Source code for bokeh.layouts

''' Functions for arranging bokeh Layout objects.


# Imports
from __future__ import absolute_import

from .core.enums import Location, SizingMode
from import ToolbarBox
from .models.plots import Plot
from .models.layouts import LayoutDOM, Row, Column, Spacer, WidgetBox
from .models.widgets import Widget
from .util._plot_arg_helpers import _convert_responsive

# Common helper functions
def _handle_children(*args, **kwargs):
    children = kwargs.get('children')

    # Set-up Children from args or kwargs
    if len(args) > 0 and children is not None:
        raise ValueError("'children' keyword cannot be used with positional arguments")

    if not children:
        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list):
            children = args[0]
        elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], GridSpec):
            children = args[0]
            children = list(args)

    return children

def _verify_sizing_mode(sizing_mode):
    if sizing_mode not in SizingMode:
        raise ValueError("Invalid value of sizing_mode: %s" % sizing_mode)

[docs]def row(*args, **kwargs): """ Create a row of Bokeh Layout objects. Forces all objects to have the same sizing_mode, which is required for complex layouts to work. Args: children (list of :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` ): A list of instances for the row. Can be any of the following - :class:`~bokeh.models.plots.Plot`, :class:`~bokeh.models.widgets.widget.Widget`, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.WidgetBox`, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.Row`, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.Column`, :class:``, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.Spacer`. sizing_mode (``"fixed"``, ``"stretch_both"``, ``"scale_width"``, ``"scale_height"``, ``"scale_both"`` ): How will the items in the layout resize to fill the available space. Default is ``"fixed"``. For more information on the different modes see :attr:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM.sizing_mode` description on :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM`. responsive (``True``, ``False``): True sets ``sizing_mode`` to ``"width_ar"``. ``False`` sets sizing_mode to ``"fixed"``. Using responsive will override sizing_mode. Returns: Row: A row of LayoutDOM objects all with the same sizing_mode. Examples: >>> row([plot_1, plot_2]) >>> row(children=[widget_box_1, plot_1], sizing_mode='stretch_both') """ responsive = kwargs.pop('responsive', None) sizing_mode = kwargs.pop('sizing_mode', 'fixed') children = kwargs.pop('children', None) if responsive: sizing_mode = _convert_responsive(responsive) _verify_sizing_mode(sizing_mode) children = _handle_children(*args, children=children) row_children = [] for item in children: if isinstance(item, LayoutDOM): item.sizing_mode = sizing_mode row_children.append(item) else: raise ValueError( """Only LayoutDOM items can be inserted into a row. Tried to insert: %s of type %s""" % (item, type(item)) ) return Row(children=row_children, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, **kwargs)
[docs]def column(*args, **kwargs): """ Create a column of Bokeh Layout objects. Forces all objects to have the same sizing_mode, which is required for complex layouts to work. Args: children (list of :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` ): A list of instances for the column. Can be any of the following - :class:`~bokeh.models.plots.Plot`, :class:`~bokeh.models.widgets.widget.Widget`, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.WidgetBox`, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.Row`, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.Column`, :class:``, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.Spacer`. sizing_mode (``"fixed"``, ``"stretch_both"``, ``"scale_width"``, ``"scale_height"``, ``"scale_both"`` ): How will the items in the layout resize to fill the available space. Default is ``"fixed"``. For more information on the different modes see :attr:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM.sizing_mode` description on :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM`. responsive (``True``, ``False``): True sets ``sizing_mode`` to ``"width_ar"``. ``False`` sets sizing_mode to ``"fixed"``. Using responsive will override sizing_mode. Returns: Column: A column of LayoutDOM objects all with the same sizing_mode. Examples: >>> column([plot_1, plot_2]) >>> column(children=[widget_box_1, plot_1], sizing_mode='stretch_both') """ responsive = kwargs.pop('responsive', None) sizing_mode = kwargs.pop('sizing_mode', 'fixed') children = kwargs.pop('children', None) if responsive: sizing_mode = _convert_responsive(responsive) _verify_sizing_mode(sizing_mode) children = _handle_children(*args, children=children) col_children = [] for item in children: if isinstance(item, LayoutDOM): item.sizing_mode = sizing_mode col_children.append(item) else: raise ValueError( """Only LayoutDOM items can be inserted into a column. Tried to insert: %s of type %s""" % (item, type(item)) ) return Column(children=col_children, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, **kwargs)
