Source code for bokeh.models.widgets.inputs

# Copyright (c) Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.
# All rights reserved.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
''' Various kinds of input widgets and form controls.


# Boilerplate
from __future__ import annotations

import logging # isort:skip
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Standard library imports
from math import inf
from typing import Any

# Bokeh imports
from ...core.has_props import abstract
from import (
from ...core.property_aliases import IconLike
from import ModelEvent
from ...util.deprecation import deprecated
from ..dom import HTML
from ..formatters import TickFormatter
from ..ui import Tooltip
from .widget import Widget

# Globals and constants

__all__ = (

# Dev API

[docs] @abstract class InputWidget(Widget): ''' Abstract base class for input widgets. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) title = Either(String, Instance(HTML), default="", help=""" Widget's label. """) description = Nullable(Either(String, Instance(Tooltip)), default=None, help=""" Either a plain text or a tooltip with a rich HTML description of the function of this widget. """)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # General API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO mark this as a one way event from server to client class ClearInput(ModelEvent): """ Notifies the input widget that its input/value needs to be cleared. This is specially useful for widgets whose value can't be simply cleared by assigning to ``value`` (or equivalent) property. """ event_name = "clear_input" def __init__(self, model: InputWidget) -> None: if not isinstance(model, InputWidget): raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} event only applies to input models, i.e. instances of bokeh.models.widgets.InputWidget") super().__init__(model=model)
[docs] class FileInput(InputWidget): ''' Present a file-chooser dialog to users and return the contents of the selected files. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) value = Readonly(Either(String, List(String)), help=''' The base64-encoded contents of the file or files that were loaded. If `multiple` is set to False (default), this value is a single string with the contents of the single file that was chosen. If `multiple` is True, this value is a list of strings, each containing the contents of one of the multiple files that were chosen. The sequence of files is given by the list of filenames (see below) ''') mime_type = Readonly(Either(String, List(String)), help=''' The mime-type of the file or files that were loaded. If `multiple` is set to False (default), this value is a single string with the mime-type of the single file that was chosen. If `multiple` is True, this value is a list of strings, each containing the mime-type of one of the multiple files that were chosen. The sequence of files is given by the list of filename (see below) ''') filename = Readonly(Either(String, List(String)), help=''' The name(s) of the file or files that were loaded. If `multiple` is set to False (default), this value is a single string with the name of the single file that was chosen. If `multiple` is True, this value is a list of strings, each containing the name of one of the multiple files that were chosen. This list provides the sequence of files for the respective lists in value and mime-type .. note:: The full file path is not included since browsers will not provide access to that information for security reasons. ''') accept = Either(String, List(String), default="", help=""" Comma-separated list of standard HTML file input filters that restrict what files the user can pick from. Values can be: `<file extension>`: Specific file extension(s) (e.g: .gif, .jpg, .png, .doc) are pickable `audio/*`: all sound files are pickable `video/*`: all video files are pickable `image/*`: all image files are pickable `<media type>`: A valid `IANA Media Type`_, with no parameters. .. _IANA Media Type: .. note:: A bug in some versions of Chrome on macOS Big Sur may limit how you can set a file input filter for those users. In those cases, it is impossible to limit the user's selection to specific file extensions - instead, the browser will limit users to predefined sets of file types, such as ``Text/*`` or ``Image/*``. See :bokeh-issue:`10888` for more information. """) multiple = Bool(default=False, help=""" set multiple=False (default) for single file selection, set multiple=True if selection of more than one file at a time should be possible. """) directory = Bool(default=False, help=""" Whether to allow selection of directories instead of files. The filename will be relative paths to the uploaded directory. .. note:: When a directory is uploaded it will give add a confirmation pop up. The confirmation pop up cannot be disabled, as this is a security feature in the browser. .. note:: The `accept` parameter only works with file extension. When using `accept` with `directory`, the number of files reported will be the total amount of files, not the filtered. """)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ Clear the contents of this file input widget. """ doc = self.document if doc is not None: doc.callbacks.send_event(ClearInput(self))
[docs] class NumericInput(InputWidget): ''' Numeric input widget. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) value = Either(Null, Float, Int, help=""" Initial or entered value. Change events are triggered whenever <enter> is pressed. """) low = Either(Null, Float, Int, help=""" Optional lowest allowable value. """) high = Either(Null, Float, Int, help=""" Optional highest allowable value. """) placeholder = String(default="", help=""" Placeholder for empty input field. """) mode = Enum("int", "float", help=""" Define the type of number which can be enter in the input example mode int: 1, -1, 156 mode float: 1, -1.2, 1.1e-25 """) format = Either(Null, String, Instance(TickFormatter), help=""" """)
[docs] class Spinner(NumericInput): ''' Numeric Spinner input widget. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) value_throttled = Readonly(Either(Null, Float, Int), help=""" Value reported at the end of interactions. """) mode = Override(default="float") step = Interval(Float, start=1e-16, end=inf, default=1, help=""" The step added or subtracted to the current value. """) page_step_multiplier = Interval(Float, start=0, end=inf, default=10, help=""" Defines the multiplication factor applied to step when the page up and page down keys are pressed. """) wheel_wait = Either(Int, Float, default=100, help=""" Defines the debounce time in ms before updating `value_throttled` when the mouse wheel is used to change the input. """)
@abstract class ToggleInput(Widget): """ Base class for toggleable (boolean) input widgets. """ # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) active = Bool(default=False, help=""" The state of the widget. """) label = String(default="", help=""" The label next to the input. """)
[docs] class Checkbox(ToggleInput): """ A checkbox widget. """ # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class Switch(ToggleInput): """ A checkbox-like widget. """ # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) on_icon = Nullable(IconLike, default=None, help=""" """) off_icon = Nullable(IconLike, default=None, help=""" """)
