Source code for

# Copyright (c) Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.
# All rights reserved.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
''' Represent granular events that can be used to trigger callbacks.

Bokeh documents and applications are capable of supporting various kinds of
interactions. These are often associated with events, such as mouse or touch
events, interactive downsampling mode activation, widget or tool events, and
others. The classes in this module represent these different events, so that
callbacks can be attached and executed when they occur.

It is possible to respond to events with ``CustomJS`` callbacks, which will
function with or without a Bokeh server. This can be accomplished by passing
and event class, and a ``CustomJS`` model to the
:func:`~bokeh.model.Model.js_on_event` method. When the ``CustomJS`` is
executed in the browser, its ``cb_obj`` argument will contain the concrete
event object that triggered the callback.

.. code-block:: python

    from import ButtonClick
    from bokeh.models import Button, CustomJS

    button = Button()

    button.js_on_event(ButtonClick, CustomJS(code='console.log("JS:Click")'))

Alternatively it is possible to trigger Python code to run when events
happen, in the context of a Bokeh application running on a Bokeh server.
This can be accomplished by passing an event class, and a callback function
to the :func:`~bokeh.model.Model.on_event` method. The callback should
accept a single argument ``event``, which will be passed the concrete
event object that triggered the callback.

.. code-block:: python

    from import ButtonClick
    from bokeh.models import Button

    button = Button()

    def callback(event):

    button.on_event(ButtonClick, callback)

.. note ::
    There is no throttling of events. Some events such as ``MouseMove``
    may trigger at a very high rate.


# Boilerplate
from __future__ import annotations

import logging # isort:skip
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Standard library imports
from datetime import datetime
from typing import (

# Bokeh imports
from .core.serialization import Deserializer, Serializable, Serializer

    from .core.types import GeometryData
    from .model import Model
    from .models.annotations import Legend, LegendItem
    from .models.plots import Plot
    from .models.widgets.buttons import AbstractButton
    from .models.widgets.inputs import TextInput

# Globals and constants

__all__ = (

# Private API

_CONCRETE_EVENT_CLASSES: dict[str, type[Event]] = {}

# General API

class KeyModifiers(TypedDict):
    shift: bool
    ctrl: bool
    alt: bool

class EventRep(TypedDict):
    type: Literal["event"]
    name: str
    values: dict[str, Any]

