''' Provide a base class for all Bokeh Server Protocol message types.
Boker messages are comprised of a sequence of JSON fragments. Specified as
Python JSON-like data, messages have the general form:
.. code-block:: python
# these are required
b'{header}', # serialized header dict
b'{metadata}', # serialized metadata dict
b'{content}, # serialized content dict
# these are optional, and come in pairs; header contains num_buffers
b'{buf_header}', # serialized buffer header dict
b'array' # raw buffer payload data
The ``header`` fragment will have the form:
.. code-block:: python
header = {
# these are required
'msgid' : <str> # a unique id for the message
'msgtype' : <str> # a message type, e.g. 'ACK', 'PATCH-DOC', etc
# these are optional
'num_buffers' : <int> # the number of additional buffers, if any
The ``metadata`` fragment may contain any arbitrary information. It is not
processed by Bokeh for any purpose, but may be useful for external
monitoring or instrumentation tools.
The ``content`` fragment is defined by the specific message type.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
from tornado.escape import json_decode, json_encode
from tornado import gen
import bokeh.util.serialization as bkserial
from .exceptions import MessageError, ProtocolError
[docs]class Message(object):
''' The Message base class encapsulates creating, assembling, and
validating the integrity of Bokeh Server messages. Additionally, it
provide hooks
[docs] def __init__(self, header, metadata, content):
''' Initialize a new message from header, metadata, and content
To assemble a message from existing JSON fragments, use the
``assemble`` method.
To create new messages with automatically generated headers,
use subclass ``create`` methods.
header (JSON-like) :
metadata (JSON-like) :
content (JSON-like) :
self.header = header
self.metadata = metadata
self.content = content
self._buffers = []
def __repr__(self):
return "Message %r (revision %d)" % (self.msgtype, self.revision)
[docs] def assemble(cls, header_json, metadata_json, content_json):
''' Creates a new message, assembled from JSON fragments.
header_json (``JSON``) :
metadata_json (``JSON``) :
content_json (``JSON``) :
Message subclass
header = json_decode(header_json)
except ValueError:
raise MessageError("header could not be decoded")
metadata = json_decode(metadata_json)
except ValueError:
raise MessageError("metadata could not be decoded")
content = json_decode(content_json)
except ValueError:
raise MessageError("content could not be decoded")
msg = cls(header, metadata, content)
msg._header_json = header_json
msg._metadata_json = metadata_json
msg._content_json = content_json
return msg
[docs] def add_buffer(self, buf_header, buf_payload):
''' Associate a buffer header and payload with this message.
buf_header (``JSON``) : a buffer header
buf_payload (``JSON`` or bytes) : a buffer payload
if 'num_buffers' in self._header:
self._header['num_buffers'] += 1
self._header['num_buffers'] = 1
self._header_json = None
self._buffers.add((buf_header, buf_payload))
[docs] def assemble_buffer(self, buf_header, buf_payload):
''' Add a buffer header and payload that we read from the socket.
This differs from add_buffer() because we're validating vs.
the header's num_buffers, instead of filling in the header.
buf_header (``JSON``) : a buffer header
buf_payload (``JSON`` or bytes) : a buffer payload
if self.header['num_buffers'] <= len(self._buffers):
raise ProtocolError("too many buffers received expecting " + str(self.header['num_buffers']))
self._buffers.append((buf_header, buf_payload))
[docs] def write_buffers(self, conn, locked=True):
''' Write any buffer headers and payloads to the given connection.
conn (object) :
May be any object with a ``write_message`` method. Typically,
a Tornado ``WSHandler`` or ``WebSocketClientConnection``
locked (bool) :
int : number of bytes sent
if conn is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot write_buffers to connection None")
sent = 0
for header, payload in self._buffers:
yield conn.write_message(header, locked=locked)
yield conn.write_message(payload, binary=True, locked=locked)
sent += (len(header) + len(payload))
raise gen.Return(sent)
[docs] def send(self, conn):
''' Send the message on the given connection.
conn (WebSocketHandler) : a WebSocketHandler to send messages
int : number of bytes sent
if conn is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot send to connection None")
with (yield conn.write_lock.acquire()):
sent = 0
yield conn.write_message(self.header_json, locked=False)
sent += len(self.header_json)
# uncomment this to make it a lot easier to reproduce lock-related bugs
#yield gen.sleep(0.1)
yield conn.write_message(self.metadata_json, locked=False)
sent += len(self.metadata_json)
# uncomment this to make it a lot easier to reproduce lock-related bugs
#yield gen.sleep(0.1)
yield conn.write_message(self.content_json, locked=False)
sent += len(self.content_json)
sent += yield self.write_buffers(conn, locked=False)
raise gen.Return(sent)
def complete(self):
''' Returns whether all required parts of a message are present.
bool : True if the message is complete, False otherwise
return self.header is not None and \
self.metadata is not None and \
self.content is not None and \
self.header.get('num_buffers', 0) == len(self._buffers)
# header fragment properties
def header(self):
return self._header
def header(self, value):
self._header = value
self._header_json = None
def header_json(self):
if not self._header_json:
self._header_json = json_encode(self.header)
return self._header_json
# content fragment properties
def content(self):
return self._content
def content(self, value):
self._content = value
self._content_json = None
def content_json(self):
if not self._content_json:
self._content_json = json_encode(self.content)
return self._content_json
# metadata fragment properties
def metadata(self):
return self._metadata
def metadata(self, value):
self._metadata = value
self._metadata_json = None
def metadata_json(self):
if not self._metadata_json:
self._metadata_json = json_encode(self.metadata)
return self._metadata_json
def buffers(self):
return self._buffers
def buffers(self, value):
self._buffers = list(value)