[docs]def widgetbox(*args, **kwargs): """ Create a WidgetBox of Bokeh widgets. Forces all to have the same sizing_mode, which is required for complex layouts to work. Args: children (list of :class:`~bokeh.models.widgets.widget.Widget` ): A list of widgets for the WidgetBox. sizing_mode (``"fixed"``, ``"stretch_both"``, ``"scale_width"``, ``"scale_height"``, ``"scale_both"`` ): How will the items in the layout resize to fill the available space. Default is ``"fixed"``. For more information on the different modes see :attr:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM.sizing_mode` description on :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM`. responsive (``True``, ``False``): True sets ``sizing_mode`` to ``"width_ar"``. ``False`` sets sizing_mode to ``"fixed"``. Using responsive will override sizing_mode. Returns: WidgetBox: A WidgetBox of Widget instances all with the same sizing_mode. Examples: >>> widgetbox([button, select]) >>> widgetbox(children=[slider], sizing_mode='scale_width') """ responsive = kwargs.pop('responsive', None) sizing_mode = kwargs.pop('sizing_mode', 'fixed') children = kwargs.pop('children', None) if responsive: sizing_mode = _convert_responsive(responsive) _verify_sizing_mode(sizing_mode) children = _handle_children(*args, children=children) widget_children = [] for item in children: if isinstance(item, Widget): item.sizing_mode = sizing_mode widget_children.append(item) else: raise ValueError( """Only Widgets can be inserted into a WidgetBox. Tried to insert: %s of type %s""" % (item, type(item)) ) return WidgetBox(children=widget_children, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, **kwargs)
[docs]def layout(*args, **kwargs): """ Create a grid-based arrangement of Bokeh Layout objects. Forces all objects to have the same sizing mode, which is required for complex layouts to work. Returns a nested set of Rows and Columns. Args: children (list of lists of :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` ): A list of lists of instances for a grid layout. Can be any of the following - :class:`~bokeh.models.plots.Plot`, :class:`~bokeh.models.widgets.widget.Widget`, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.WidgetBox`, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.Row`, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.Column`, :class:``, :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.Spacer`. sizing_mode (``"fixed"``, ``"stretch_both"``, ``"scale_width"``, ``"scale_height"``, ``"scale_both"`` ): How will the items in the layout resize to fill the available space. Default is ``"fixed"``. For more information on the different modes see :attr:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM.sizing_mode` description on :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM`. responsive (``True``, ``False``): True sets ``sizing_mode`` to ``"width_ar"``. ``False`` sets sizing_mode to ``"fixed"``. Using responsive will override sizing_mode. Returns: Column: A column of ``Row`` layouts of the children, all with the same sizing_mode. Examples: >>> layout([[plot_1, plot_2], [plot_3, plot_4]]) >>> layout( children=[ [widget_box_1, plot_1], [slider], [widget_box_2, plot_2, plot_3] ], sizing_mode='fixed', ) """ responsive = kwargs.pop('responsive', None) sizing_mode = kwargs.pop('sizing_mode', 'fixed') children = kwargs.pop('children', None) if responsive: sizing_mode = _convert_responsive(responsive) _verify_sizing_mode(sizing_mode) children = _handle_children(*args, children=children) # Make the grid return _create_grid(children, sizing_mode)
def _create_grid(iterable, sizing_mode, layer=0): """Recursively create grid from input lists.""" return_list = [] for item in iterable: if isinstance(item, list): return_list.append(_create_grid(item, sizing_mode, layer+1)) elif isinstance(item, LayoutDOM): item.sizing_mode = sizing_mode return_list.append(item) else: raise ValueError( """Only LayoutDOM items can be inserted into a layout. Tried to insert: %s of type %s""" % (item, type(item)) ) if layer % 2 == 0: return column(children=return_list, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) return row(children=return_list, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) return return_list def _chunks(l, ncols): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from list, l.""" assert isinstance(ncols, int), "ncols must be an integer" for i in range(0, len(l), ncols): yield l[i: i+ncols]
[docs]def gridplot(*args, **kwargs): """ Create a grid of plots rendered on separate canvases. ``gridplot`` builds a single toolbar for all the plots in the grid. ``gridplot`` is designed to layout a set of plots. For general grid layout, use the :func:`~bokeh.layouts.layout` function. Args: children (list of lists of :class:`~bokeh.models.plots.Plot` ): An array of plots to display in a grid, given as a list of lists of Plot objects. To leave a position in the grid empty, pass None for that position in the children list. OR list of :class:`~bokeh.models.plots.Plot` if called with ncols. OR an instance of GridSpec. sizing_mode (``"fixed"``, ``"stretch_both"``, ``"scale_width"``, ``"scale_height"``, ``"scale_both"`` ): How will the items in the layout resize to fill the available space. Default is ``"fixed"``. For more information on the different modes see :attr:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM.sizing_mode` description on :class:`~bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM`. toolbar_location (``above``, ``below``, ``left``, ``right`` ): Where the toolbar will be located, with respect to the grid. Default is ``above``. If set to None, no