from bokeh.models import CustomJSTicker
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
xticker = CustomJSTicker(
# always three equally spaced ticks
const {start, end} = cb_data.range
const interval = (end-start) / 4
return [start + interval, start + 2*interval, start + 3*interval]
# minor ticks in between the major ticks
const {start, end, major_ticks} = cb_data
return [
yticker = CustomJSTicker(major_code="return ['a', 'c', 'e', 'g']")
p = figure(y_range=list("abcdefg"))
p.scatter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ["a", "d", "b", "f", "c"], size=30)
p.xaxis.ticker = xticker
# keep the grid lines at all original tick locations
p.ygrid.ticker = p.yaxis.ticker
p.yaxis.ticker = yticker