Source code for bokeh.models.sources

from __future__ import absolute_import

import warnings

from import abstract
from import (Any, Int, String, Instance, List, Dict, Bool, Enum,
                               JSON, Seq, ColumnData)
from ..model import Model
from ..util.dependencies import import_optional
from ..util.deprecation import deprecated
from ..util.warnings import BokehUserWarning
from .callbacks import Callback

pd = import_optional('pandas')

[docs]class DataSource(Model): """ A base class for data source types. ``DataSource`` is not generally useful to instantiate on its own. """ selected = Dict(String, Dict(String, Any), default={ '0d': {'glyph': None, 'indices': []}, '1d': {'indices': []}, '2d': {} }, help=""" A dict to indicate selected indices on different dimensions on this DataSource. Keys are: - 0d: indicates whether a Line or Patch glyphs have been hit. Value is a dict with the following keys: - flag (boolean): true if glyph was with false otherwise - indices (list): indices hit (if applicable) - 1d: indicates whether any of all other glyph (except [multi]line or patches) was hit: - indices (list): indices that were hit/selected - 2d: indicates whether a [multi]line or patches) were hit: - indices (list(list)): indices of the lines/patches that were hit/selected """) callback = Instance(Callback, help=""" A callback to run in the browser whenever the selection is changed. """)
[docs]class ColumnarDataSource(DataSource): """ A baseclass for data source types, which can be mapped onto a columnar format. Not useful to instantiate on its own. """ column_names = List(String, help=""" An list of names for all the columns in this DataSource. """)
[docs]class ColumnDataSource(ColumnarDataSource): """ Maps names of columns to sequences or arrays. If the ColumnDataSource initializer is called with a single argument that is a dict or pandas.DataFrame, that argument is used as the value for the "data" attribute. For example:: ColumnDataSource(mydict) # same as ColumnDataSource(data=mydict) ColumnDataSource(df) # same as ColumnDataSource(data=df) .. note:: There is an implicit assumption that all the columns in a a given ColumnDataSource have the same length. """ data = ColumnData(String, Seq(Any), help=""" Mapping of column names to sequences of data. The data can be, e.g, Python lists or tuples, NumPy arrays, etc. """).asserts(lambda _, data: len(set(len(x) for x in data.values())) <= 1, lambda: warnings.warn("ColumnDataSource's columns must be of the same length", BokehUserWarning)) def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ If called with a single argument that is a dict or pandas.DataFrame, treat that implicitly as the "data" attribute. """ if len(args) == 1 and "data" not in kw: kw["data"] = args[0] # TODO (bev) invalid to pass args and "data", check and raise exception raw_data = kw.pop("data", {}) if not isinstance(raw_data, dict): if pd and isinstance(raw_data, pd.DataFrame): raw_data = self._data_from_df(raw_data) else: raise ValueError("expected a dict or pandas.DataFrame, got %s" % raw_data) super(ColumnDataSource, self).__init__(**kw) for name, data in raw_data.items(): self.add(data, name) @staticmethod def _data_from_df(df): """ Create a ``dict`` of columns from a Pandas DataFrame, suitable for creating a ColumnDataSource. Args: df (DataFrame) : data to convert Returns: dict(str, list) """ index = df.index new_data = {} for colname in df: new_data[colname] = df[colname].tolist() if new_data[] = index.tolist() elif index.names and not all([x is None for x in index.names]): new_data["_".join(index.names)] = index.tolist() else: new_data["index"] = index.tolist() return new_data @classmethod
[docs] def from_df(cls, data): """ Create a ``dict`` of columns from a Pandas DataFrame, suitable for creating a ColumnDataSource. Args: data (DataFrame) : data to convert Returns: dict(str, list) """ return cls._data_from_df(data)
[docs] def to_df(self): """ Convert this data source to pandas dataframe. If ``column_names`` is set, use those. Otherwise let Pandas infer the column names. The ``column_names`` property can be used both to order and filter the columns. Returns: DataFrame """ if not pd: raise RuntimeError('Pandas must be installed to convert to a Pandas Dataframe') if self.column_names: return pd.DataFrame(, columns=self.column_names) else: return pd.DataFrame(
[docs] def add(self, data, name=None): """ Appends a new column of data to the data source. Args: data (seq) : new data to add name (str, optional) : column name to use. If not supplied, generate a name of the form "Series ####" Returns: str: the column name used """ if name is None: n = len( while "Series %d"%n in n += 1 name = "Series %d"%n self.column_names.append(name)[name] = data return name
[docs] def remove(self, name): """ Remove a column of data. Args: name (str) : name of the column to remove Returns: None .. note:: If the column name does not exist, a warning is issued. """ try: self.column_names.remove(name) del[name] except (ValueError, KeyError): import warnings warnings.warn("Unable to find column '%s' in data source" % name)