[docs] class Event(Serializable): ''' Base class for all Bokeh events. This base class is not typically useful to instantiate on its own. ''' event_name: ClassVar[str] @staticmethod def cls_for(event_name: str) -> type[Event]: event_cls = _CONCRETE_EVENT_CLASSES.get(event_name) if event_cls is not None: return event_cls else: raise ValueError(f"unknown event name '{event_name}'") @classmethod def __init_subclass__(cls): super().__init_subclass__() if hasattr(cls, "event_name"): _CONCRETE_EVENT_CLASSES[cls.event_name] = cls def event_values(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return {}
[docs] def to_serializable(self, serializer: Serializer) -> BokehEventRep: return BokehEventRep( type="event", name=self.event_name, values=serializer.encode(self.event_values()), )
@classmethod def from_serializable(cls, rep: EventRep, decoder: Deserializer) -> Event: if not ("name" in rep and "values" in rep): decoder.error("invalid representation") name = rep.get("name") if name is None: decoder.error("'name' field is missing") values = rep.get("values") if values is None: decoder.error("'values' field is missing") cls = _CONCRETE_EVENT_CLASSES.get(name) if cls is None: decoder.error(f"can't resolve event '{name}'") decoded_values = decoder.decode(values) event = cls(**decoded_values) return event
[docs] class DocumentEvent(Event): ''' Base class for all Bokeh Document events. This base class is not typically useful to instantiate on its own. '''
[docs] class DocumentReady(DocumentEvent): ''' Announce when a Document is fully idle. .. note:: To register a JS callback for this event in standalone embedding mode, one has to either use ``curdoc()`` or an explicit ``Document`` instance, e.g.: .. code-block:: python from import curdoc curdoc().js_on_event("document_ready", handler) ''' event_name = 'document_ready'
class ConnectionEvent(DocumentEvent): ''' Base class for connection status related events. '''
[docs] class ConnectionLost(ConnectionEvent): ''' Announce when a connection to the server/client was lost. .. note:: To register a JS callback for this event in standalone embedding mode, one has to either use ``curdoc()`` or an explicit ``Document`` instance, e.g.: .. code-block:: python from import curdoc curdoc().js_on_event("document_ready", handler) ''' event_name = 'connection_lost' timestamp: datetime def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.timestamp =
[docs] class ModelEvent(Event): ''' Base class for all Bokeh Model events. This base class is not typically useful to instantiate on its own. ''' model: Model | None
[docs] def __init__(self, model: Model | None) -> None: ''' Create a new base event. Args: model (Model) : a Bokeh model to register event callbacks on ''' self.model = model
def event_values(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return dict(**super().event_values(), model=self.model)
[docs] class ButtonClick(ModelEvent): ''' Announce a button click event on a Bokeh button widget. ''' event_name = 'button_click' def __init__(self, model: AbstractButton | None) -> None: from .models.widgets import AbstractButton, ToggleButtonGroup if model is not None and not isinstance(model, AbstractButton | ToggleButtonGroup): clsname = self.__class__.__name__ raise ValueError(f"{clsname} event only applies to button and button group models") super().__init__(model=model)
[docs] class LegendItemClick(ModelEvent): ''' Announce a click event on a Bokeh legend item. ''' event_name = 'legend_item_click' def __init__(self, model: Legend, item: LegendItem) -> None: self.item = item super().__init__(model=model)
[docs] class ValueSubmit(ModelEvent): ''' Announce a value being submitted on a text input widget. ''' event_name = 'value_submit' value: str def __init__(self, model: TextInput | None, value: str) -> None: from .models.widgets import TextInput if model is not None and not isinstance(model, TextInput): clsname = self.__class__.__name__ raise ValueError(f"{clsname} event only applies to text input models") super().__init__(model=model) self.value = value
[docs] class PlotEvent(ModelEvent): ''' The base class for all events applicable to Plot models. ''' def __init__(self, model: Plot | None) -> None: from .models import Plot if model is not None and not isinstance(model, Plot): raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} event only applies to Plot models") super().__init__(model)
[docs] class LODStart(PlotEvent): ''' Announce the start of "interactive level-of-detail" mode on a plot. During interactive actions such as panning or zooming, Bokeh can optionally, temporarily draw a reduced set of the data, in order to maintain high interactive rates. This is referred to as interactive Level-of-Detail (LOD) mode. This event fires whenever a LOD mode has just begun. ''' event_name = 'lodstart'
[docs] class LODEnd(PlotEvent): ''' Announce the end of "interactive level-of-detail" mode on a plot. During interactive actions such as panning or zooming, Bokeh can optionally, temporarily draw a reduced set of the data, in order to maintain high interactive rates. This is referred to as interactive Level-of-Detail (LOD) mode. This event fires whenever a LOD mode has just ended. ''' event_name = 'lodend'
[docs] class RangesUpdate(PlotEvent): ''' Announce combined range updates in a single event. Attributes: x0 (float) : start x-coordinate for the default x-range x1 (float) : end x-coordinate for the default x-range y0 (float) : start x-coordinate for the default y-range y1 (float) : end y-coordinate for the default x-range Callbacks may be added to range ``start`` and ``end`` properties to respond to range changes, but this can result in multiple callbacks being invoked for a single logical operation (e.g. a pan or zoom). This event is emitted by supported tools when the entire range update is complete, in order to afford a *single* event that can be responded to. ''' event_name = 'rangesupdate' def __init__(self, model: Plot | None, *, x0: float | None = None, x1: float | None = None, y0: float | None = None, y1: float | None = None): self.x0 = x0 self.x1 = x1 self.y0 = y0 self.y1 = y1 super().__init__(model=model)
[docs] class SelectionGeometry(PlotEvent): ''' Announce the coordinates of a selection event on a plot. Attributes: geometry (dict) : a dictionary containing the coordinates of the selection event. final (bool) : whether the selection event is the last selection event in the case of selections on every mousemove. ''' event_name = "selectiongeometry" def __init__(self, model: Plot | None, geometry: GeometryData | None = None, final: bool = True) -> None: self.geometry = geometry = final super().__init__(model=model)
