=NonNullable(String)initial=Nullable(Float,default=None)# TODO: float("+inf"))classMaximum(ScalarExpression):""" Computes maximum value of a data source's column. """field=NonNullable(String)initial=Nullable(Float,default=None)# TODO: float("-inf"))#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Dev API#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Private API#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Code#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------@abstractclassCoordinateTransform(Expression):""" Base class for coordinate transforms. """@propertydefx(self):returnXComponent(transform=self)@propertydefy(self):returnYComponent(transform=self)
[docs]classPolarTransform(CoordinateTransform):""" Transform from polar to cartesian coordinates. """radius=NumberSpec(default=field("radius"),help=""" The radial coordinate (i.e. the distance from the origin). Negative radius is allowed, which is equivalent to using positive radius and changing ``direction`` to the opposite value. """)angle=AngleSpec(default=field("angle"),help=""" The angular coordinate (i.e. the angle from the reference axis). """)direction=Enum(Direction,default=Direction.anticlock,help=""" Whether ``angle`` measures clockwise or anti-clockwise from the reference axis. """)
@abstractclassXYComponent(Expression):""" Base class for bi-variate expressions. """transform=Instance(CoordinateTransform)classXComponent(XYComponent):""" X-component of a coordinate system transform to cartesian coordinates. """classYComponent(XYComponent):""" Y-component of a coordinate system transform to cartesian coordinates. """