[docs] def push_notebook(self): """ Update a data source for a plot in a Jupyter notebook. This function can be be used to update data in plot data sources in the Jupyter notebook, without having to use the Bokeh server. .. warning:: This function has been deprecated. Please use ```` which will push all changes (not just data sources) to the last shown plot in a Jupyter notebook. Returns: None """ deprecated((0, 11, 0), 'ColumnDataSource.push_notebook()', '') from import push_notebook push_notebook()
[docs] def stream(self, new_data, rollover=None, setter=None): ''' Efficiently update data source columns with new append-only data. In cases where it is necessary to update data columns in, this method can efficiently send only the new data, instead of requiring the entire data set to be re-sent. Args: new_data (dict[str, seq]) : a mapping of column names to sequences of new data to append to each column. All columns of the data source must be present in ``new_data``, with identical-length append data. rollover (int, optional) : A maximum column size, above which data from the start of the column begins to be discarded. If None, then columns will continue to grow unbounded (default: None) Returns: None Raises: ValueError Example: .. code-block:: python source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(foo=[], bar=[])) # has new, identical-length updates for all columns in source new_data = { 'foo' : [10, 20], 'bar' : [100, 200], } ''' import numpy as np newkeys = set(new_data.keys()) oldkeys = set( if newkeys != oldkeys: missing = oldkeys - newkeys extra = newkeys - oldkeys if missing and extra: raise ValueError( "Must stream updates to all existing columns (missing: %s, extra: %s)" % (", ".join(sorted(missing)), ", ".join(sorted(extra))) ) elif missing: raise ValueError("Must stream updates to all existing columns (missing: %s)" % ", ".join(sorted(missing))) else: raise ValueError("Must stream updates to all existing columns (extra: %s)" % ", ".join(sorted(extra))) lengths = set() for x in new_data.values(): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): if len(x.shape) != 1: raise ValueError("stream(...) only supports 1d sequences, got ndarray with size %r" % (x.shape,)) lengths.add(x.shape[0]) else: lengths.add(len(x)) if len(lengths) > 1: raise ValueError("All streaming column updates must be the same length"), self, new_data, rollover, setter)
[docs] def patch(self, patches, setter=None): ''' Efficiently update data source columns at specific locations If it is only necessary to update a small subset of data in a ColumnDataSource, this method can be used to efficiently update only the subset, instead of requiring the entire data set to be sent. This method should be passed a dictionary that maps column names to lists of tuples, each of the form ``(index, new_value)``. The value at the given index for that column will be updated with the new value. Args: patches (dict[str, list[tuple]]) : lists of patches for each column. Returns: None Raises: ValueError Example: .. code-block:: python source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(foo=[10, 20], bar=[100, 200])) patches = { 'foo' : [ (0, 1) ], 'bar' : [ (0, 101), (1, 201) ], } source.patch(patches) ''' extra = set(patches.keys()) - set( if extra: raise ValueError("Can only patch existing columns (extra: %s)" % ", ".join(sorted(extra))) for name, patch in patches.items(): max_ind = max(x[0] for x in patch) if max_ind >= len([name]): raise ValueError("Out-of bounds index (%d) in patch for column: %s" % (max_ind, name)), self, patches, setter)
[docs]class GeoJSONDataSource(ColumnarDataSource): geojson = JSON(help=""" GeoJSON that contains features for plotting. Currently GeoJSONDataSource can only process a FeatureCollection or GeometryCollection. """)
[docs]class RemoteSource(ColumnDataSource): data_url = String(help=""" The URL to the endpoint for the data. """) polling_interval = Int(help=""" polling interval for updating data source in milliseconds """)
[docs]class AjaxDataSource(RemoteSource): method = Enum('POST', 'GET', help="http method - GET or POST") mode = Enum("replace", "append", help=""" Whether to append new data to existing data (up to ``max_size``), or to replace existing data entirely. """) max_size = Int(help=""" Maximum size of the data array being kept after each pull requests. Larger than that size, the data will be right shifted. """) if_modified = Bool(False, help=""" Whether to include an ``If-Modified-Since`` header in AJAX requests to the server. If this header is supported by the server, then only new data since the last request will be returned. """) content_type = String(default='application/json', help=""" Set the "contentType" parameter for the Ajax request. """) http_headers = Dict(String, String, help=""" HTTP headers to set for the Ajax request. """)