[docs] class Reset(PlotEvent): ''' Announce a button click event on a plot ``ResetTool``. ''' event_name = "reset" def __init__(self, model: Plot | None) -> None: super().__init__(model=model)
[docs] class PointEvent(PlotEvent): ''' Base class for UI events associated with a specific (x,y) point. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space Note that data space coordinates are relative to the default range, not any extra ranges, and the screen space origin is at the top left of the HTML canvas. ''' def __init__( self, model: Plot | None, sx: float | None = None, sy: float | None = None, x: float | None = None, y: float | None = None, modifiers: KeyModifiers | None = None, ): = sx = sy self.x = x self.y = y self.modifiers = modifiers super().__init__(model=model)
[docs] class Tap(PointEvent): ''' Announce a tap or click event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space ''' event_name = 'tap'
[docs] class DoubleTap(PointEvent): ''' Announce a double-tap or double-click event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space ''' event_name = 'doubletap'
[docs] class Press(PointEvent): ''' Announce a press event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space ''' event_name = 'press'
[docs] class PressUp(PointEvent): ''' Announce a pressup event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space ''' event_name = 'pressup'
[docs] class MouseEnter(PointEvent): ''' Announce a mouse enter event onto a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space .. note:: The enter event is generated when the mouse leaves the entire Plot canvas, including any border padding and space for axes or legends. ''' event_name = 'mouseenter'
[docs] class MouseLeave(PointEvent): ''' Announce a mouse leave event from a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space .. note:: The leave event is generated when the mouse leaves the entire Plot canvas, including any border padding and space for axes or legends. ''' event_name = 'mouseleave'
[docs] class MouseMove(PointEvent): ''' Announce a mouse movement event over a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space .. note:: This event can fire at a very high rate, potentially increasing network traffic or CPU load. ''' event_name = 'mousemove'
[docs] class MouseWheel(PointEvent): ''' Announce a mouse wheel event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: delta (float) : the (signed) scroll speed sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space .. note:: By default, Bokeh plots do not prevent default scroll events unless a ``WheelZoomTool`` or ``WheelPanTool`` is active. This may change in future releases. ''' event_name = 'wheel' def __init__(self, model: Plot | None, *, delta: float | None = None, sx: float | None = None, sy: float | None = None, x: float | None = None, y: float | None = None, modifiers: KeyModifiers | None = None): = delta super().__init__(model, sx=sx, sy=sy, x=x, y=y, modifiers=modifiers)
[docs] class Pan(PointEvent): ''' Announce a pan event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: delta_x (float) : the amount of scroll in the x direction delta_y (float) : the amount of scroll in the y direction direction (float) : the direction of scroll (1 or -1) sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space ''' event_name = 'pan' def __init__(self, model: Plot | None, *, delta_x: float | None = None, delta_y: float | None = None, direction: Literal[-1, -1] | None = None, sx: float | None = None, sy: float | None = None, x: float | None = None, y: float | None = None, modifiers: KeyModifiers | None = None): self.delta_x = delta_x self.delta_y = delta_y self.direction = direction super().__init__(model, sx=sx, sy=sy, x=x, y=y, modifiers=modifiers)
[docs] class PanEnd(PointEvent): ''' Announce the end of a pan event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space ''' event_name = 'panend'
[docs] class PanStart(PointEvent): ''' Announce the start of a pan event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space ''' event_name = 'panstart'
[docs] class Pinch(PointEvent): ''' Announce a pinch event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: scale (float) : the (signed) amount of scaling sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space .. note:: This event is only applicable for touch-enabled devices. ''' event_name = 'pinch' def __init__(self, model: Plot | None, *, scale: float | None = None, sx: float | None = None, sy: float | None = None, x: float | None = None, y: float | None = None, modifiers: KeyModifiers | None = None): self.scale = scale super().__init__(model, sx=sx, sy=sy, x=x, y=y, modifiers=modifiers)
[docs] class PinchEnd(PointEvent): ''' Announce the end of a pinch event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space .. note:: This event is only applicable for touch-enabled devices. ''' event_name = 'pinchend'
[docs] class PinchStart(PointEvent): ''' Announce the start of a pinch event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space .. note:: This event is only applicable for touch-enabled devices. ''' event_name = 'pinchstart'
[docs] class Rotate(PointEvent): ''' Announce a rotate event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: rotation (float) : the rotation that has been done (in deg) sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space .. note:: This event is only applicable for touch-enabled devices. ''' event_name = 'rotate' def __init__(self, model: Plot | None, *, rotation: float | None = None, sx: float | None = None, sy: float | None = None, x: float | None = None, y: float | None = None, modifiers: KeyModifiers | None = None): self.rotation = rotation super().__init__(model, sx=sx, sy=sy, x=x, y=y, modifiers=modifiers)
[docs] class RotateEnd(PointEvent): ''' Announce the end of a rotate event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space .. note:: This event is only applicable for touch-enabled devices. ''' event_name = 'rotateend'
[docs] class RotateStart(PointEvent): ''' Announce the start of a rotate event on a Bokeh plot. Attributes: sx (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *screen* space sy (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *screen* space x (float) : x-coordinate of the event in *data* space y (float) : y-coordinate of the event in *data* space .. note:: This event is only applicable for touch-enabled devices. ''' event_name = 'rotatestart'
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dev API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BokehEventRep(TypedDict): type: Literal["event"] name: str values: Any #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deserializer.register("event", Event.from_serializable)