Source code for bokeh.models.annotations.html.labels
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Copyright (c) Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.# All rights reserved.## The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------''''''#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Boilerplate#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------from__future__importannotationsimportlogging# isort:skiplog=logging.getLogger(__name__)#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Imports#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Standard library importsfromtypingimportAny# Bokeh importsfrom....core.enumsimport(AngleUnits,CoordinateUnits,FontStyle,TextAlign,VerticalAlign,)from....core.propertiesimport(Alpha,Angle,AngleSpec,Color,CoordinateLike,Enum,Float,Include,Nullable,NullStringSpec,NumberSpec,Override,Required,String,field,)from....core.property_aliasesimportBorderRadius,Paddingfrom....core.property_mixinsimport(FillProps,LineProps,ScalarFillProps,ScalarHatchProps,ScalarLineProps,ScalarTextProps,TextProps,)from..annotationimportDataAnnotationfrom.html_annotationimportHTMLAnnotation#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Globals and constants#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------__all__=("HTMLLabel","HTMLLabelSet","HTMLTitle",)#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# General API#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------classHTMLTextAnnotation(HTMLAnnotation):# explicit __init__ to support Init signaturesdef__init__(self,*args:Any,**kwargs:Any)->None:super().__init__(*args,**kwargs)padding=Padding(default=0,help=""" Extra space between the text of a label and its bounding box (border). .. note:: This property is experimental and may change at any point. """)border_radius=BorderRadius(default=0,help=""" Allows label's box to have rounded corners. For the best results, it should be used in combination with ``padding``. .. note:: This property is experimental and may change at any point. """)background_props=Include(ScalarFillProps,prefix="background",help=""" The {prop} values for the text bounding box. """)background_hatch_props=Include(ScalarHatchProps,prefix="background",help=""" The {prop} values for the text bounding box. """)border_props=Include(ScalarLineProps,prefix="border",help=""" The {prop} values for the text bounding box. """)background_fill_color=Override(default=None)background_hatch_color=Override(default=None)border_line_color=Override(default=None)
[docs]classHTMLLabel(HTMLTextAnnotation):''' Render a single HTML label as an annotation. ``Label`` will render a single text label at given ``x`` and ``y`` coordinates, which can be in either screen (pixel) space, or data (axis range) space. The label can also be configured with a screen space offset from ``x`` and ``y``, by using the ``x_offset`` and ``y_offset`` properties. Additionally, the label can be rotated with the ``angle`` property. There are also standard text, fill, and line properties to control the appearance of the text, its background, as well as the rectangular bounding box border. See :ref:`ug_basic_annotations_labels` for information on plotting labels. '''# explicit __init__ to support Init signaturesdef__init__(self,*args:Any,**kwargs:Any)->None:super().__init__(*args,**kwargs)x=Required(CoordinateLike,help=""" The x-coordinate in screen coordinates to locate the text anchors. """)x_units=Enum(CoordinateUnits,default='data',help=""" The unit type for the x attribute. Interpreted as |data units| by default. """)y=Required(CoordinateLike,help=""" The y-coordinate in screen coordinates to locate the text anchors. """)y_units=Enum(CoordinateUnits,default='data',help=""" The unit type for the y attribute. Interpreted as |data units| by default. """)text=String(default="",help=""" The text value to render. """)angle=Angle(default=0,help=""" The angle to rotate the text, as measured from the horizontal. """)angle_units=Enum(AngleUnits,default='rad',help=""" Acceptable values for units are ``"rad"`` and ``"deg"`` """)x_offset=Float(default=0,help=""" Offset value to apply to the x-coordinate. This is useful, for instance, if it is desired to "float" text a fixed distance in |screen units| from a given data position. """)y_offset=Float(default=0,help=""" Offset value to apply to the y-coordinate. This is useful, for instance, if it is desired to "float" text a fixed distance in |screen units| from a given data position. """)text_props=Include(ScalarTextProps,help=""" The {prop} values for the text. """)
