Source code for bokeh.models.widgets.groups


from __future__ import absolute_import

from import abstract
from import Bool, Int, String, List, Instance
from .widget import Widget
from .buttons import ButtonLike
from ..callbacks import Callback

[docs]class AbstractGroup(Widget): """ Abstract base class for all kinds of groups. ``AbstractGroup`` is not generally useful to instantiate on its own. """ labels = List(String, help=""" List of text labels contained in this group. """)
[docs] def on_click(self, handler): """ Set up a handler for button check/radio box clicks including the selected indices. Args: handler (func) : handler function to call when button is clicked. Returns: None """ self.on_change('active', lambda attr, old, new: handler(new))
callback = Instance(Callback, help=""" A callback to run in the browser whenever a button group is manipulated. """)
[docs]class ButtonGroup(AbstractGroup, ButtonLike): """ Abstract base class for groups with items rendered as buttons. ``ButtonGroup`` is not generally useful to instantiate on its own. """
[docs]class Group(AbstractGroup): """ Abstract base class for groups with items rendered as check/radio boxes. """ inline = Bool(False, help=""" Should items be arrange vertically (``False``) or horizontally in-line (``True``). """)
[docs]class CheckboxGroup(Group): """ A group of check boxes. """ active = List(Int, help=""" The list of indices of selected check boxes. """)
[docs]class RadioGroup(Group): """ A group of radio boxes. """ active = Int(None, help=""" The index of the selected radio box, or ``None`` if nothing is selected. """)
[docs]class CheckboxButtonGroup(ButtonGroup): """ A group of check boxes rendered as toggle buttons. """ active = List(Int, help=""" The list of indices of selected check boxes. """)
[docs]class RadioButtonGroup(ButtonGroup): """ A group of radio boxes rendered as toggle buttons. """ active = Int(None, help=""" The index of the selected radio box, or ``None`` if nothing is selected. """)