toolbar will be attached to the grid. ncols ``Int`` (optional): Specify the number of columns you would like in your grid. You must only pass an un-nested list of plots (as opposed to a list of lists of plots) when using ncols. responsive (``True``, ``False``): True sets ``sizing_mode`` to ``"width_ar"``. ``False`` sets sizing_mode to ``"fixed"``. Using responsive will override sizing_mode. plot_width (int, optional): The width you would like all your plots to be plot_height (int, optional): The height you would like all your plots to be. toolbar_options (dict, optional) : A dictionary of options that will be used to construct the grid's toolbar (an instance of :class:``). If none is supplied, ToolbarBox's defaults will be used. merge_tools (``True``, ``False``): Combine tools from all child plots into a single toolbar. Returns: Row or Column: A row or column containing the grid toolbar and the grid of plots (depending on whether the toolbar is left/right or above/below. The grid is always a Column of Rows of plots. Examples: >>> gridplot([[plot_1, plot_2], [plot_3, plot_4]]) >>> gridplot([plot_1, plot_2, plot_3, plot_4], ncols=2, plot_width=200, plot_height=100) >>> gridplot( children=[[plot_1, plot_2], [None, plot_3]], toolbar_location='right' sizing_mode='fixed', toolbar_options=dict(logo='gray') ) """ toolbar_location = kwargs.get('toolbar_location', 'above') sizing_mode = kwargs.get('sizing_mode', 'fixed') children = kwargs.get('children') responsive = kwargs.get('responsive') toolbar_options = kwargs.get('toolbar_options') plot_width = kwargs.get('plot_width') plot_height = kwargs.get('plot_height') ncols = kwargs.get('ncols') merge_tools = kwargs.get('merge_tools', True) # Integrity checks & set-up if responsive: sizing_mode = _convert_responsive(responsive) _verify_sizing_mode(sizing_mode) if toolbar_location: if not hasattr(Location, toolbar_location): raise ValueError("Invalid value of toolbar_location: %s" % toolbar_location) children = _handle_children(*args, children=children) if ncols: if any(isinstance(child, list) for child in children): raise ValueError("Cannot provide a nested list when using ncols") children = list(_chunks(children, ncols)) # Additional children set-up for grid plot if not children: children = [] # Make the grid tools = [] rows = [] for row in children: row_tools = [] row_children = [] for item in row: if merge_tools: if item is not None: for plot in row_tools = row_tools + plot.toolbar_location = None if item is None: for neighbor in row: if isinstance(neighbor, Plot): break item = Spacer(width=neighbor.plot_width, height=neighbor.plot_height) if isinstance(item, LayoutDOM): item.sizing_mode = sizing_mode if isinstance(item, Plot): if plot_width: item.plot_width = plot_width if plot_height: item.plot_height = plot_height row_children.append(item) else: raise ValueError("Only LayoutDOM items can be inserted into Grid") tools = tools + row_tools rows.append(Row(children=row_children, sizing_mode=sizing_mode)) grid = Column(children=rows, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) if not merge_tools: return grid # Make the toolbar if toolbar_location: if not toolbar_options: toolbar_options = {} if 'toolbar_location' not in toolbar_options: toolbar_options['toolbar_location'] = toolbar_location # Fixed sizing mode needs scale_width for the toolbar # for layout to work correctly. if sizing_mode == 'fixed': toolbar_sizing_mode = 'scale_width' else: toolbar_sizing_mode = sizing_mode toolbar = ToolbarBox( tools=tools, sizing_mode=toolbar_sizing_mode, **toolbar_options ) # Set up children if toolbar_location == 'above': return Column(children=[toolbar, grid], sizing_mode=sizing_mode) elif toolbar_location == 'below': return Column(children=[grid, toolbar], sizing_mode=sizing_mode) elif toolbar_location == 'left': return Row(children=[toolbar, grid], sizing_mode=sizing_mode) elif toolbar_location == 'right': return Row(children=[grid, toolbar], sizing_mode=sizing_mode) else: return grid
[docs]class GridSpec(object): """ Simplifies grid layout specification. """ def __init__(self, nrows, ncols): self.nrows = nrows self.ncols = ncols self._arrangement = {} def __setitem__(self, key, obj): k1, k2 = key if isinstance(k1, slice): row1, row2, _ = k1.indices(self.nrows) else: if k1 < 0: k1 += self.nrows if k1 >= self.nrows or k1 < 0: raise IndexError("index out of range") row1, row2 = k1, None if isinstance(k2, slice): col1, col2, _ = k2.indices(self.ncols) else: if k2 < 0: k2 += self.ncols if k2 >= self.ncols or k2 < 0: raise IndexError("index out of range") col1, col2 = k2, None # gs[row, col] = obj # gs[row1:row2, col] = [...] # gs[row, col1:col2] = [...] # gs[row1:row2, col1:col2] = [[...], ...] def get_or_else(fn, default): try: return fn() except IndexError: return default if row2 is None and col2 is None: self._arrangement[row1, col1] = obj elif row2 is None: for col in range(col1, col2): self._arrangement[row1, col] = get_or_else(lambda: obj[col-col1], None) elif col2 is None: for row in range(row1, row2): self._arrangement[row, col1] = get_or_else(lambda: obj[row-row1], None) else: for row, col in zip(range(row1, row2), range(col1, col2)): self._arrangement[row, col] = get_or_else(lambda: obj[row-row1][col-col1], None) def __iter__(self): array = [ [ None ]*self.ncols for _ in range(0, self.nrows) ] for (row, col), obj in self._arrangement.items(): array[row][col] = obj return iter(array)