
This section provides the complete public API reference for Bokeh, auto-generated from the docstrings in the project source code.

The full list of sections for all the modules in Bokeh is accessible from the sidebar to the left. Listed below are a few selected sections that may be especially useful.


Everything that comprises a Bokeh plot or application—tools, controls, glyphs, data sources—is a Bokeh Model. Bokeh models are configured by setting values their various properties. This large section has a reference for every Bokeh model, including information about every property of each model.


The bokeh.plotting API is centered around the figure() command and the associated glyph functions such as scatter(), circle(), wedge(), etc. This section has detailed information on these elements.


The simplest way to combine multiple Bokeh plots and controls in a single document is to use the layout functions such as row(), column(), etc. from the bokeh.layouts module.

Functions for controlling where and how Bokeh documents are saved or shown, such as output_file() and output_notebook(), are in this module.


This section provides visual representations of all the palettes built into Bokeh.


All Bokeh-related environment variables, which can be used to control things like resources, minification, and log levels, are documented here.

Linking to the Bokeh documentation#

Developers of other packages that make use of Bokeh might want to use intersphinx to link to specific classes or functions in the Bokeh docs from their Sphinx documentation. The file needed for that is located at<version>/ where <version> can be the number of a released version, or “latest”. For example the entry in the file for Sphinx might look like this:

intersphinx_mapping = {'bokeh': ('', None)}