Source code for bokeh.models.widgets.panels

""" Various kinds of panel widgets.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from import Bool, Int, String, Instance, List
from .widget import Widget
from ..layouts import LayoutDOM
from ..callbacks import Callback

[docs]class Panel(Widget): """ A single-widget container with title bar and controls. """ title = String(default="", help=""" An optional text title of the panel. """) child = Instance(LayoutDOM, help=""" The child widget. If you need more children, use a layout widget, e.g. ``HBox`` or ``VBox``. """) closable = Bool(False, help=""" Whether this panel is closeable or not. If True, an "x" button will appear. """)
[docs]class Tabs(Widget): """ A panel widget with navigation tabs. """ tabs = List(Instance(Panel), help=""" The list of child panel widgets. """) active = Int(0, help=""" The index of the active tab. """) callback = Instance(Callback, help=""" A callback to run in the browser whenever the button is activated. """)