[docs]classHTMLLabelSet(HTMLAnnotation,DataAnnotation):''' Render multiple text labels as annotations. ``LabelSet`` will render multiple text labels at given ``x`` and ``y`` coordinates, which can be in either screen (pixel) space, or data (axis range) space. In this case (as opposed to the single ``Label`` model), ``x`` and ``y`` can also be the name of a column from a :class:`~bokeh.models.sources.ColumnDataSource`, in which case the labels will be "vectorized" using coordinate values from the specified columns. The label can also be configured with a screen space offset from ``x`` and ``y``, by using the ``x_offset`` and ``y_offset`` properties. These offsets may be vectorized by giving the name of a data source column. Additionally, the label can be rotated with the ``angle`` property (which may also be a column name.) There are also standard text, fill, and line properties to control the appearance of the text, its background, as well as the rectangular bounding box border. The data source is provided by setting the ``source`` property. '''# explicit __init__ to support Init signaturesdef__init__(self,*args:Any,**kwargs:Any)->None:super().__init__(*args,**kwargs)x=NumberSpec(default=field("x"),help=""" The x-coordinates to locate the text anchors. """)x_units=Enum(CoordinateUnits,default='data',help=""" The unit type for the ``xs`` attribute. Interpreted as |data units| by default. """)y=NumberSpec(default=field("y"),help=""" The y-coordinates to locate the text anchors. """)y_units=Enum(CoordinateUnits,default='data',help=""" The unit type for the ``ys`` attribute. Interpreted as |data units| by default. """)text=NullStringSpec(default=field("text"),help=""" The text values to render. """)angle=AngleSpec(default=0,help=""" The angles to rotate the text, as measured from the horizontal. """)x_offset=NumberSpec(default=0,help=""" Offset values to apply to the x-coordinates. This is useful, for instance, if it is desired to "float" text a fixed distance in |screen units| from a given data position. """)y_offset=NumberSpec(default=0,help=""" Offset values to apply to the y-coordinates. This is useful, for instance, if it is desired to "float" text a fixed distance in |screen units| from a given data position. """)text_props=Include(TextProps,help=""" The {prop} values for the text. """)background_props=Include(FillProps,prefix="background",help=""" The {prop} values for the text bounding box. """)background_fill_color=Override(default=None)border_props=Include(LineProps,prefix="border",help=""" The {prop} values for the text bounding box. """)border_line_color=Override(default=None)
[docs]classHTMLTitle(HTMLTextAnnotation):''' Render a single title box as an annotation. See :ref:`ug_basic_annotations_titles` for information on plotting titles. '''# explicit __init__ to support Init signaturesdef__init__(self,*args:Any,**kwargs:Any)->None:super().__init__(*args,**kwargs)text=String(default="",help=""" The text value to render. """)vertical_align=Enum(VerticalAlign,default='bottom',help=""" Alignment of the text in its enclosing space, *across* the direction of the text. """)align=Enum(TextAlign,default='left',help=""" Alignment of the text in its enclosing space, *along* the direction of the text. """)text_line_height=Float(default=1.0,help=""" How much additional space should be allocated for the title. The value is provided as a number, but should be treated as a percentage of font size. The default is 100%, which means no additional space will be used. """)offset=Float(default=0,help=""" Offset the text by a number of pixels (can be positive or negative). Shifts the text in different directions based on the location of the title: * above: shifts title right * right: shifts title down * below: shifts title right * left: shifts title up """)standoff=Float(default=10,help=""" """)text_font=String(default="helvetica",help=""" Name of a font to use for rendering text, e.g., ``'times'``, ``'helvetica'``. """)text_font_size=String(default="13px")text_font_style=Enum(FontStyle,default="bold",help=""" A style to use for rendering text. Acceptable values are: - ``'normal'`` normal text - ``'italic'`` *italic text* - ``'bold'`` **bold text** """)text_color=Color(default="#444444",help=""" A color to use to fill text with. """)text_outline_color=Nullable(Color,default=None,help=""" A color to use to fill text with. """)text_alpha=Alpha(help=""" An alpha value to use to fill text with. """)
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Dev API#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Private API#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Code#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------