Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015, Anaconda, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Powered by the Bokeh Development Team.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
''' Functions for configuring Bokeh output.


# Imports
from __future__ import absolute_import

# Stdlib imports
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import io
import json
import os
import warnings

# Third-party imports

# Bokeh imports
from .core.state import State
from .document import Document
from .embed import notebook_div, standalone_html_page_for_models, autoload_server
from .models.layouts import LayoutDOM, Row, Column, VBoxForm
from .layouts import gridplot, GridSpec ; gridplot, GridSpec
from .model import _ModelInDocument
from .util.deprecation import deprecated
from .util.notebook import load_notebook, publish_display_data, get_comms
from .util.string import decode_utf8
from .util.serialization import make_id
import bokeh.util.browser as browserlib  # full import needed for test mocking to work
from .client import DEFAULT_SESSION_ID, push_session, show_session

# Globals and constants

_new_param = {'tab': 2, 'window': 1}

_state = State()

# Local utilities

# Classes and functions

class _CommsHandle(object):

    _json = {}

    def __init__(self, comms, doc, json):
        self._cellno = None
            from IPython import get_ipython
            ip = get_ipython()
            hm = ip.history_manager
            p_prompt = list(hm.get_tail(1, include_latest=True))[0][1]
            self._cellno = p_prompt
        except Exception as e:
            logger.debug("Could not get Notebook cell number, reason: %s", e)

        self._comms = comms
        self._doc = doc
        self._json[doc] = json

    def _repr_html_(self):
        if self._cellno is not None:
            return "<p><code>&lt;Bokeh Notebook handle for <strong>In[%s]</strong>&gt;</code></p>" % str(self._cellno)
            return "<p><code>&lt;Bokeh Notebook handle&gt;</code></p>"

    def comms(self):
        return self._comms

    def doc(self):
        return self._doc

    def json(self):
        return self._json[self._doc]

    def update(self, doc, json):
        self._doc = doc
        self._json[doc] = json

