This docs on this page refers to a PREVIOUS VERSION. For the latest stable release, go to

Archived docs for versions <= 1.0.4 have had to be modified from their original published configuration, and may be missing some features (e.g. source listing)

All users are encourage to update to version 1.1 or later, as soon as they are able. — Bokeh 1.0.3 documentation

Anscombe's Quartet

Anscombe's quartet is a collection of four small datasets that have nearly identical simple descriptive statistics (mean, variance, correlation, and linear regression lines), yet appear very different when graphed.

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from bokeh.util.browser import view
from bokeh.document import Document
from bokeh.embed import file_html
from bokeh.layouts import column, gridplot
from bokeh.models import Circle, ColumnDataSource, Div, Grid, Line, LinearAxis, Plot, Range1d
from bokeh.resources import INLINE

[10.0,   8.04,   10.0,   9.14,   10.0,   7.46,   8.0,    6.58],
[8.0,    6.95,   8.0,    8.14,   8.0,    6.77,   8.0,    5.76],
[13.0,   7.58,   13.0,   8.74,   13.0,   12.74,  8.0,    7.71],
[9.0,    8.81,   9.0,    8.77,   9.0,    7.11,   8.0,    8.84],
[11.0,   8.33,   11.0,   9.26,   11.0,   7.81,   8.0,    8.47],
[14.0,   9.96,   14.0,   8.10,   14.0,   8.84,   8.0,    7.04],
[6.0,    7.24,   6.0,    6.13,   6.0,    6.08,   8.0,    5.25],
[4.0,    4.26,   4.0,    3.10,   4.0,    5.39,   19.0,   12.5],
[12.0,   10.84,  12.0,   9.13,   12.0,   8.15,   8.0,    5.56],
[7.0,    4.82,   7.0,    7.26,   7.0,    6.42,   8.0,    7.91],
[5.0,    5.68,   5.0,    4.74,   5.0,    5.73,   8.0,    6.89]]

quartet = pd.DataFrame(data=raw_columns, columns=

circles_source = ColumnDataSource(
    data = dict(
        xi   = quartet['Ix'],
        yi   = quartet['Iy'],
        xii  = quartet['IIx'],
        yii  = quartet['IIy'],
        xiii = quartet['IIIx'],
        yiii = quartet['IIIy'],
        xiv  = quartet['IVx'],
        yiv  = quartet['IVy'],

x = np.linspace(-0.5, 20.5, 10)
y = 3 + 0.5 * x
lines_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y))

xdr = Range1d(start=-0.5, end=20.5)
ydr = Range1d(start=-0.5, end=20.5)

def make_plot(title, xname, yname):
    plot = Plot(x_range=xdr, y_range=ydr, plot_width=400, plot_height=400,
    plot.title.text = title

    xaxis = LinearAxis(axis_line_color=None)
    plot.add_layout(xaxis, 'below')

    yaxis = LinearAxis(axis_line_color=None)
    plot.add_layout(yaxis, 'left')

    plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=0, ticker=xaxis.ticker))
    plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=1, ticker=yaxis.ticker))

    line = Line(x='x', y='y', line_color="#666699", line_width=2)
    plot.add_glyph(lines_source, line)

    circle = Circle(
        x=xname, y=yname, size=12,
        fill_color="#cc6633", line_color="#cc6633", fill_alpha=0.5
    plot.add_glyph(circles_source, circle)

    return plot

#where will this comment show up
I   = make_plot('I',   'xi',   'yi')
II  = make_plot('II',  'xii',  'yii')
III = make_plot('III', 'xiii', 'yiii')
IV  = make_plot('IV',  'xiv',  'yiv')

grid = gridplot([[I, II], [III, IV]], toolbar_location=None)

div = Div(text="""
<h1>Anscombe's Quartet</h1>
<p>Anscombe's quartet is a collection of four small datasets that have nearly
identical simple descriptive statistics (mean, variance, correlation, and linear
regression lines), yet appear very different when graphed.

doc = Document()
doc.add_root(column(div, grid, sizing_mode="scale_width"))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    filename = "anscombe.html"
    with open(filename, "w") as f:
        f.write(file_html(doc, INLINE, "Anscombe's Quartet"))
    print("Wrote %s" % filename)