Source code for bokeh.server.server

''' Provides a Server which instantiates Application instances as clients connect

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import atexit
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import signal

import tornado
from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado import netutil

from .tornado import BokehTornado

from bokeh import __version__

from bokeh.application import Application

from bokeh.resources import DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT

def _create_hosts_whitelist(host_list, port):
    if not host_list:
        return ['localhost:' + str(port)]

    hosts = []
    for host in host_list:
        if '*' in host:
                "Host wildcard %r will allow websocket connections originating "
                "from multiple (or possibly all) hostnames or IPs. Use non-wildcard "
                "values to restrict access explicitly", host)
        if host == '*':
            # do not append the :80 port suffix in that case: any port is
            # accepted
        parts = host.split(':')
        if len(parts) == 1:
            if parts[0] == "":
                raise ValueError("Empty host value")
        elif len(parts) == 2:
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError("Invalid port in host value: %s" % host)
            if parts[0] == "":
                raise ValueError("Empty host value")
            raise ValueError("Invalid host value: %s" % host)
    return hosts

def _bind_sockets(address, port):
    '''Like tornado.netutil.bind_sockets(), but also returns the
    assigned port number.
    ss = netutil.bind_sockets(port=port or 0, address=address)
    assert len(ss)
    ports = {s.getsockname()[1] for s in ss}
    assert len(ports) == 1, "Multiple ports assigned??"
    actual_port = ports.pop()
    if port:
        assert actual_port == port
    return ss, actual_port

[docs]class Server(object): ''' A Server which creates a new Session for each connection, using an Application to initialize each Session. Args: applications (dict of str: bokeh.application.Application) or bokeh.application.Application: mapping from URL paths to Application instances, or a single Application to put at the root URL The Application is a factory for Document, with a new Document initialized for each Session. Each application should be identified by a path meant to go in a URL, like "/" or "/foo" Kwargs: num_procs (str): Number of worker processes for an app. Default to one. Using 0 will autodetect number of cores tornado_server_kwargs (dict): Additional arguments passed to tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer. E.g. max_buffer_size to specify the maximum upload size. More details can be found at: ''' def __init__(self, applications, io_loop=None, tornado_server_kwargs=None, **kwargs):"Starting Bokeh server version %s (running on Tornado %s)" % (__version__, tornado.version)) if isinstance(applications, Application): self._applications = { '/' : applications } else: self._applications = applications tornado_kwargs = { key: kwargs[key] for key in ['extra_patterns', 'secret_key', 'sign_sessions', 'generate_session_ids', 'keep_alive_milliseconds', 'check_unused_sessions_milliseconds', 'unused_session_lifetime_milliseconds', 'stats_log_frequency_milliseconds', ] if key in kwargs } prefix = kwargs.get('prefix') if prefix is None: prefix = "" prefix = prefix.strip("/") if prefix: prefix = "/" + prefix self._prefix = prefix self._started = False self._stopped = False port = kwargs.get('port', DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT) self._address = kwargs.get('address') or None if tornado_server_kwargs is None: tornado_server_kwargs = {} tornado_server_kwargs.setdefault('xheaders', kwargs.get('use_xheaders', False)) self._num_procs = kwargs.get('num_procs', 1) if self._num_procs != 1: assert all(app.safe_to_fork for app in self._applications.values()), ( 'User code has ran before attempting to run multiple ' 'processes. This is considered an unsafe operation.') sockets, self._port = _bind_sockets(self._address, port) try: tornado_kwargs['extra_websocket_origins'] = _create_hosts_whitelist(kwargs.get('allow_websocket_origin'), self._port) tornado_kwargs['use_index'] = kwargs.get('use_index', True) tornado_kwargs['redirect_root'] = kwargs.get('redirect_root', True) self._tornado = BokehTornado(self._applications, self.prefix, **tornado_kwargs) self._http = HTTPServer(self._tornado, **tornado_server_kwargs) self._http.start(self._num_procs) self._http.add_sockets(sockets) except Exception: for s in sockets: s.close() raise # Can only instantiate the IO loop after HTTPServer.start() was # called because of `num_procs`, see issue #5524 if io_loop is None: io_loop = IOLoop.current() self._loop = io_loop self._tornado.initialize(io_loop=io_loop, **tornado_kwargs) @property def port(self): '''The actual port number the server is listening on for HTTP requests. ''' return self._port @property def address(self): '''The address the server is listening on for HTTP requests (may be empty or None). ''' return self._address @property def prefix(self): return self._prefix @property def io_loop(self): return self._loop
[docs] def start(self): ''' Start the Bokeh Server and its background tasks. Notes: This method does not block and does not affect the state of the Tornado I/O loop. You must start and stop the loop yourself. ''' assert not self._started, "Already started" self._started = True self._tornado.start()
[docs] def stop(self, wait=True): ''' Stop the Bokeh Server. Args: fast (boolean): whether to wait for orderly cleanup (default: True) Returns: None ''' assert not self._stopped, "Already stopped" self._stopped = True self._tornado.stop(wait) self._http.stop()
[docs] def run_until_shutdown(self): ''' Run the Bokeh Server until shutdown is requested by the user, either via a Keyboard interrupt (Ctrl-C) or SIGTERM. ''' if not self._started: self.start() # Install shutdown hooks atexit.register(self._atexit) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._sigterm) try: self._loop.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nInterrupted, shutting down") self.stop()
_atexit_ran = False def _atexit(self): if self._atexit_ran: return self._atexit_ran = True log.debug("Shutdown: cleaning up") if not self._stopped: self.stop(wait=False) def _sigterm(self, signum, frame): print("Received signal %d, shutting down" % (signum,)) # Tell self._loop.start() to return. self._loop.add_callback_from_signal(self._loop.stop)
[docs] def unlisten(self): '''Stop listening on ports (Server will no longer be usable after calling this) Returns: None ''' self._http.close_all_connections() self._http.stop()
[docs] def get_session(self, app_path, session_id): '''Gets a session by name (session must already exist)''' return self._tornado.get_session(app_path, session_id)
[docs] def get_sessions(self, app_path=None): '''Gets all live sessions for an application.''' if app_path is not None: return self._tornado.get_sessions(app_path) all_sessions = [] for path in self._tornado.app_paths: all_sessions += self._tornado.get_sessions(path) return all_sessions
[docs] def show(self, app_path, browser=None, new='tab'): ''' Opens an app in a browser window or tab. Useful for testing server applications on your local desktop but should not call when running bokeh-server on an actual server. Args: app_path (str) : the app path to open The part of the URL after the hostname:port, with leading slash. browser (str, optional) : browser to show with (default: None) For systems that support it, the **browser** argument allows specifying which browser to display in, e.g. "safari", "firefox", "opera", "windows-default" (see the ``webbrowser`` module documentation in the standard lib for more details). new (str, optional) : window or tab (default: "tab") If ``new`` is 'tab', then opens a new tab. If ``new`` is 'window', then opens a new window. Returns: None ''' if not app_path.startswith("/"): raise ValueError("app_path must start with a /") from bokeh.util.browser import view url = "http://localhost:%d%s%s" % (self.port, self.prefix, app_path) view(url, browser=browser, new=new)