[docs]def output_file(filename, title="Bokeh Plot", mode="cdn", root_dir=None): '''Configure the default output state to generate output saved to a file when :func:`show` is called. Does not change the current Document from curdoc(). File, server, and notebook output may be active at the same time, so this does not clear the effects of output_server() or output_notebook(). Args: filename (str) : a filename for saving the HTML document title (str, optional) : a title for the HTML document (default: "Bokeh Plot") mode (str, optional) : how to include BokehJS (default: ``'cdn'``) One of: ``'inline'``, ``'cdn'``, ``'relative(-dev)'`` or ``'absolute(-dev)'``. See :class:`bokeh.resources.Resources` for more details. root_dir (str, optional) : root directory to use for 'absolute' resources. (default: None) This value is ignored for other resource types, e.g. ``INLINE`` or ``CDN``. Returns: None .. note:: Generally, this should be called at the beginning of an interactive session or the top of a script. .. warning:: This output file will be overwritten on every save, e.g., each time show() or save() is invoked. ''' _state.output_file( filename, title=title, mode=mode, root_dir=root_dir )
[docs]def output_notebook(resources=None, verbose=False, hide_banner=False, load_timeout=5000): ''' Configure the default output state to generate output in Jupyter/IPython notebook cells when :func:`show` is called. If output_server() has also been called, the notebook cells are loaded from the configured server; otherwise, Bokeh pushes HTML to the notebook directly. Args: resources (Resource, optional) : How and where to load BokehJS from (default: CDN) verbose (bool, optional) : whether to display detailed BokehJS banner (default: False) hide_banner (bool, optional): whether to hide the Bokeh banner (default: False) load_timeout (int, optional) : Timeout in milliseconds when plots assume load timed out (default: 5000) Returns: None .. note:: Generally, this should be called at the beginning of an interactive session or the top of a script. ''' load_notebook(resources, verbose, hide_banner, load_timeout) _state.output_notebook()
# usually we default session_id to "generate a random one" but # here we default to a hardcoded one. This is to support local # usage e.g. with a notebook.
[docs]def output_server(session_id=DEFAULT_SESSION_ID, url="default", app_path="/"): """ Configure the default output state to push its document to a session on a Bokeh server. Sessions are in-memory and not persisted to disk; in a typical production deployment, you would have a fresh session ID for each browser tab. If different users share the same session ID, it will create security and scalability problems. ``output_server()`` defaults to always using the ``session_id`` ``"default"``, which is useful for running local demos or notebooks. However, if you are creating production sessions, you'll need to set ``session_id`` to None (to generate a fresh ID) or to a session ID generated elsewhere. File, server, and notebook output may be active at the same time, so output_server() does not clear the effects of output_file() or output_notebook(). output_server() changes the behavior of output_notebook(), so the notebook will load output cells from the server rather than receiving them as inline HTML. Args: session_id (str, optional) : Name of session to push on Bokeh server (default: "default") Any existing session with the same name will be overwritten. url (str, optional) : base URL of the Bokeh server (default: "default") If "default" use the default localhost URL. app_path (str, optional) : relative path of the app on the Bokeh server (default: "/") Returns: None .. warning:: Calling this function will replace any existing server-side document in the named session. """ deprecated((0, 12, 3), '', """ bokeh.client sessions as described at" """) _state.output_server(session_id=session_id, url=url, app_path=app_path)
[docs]def set_curdoc(doc): '''Configure the current document (returned by curdoc()). This is the document we will save or push according to output_file(), output_server(), etc. configuration. Args: doc (Document) : Document we will output. Returns: None .. note:: Generally, this should be called at the beginning of an interactive session or the top of a script. .. warning:: Calling this function will replace any existing document. ''' _state.document = doc
[docs]def curdoc(): ''' Return the document for the current default state. Returns: doc : the current default document object. ''' return _state.document
[docs]def curstate(): ''' Return the current State object Returns: state : the current default State object ''' return _state
[docs]def show(obj, browser=None, new="tab", notebook_handle=False): ''' Immediately display a plot object. In an IPython/Jupyter notebook, the output is displayed in an output cell. Otherwise, a browser window or tab is autoraised to display the plot object. If both a server session and notebook output have been configured on the default output state then the notebook output will be generated to load the plot from that server session. Args: obj (LayoutDOM object) : a Layout (Row/Column), Plot or Widget object to display browser (str, optional) : browser to show with (default: None) For systems that support it, the **browser** argument allows specifying which browser to display in, e.g. "safari", "firefox", "opera", "windows-default" (see the ``webbrowser`` module documentation in the standard lib for more details). new (str, optional) : new file output mode (default: "tab") For file-based output, opens or raises the browser window showing the current output file. If **new** is 'tab', then opens a new tab. If **new** is 'window', then opens a new window. notebook_handle (bool, optional): create notebook interaction handle (default: False) For notebook output, toggles whether a handle which can be used with ``push_notebook`` is returned. Returns: when in a jupyter notebook (with ``output_notebook`` enabled) and ``notebook_handle=True``, returns a handle that can be used by ``push_notebook``, None otherwise. .. note:: The ``browser`` and ``new`` parameters are ignored when showing in an IPython/Jupyter notebook. ''' if obj not in _state.document.roots: _state.document.add_root(obj) return _show_with_state(obj, _state, browser, new, notebook_handle=notebook_handle)
def _show_with_state(obj, state, browser, new, notebook_handle=False): controller = browserlib.get_browser_controller(browser=browser) comms_handle = None shown = False if state.notebook: comms_handle = _show_notebook_with_state(obj, state, notebook_handle) shown = True elif state.server_enabled: _show_server_with_state(obj, state, new, controller) shown = True if state.file or not shown: _show_file_with_state(obj, state, new, controller) return comms_handle def _show_file_with_state(obj, state, new, controller): filename = save(obj, state=state)"file://" + filename, new=_new_param[new]) def _show_notebook_with_state(obj, state, notebook_handle): if state.server_enabled: push(state=state) snippet = autoload_server(obj, session_id=state.session_id_allowing_none, url=state.url, app_path=state.app_path) publish_display_data({'text/html': snippet}) else: comms_target = make_id() if notebook_handle else None publish_display_data({'text/html': notebook_div(obj, comms_target)}) if comms_target: handle = _CommsHandle(get_comms(comms_target), state.document, state.document.to_json()) state.last_comms_handle = handle return handle def _show_server_with_state(obj, state, new, controller): push(state=state) show_session(session_id=state.session_id_allowing_none, url=state.url, app_path=state.app_path, new=new, controller=controller)