class TextLikeInput(InputWidget): ''' Base class for text-like input widgets. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) value = String(default="", help=""" Initial or entered text value. Change events are triggered whenever <enter> is pressed. """) value_input = String(default="", help=""" Initial or current value. Change events are triggered whenever any update happens, i.e. on every keypress. """) placeholder = String(default="", help=""" Placeholder for empty input field. """) max_length = Nullable(Int, help=""" Max count of characters in field """)
[docs] class TextInput(TextLikeInput): ''' Single-line input widget. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) prefix = Nullable(String, help=""" An optional string prefix to display before the input. This is useful to indicate e.g. a variable the entered value will be assigned to. """) suffix = Nullable(String, help=""" An optional string suffix to display after the input. This is useful to indicate e.g. the units of measurement of the entered value. """)
[docs] class TextAreaInput(TextLikeInput): ''' Multi-line input widget. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) cols = Int(default=20, help=""" Specifies the width of the text area (in average character width). Default: 20 """) rows = Int(default=2, help=""" Specifies the height of the text area (in lines). Default: 2 """) max_length = Override(default=500)
[docs] class PasswordInput(TextInput): ''' Single-line password input widget. This widget hides the input value so that it is not visible in the browser. .. warning:: Secure transmission of the password to Bokeh server application code requires configuring the server for SSL (i.e. HTTPS) termination. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class AutocompleteInput(TextInput): ''' Single-line input widget with auto-completion. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) completions = List(String, help=""" A list of completion strings. This will be used to guide the user upon typing the beginning of a desired value. """) max_completions = Nullable(Positive(Int), help=""" Optional maximum number of completions displayed. """) min_characters = NonNegative(Int, default=2, help=""" The number of characters a user must type before completions are presented. """) case_sensitive = Bool(default=True, help=""" Enable or disable case sensitivity. """) restrict = Bool(default=True, help=""" Set to False in order to allow users to enter text that is not present in the list of completion strings. """) search_strategy = Enum("starts_with", "includes", help=""" Define how to search the list of completion strings. The default option ``"starts_with"`` means that the user's text must match the start of a completion string. Using ``"includes"`` means that the user's text can match any substring of a completion string. """)
Options = List(Either(String, Tuple(AnyRef, String))) OptionsGroups = Dict(String, Options) NotSelected = "" # TODO symbol
[docs] class Select(InputWidget): ''' Single-select widget. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) options = Either(Options, OptionsGroups, help=""" Available selection options. Options may be provided either as a list of possible string values, which also act as options' labels, or as a list of tuples, each of the form ``(value, label)``, where ``value`` can be of any type, not necessarily a string. In the latter case, the visible widget text for each value will be corresponding given label. Option groupings can be provided by supplying a dictionary object whose values are in the aforementioned list format. """).accepts(List(Either(Null, String)), lambda v: [ NotSelected if item is None else item for item in v ]) value = AnyRef(default=NotSelected, help=""" Initial or selected value. """).accepts(Null, lambda _: NotSelected)
[docs] class MultiSelect(InputWidget): ''' Multi-select widget. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) options = List(Either(String, Tuple(String, String)), help=""" Available selection options. Options may be provided either as a list of possible string values, or as a list of tuples, each of the form ``(value, label)``. In the latter case, the visible widget text for each value will be corresponding given label. """) value = List(String, help=""" Initial or selected values. """) size = Int(default=4, help=""" The number of visible options in the dropdown list. (This uses the ``select`` HTML element's ``size`` attribute. Some browsers might not show less than 3 options.) """)
[docs] class MultiChoice(InputWidget): ''' MultiChoice widget. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) options = List(Either(String, Tuple(String, String)), help=""" Available selection options. Options may be provided either as a list of possible string values, or as a list of tuples, each of the form ``(value, label)``. In the latter case, the visible widget text for each value will be corresponding given label. """) value = List(String, help=""" Initial or selected values. """) delete_button = Bool(default=True, help=""" Whether to add a button to remove a selected option. """) max_items = Nullable(Int, help=""" The maximum number of items that can be selected. """) option_limit = Nullable(Int, help=""" The number of choices that will be rendered in the dropdown. """) search_option_limit = Nullable(Int, help=""" The number of choices that will be rendered in the dropdown when search string is entered. """) placeholder = Nullable(String, help=""" A string that is displayed if not item is added. """) solid = Bool(default=True, help=""" Specify whether the choices should be solidly filled.""")
[docs] class ColorPicker(InputWidget): ''' Color picker widget. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) color = ColorHex(default='#000000', help=""" The initial color of the picked color (named or hexadecimal) """)
[docs] class PaletteSelect(InputWidget): ''' Color palette select widget. ''' # explicit __init__ to support Init signatures def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) value = Required(String, help=""" The name of the initial or selected color palette. """) items = Required(Seq(Tuple(String, Seq(Color))), help=""" A selection of named color palettes to choose from. """) swatch_width = NonNegative(Int, default=100, help=""" The width of the UI element showing the preview of a palette, in pixels. """) swatch_height = Either(Auto, NonNegative(Int), default="auto", help=""" The height of the UI element showing the preview of a palette, either in pixels or automatically adjusted. """) ncols = Positive(Int, default=1, help=""" The number of columns to split the display of the palettes into. """)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Legacy API #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def ColorMap(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> PaletteSelect: ''' Color palette select widget. .. deprecated:: 3.4.0 Use ``PaletteSelect`` widget instead. ''' deprecated((3, 4, 0), "ColorMap widget", "PaletteSelect widget") return PaletteSelect(*args, **kwargs)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------