[docs]def save(obj, filename=None, resources=None, title=None, state=None, validate=True): ''' Save an HTML file with the data for the current document. Will fall back to the default output state (or an explicitly provided :class:`State` object) for ``filename``, ``resources``, or ``title`` if they are not provided. If the filename is not given and not provided via output state, it is derived from the script name (e.g. ``/foo/`` will create ``/foo/myplot.html``) Args: obj (Document or model object) : a plot object to save filename (str, optional) : filename to save document under (default: None) If None, use the default state configuration, otherwise raise a ``RuntimeError``. resources (Resources, optional) : A Resources config to use (default: None) If None, use the default state configuration, if there is one. otherwise use ``resources.INLINE``. title (str, optional) : a title for the HTML document (default: None) If None, use the default state title value, if there is one. Otherwise, use "Bokeh Plot" validate (bool, optional) : True to check integrity of the models Returns: filename (str) : the filename where the HTML file is saved. Raises: RuntimeError ''' if state is None: state = _state filename, resources, title = _get_save_args(state, filename, resources, title) _save_helper(obj, filename, resources, title, validate) return os.path.abspath(filename)
def _detect_filename(ext): """ Detect filename from the name of the script being run. Returns None if the script could not be found (e.g. interactive mode). """ import inspect from os.path import isfile, dirname, basename, splitext, join frame = inspect.currentframe() while frame.f_back and frame.f_globals.get('name') != '__main__': frame = frame.f_back filename = frame.f_globals.get('__file__') if filename and isfile(filename): name, _ = splitext(basename(filename)) return join(dirname(filename), name + "." + ext) def _get_save_args(state, filename, resources, title): warn = True if filename is None and state.file: filename = state.file['filename'] if filename is None: warn = False filename = _detect_filename("html") if filename is None: raise RuntimeError("save() called but no filename was supplied or detected, and output_file(...) was never called, nothing saved") if resources is None and state.file: resources = state.file['resources'] if resources is None: if warn: warnings.warn("save() called but no resources were supplied and output_file(...) was never called, defaulting to resources.CDN") from .resources import CDN resources = CDN if title is None and state.file: title = state.file['title'] if title is None: if warn: warnings.warn("save() called but no title was supplied and output_file(...) was never called, using default title 'Bokeh Plot'") title = "Bokeh Plot" return filename, resources, title def _save_helper(obj, filename, resources, title, validate): with _ModelInDocument(obj): if isinstance(obj, LayoutDOM): doc = obj.document elif isinstance(obj, Document): doc = obj else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to save object of type '%s'" % type(obj)) if validate: doc.validate() html = standalone_html_page_for_models(obj, resources, title) with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(decode_utf8(html)) # this function exists mostly to be mocked in tests def _push_to_server(session_id, url, app_path, document, io_loop): session = push_session(document, session_id=session_id, url=url, app_path=app_path, io_loop=io_loop) session.close() session.loop_until_closed()
[docs]def push(session_id=None, url=None, app_path=None, document=None, state=None, io_loop=None, validate=True): ''' Update the server with the data for the current document. Will fall back to the default output state (or an explicitly provided :class:`State` object) for ``session_id``, ``url``, ``app_path``, or ``document`` if they are not provided. Args: session_id (str, optional) : a Bokeh server session ID to push objects to url (str, optional) : a Bokeh server URL to push objects to app_path (str, optional) : Relative application path to push objects to document (Document, optional) : A :class:`bokeh.document.Document` to use state (State, optional) : A state to use for any output_server() configuration of session or url io_loop (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop, optional) : Tornado IOLoop to use for connecting to server validate (bool, optional) : True to check integrity of the document we are pushing Returns: None ''' if state is None: state = _state if not session_id: session_id = state.session_id_allowing_none if not url: url = state.url if not app_path: app_path = state.app_path # State is supposed to ensure these are set assert session_id is not None assert url is not None assert app_path is not None if not document: document = state.document if not document: warnings.warn("No document to push") if validate: document.validate() _push_to_server(session_id=session_id, url=url, app_path=app_path, document=document, io_loop=io_loop)
[docs]def push_notebook(document=None, state=None, handle=None): ''' Update Bokeh plots in a Jupyter notebook output cells with new data or property values. When working the the notebook, the ``show`` function can be passed the argument ``notebook_handle=True``, which will cause it to return a handle object that can be used to update the Bokeh output later. When ``push_notebook`` is called, any property updates (e.g. plot titles or data source values, etc.) since the last call to ``push_notebook`` or the original ``show`` call are applied to the Bokeh output in the previously rendered Jupyter output cell. Several example notebooks can be found in the GitHub repository in the :bokeh-tree:`examples/howto/notebook_comms` directory. Args: document (Document, optional) : A :class:`~bokeh.document.Document` to push from. If None, uses ``curdoc()``. state (State, optional) : A Bokeh State object Returns: None Examples: Typical usage is typically similar to this: .. code-block:: python from bokeh.plotting import figure from import output_notebook, push_notebook, show output_notebook() plot = figure()[1,2,3], [4,6,5]) handle = show(plot, notebook_handle=True) # Update the plot title in the earlier cell plot.title = "New Title" push_notebook(handle=handle) ''' if state is None: state = _state if state.server_enabled: raise RuntimeError("output_server() has been called, which is incompatible with push_notebook") if not document: document = state.document if not document: warnings.warn("No document to push") return if handle is None: handle = state.last_comms_handle if not handle: warnings.warn("Cannot find a last shown plot to update. Call output_notebook() and show(..., notebook_handle=True) before push_notebook()") return to_json = document.to_json() if handle.doc is not document: msg = dict(doc=to_json) else: msg = Document._compute_patch_between_json(handle.json, to_json) handle.comms.send(json.dumps(msg)) handle.update(document, to_json)
[docs]def reset_output(state=None): ''' Clear the default state of all output modes. Returns: None ''' _state.reset()
def _remove_roots(subplots): doc = _state.document for sub in subplots: if sub in doc.roots: doc.remove_root(sub) def hplot(*children, **kwargs): deprecated((0, 12, 0), '', 'bokeh.models.layouts.Row') layout = Row(children=list(children), **kwargs) return layout def vplot(*children, **kwargs): deprecated((0, 12, 0), '', 'bokeh.models.layouts.Column') layout = Column(children=list(children), **kwargs) return layout def vform(*children, **kwargs): deprecated((0, 12, 0), '', 'bokeh.models.layouts.WidgetBox') # Returning a VBoxForm, because it has helpers so that # Bokeh deprecates gracefully. return VBoxForm(*children, **kwargs)