Common enumerations to be used together with Enum
This module provides many pre-defined enumerations, as well as functions for creating new enumerations.
New enumerations can be created using the enumeration()
#: Specify a nautically named side, port or starboard
MyEnum = enumeration("port", "starboard")
Typically, enumerations are used to define Enum
from bokeh.model import Model
from import Enum
class MyModel(Model):
location = Enum(MyEnum, help="""
Whether the thing should be a port or starboard.
Enumerations have a defined order and support iteration:
>>> for loc in MyEnum:
... print(loc)
as well as containment tests:
>>> "port" in MyEnum
Enumerations can be easily documented in Sphinx documentation with the bokeh_enum Sphinx extension.
- enumeration(*values: Any, case_sensitive: bool = True, quote: bool = False) Enumeration [source]#
Create an
object from a sequence of values.Call
with a sequence of (unique) strings to create an Enumeration object:#: Specify the horizontal alignment for rendering text TextAlign = enumeration("left", "right", "center")
- Parameters:
values (str) –
string enumeration values, passed as positional arguments
The order of arguments is the order of the enumeration, and the first element will be considered the default value when used to create
properties.case_sensitive (bool, optional) – Whether validation should consider case or not (default: True)
quote (bool, optional) – Whether values should be quoted in the string representations (default: False)
- Raises:
ValueError if values empty, if any value is not a string or not unique –
- Returns:
- Align = Enumeration(start, center, end)#
- AlternationPolicy = Enumeration(none, even, odd, every)#
- Anchor = Enumeration(top_left, top_center, top_right, center_left, center_center, center_right, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right, top, left, center, right, bottom)#
- AngleUnits = Enumeration(deg, rad, grad, turn)#
- AutosizeMode = Enumeration(fit_columns, fit_viewport, force_fit, none)#
- BuiltinFormatter = Enumeration(raw, basic, numeral, printf, datetime)#
- ButtonType = Enumeration(default, primary, success, warning, danger, light)#
- CalendarPosition = Enumeration(auto, above, below)#
- ContextWhich = Enumeration(start, center, end, all)#
- CoordinateUnits = Enumeration(canvas, screen, data)#
- DashPattern = Enumeration(solid, dashed, dotted, dotdash, dashdot)#
- DateFormat = Enumeration(ATOM, W3C, RFC-3339, ISO-8601, COOKIE, RFC-822, RFC-850, RFC-1036, RFC-1123, RFC-2822, RSS, TIMESTAMP)#
- DatetimeUnits = Enumeration(microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minsec, minutes, hourmin, hours, days, months, years)#
- Dimension = Enumeration(width, height)#
- Dimensions = Enumeration(width, height, both)#
- Direction = Enumeration(clock, anticlock)#
- FlowMode = Enumeration(block, inline)#
- FontStyle = Enumeration(normal, italic, bold, bold italic)#
- HAlign = Enumeration(left, center, right)#
- HatchPattern = Enumeration(blank, dot, ring, horizontal .... zontal_wave, vertical_wave, criss_cross)#
See all values
Enumeration(blank, dot, ring, horizontal_line, vertical_line, cross, horizontal_dash, vertical_dash, spiral, right_diagonal_line, left_diagonal_line, diagonal_cross, right_diagonal_dash, left_diagonal_dash, horizontal_wave, vertical_wave, criss_cross)
- HatchPatternAbbreviation = Enumeration(' ', '.', 'o', '-', '|', '+', '"', ':', '@', '/', '\\', 'x', ',', '`', 'v', '>', '*')#
- HoldPolicy = Enumeration(combine, collect)#
- HorizontalLocation = Enumeration(left, right)#
- ImageOrigin = Enumeration(bottom_left, top_left, bottom_right, top_right)#
- JitterRandomDistribution = Enumeration(uniform, normal)#
- KeyModifier = Enumeration(shift, ctrl, alt)#
- LabelOrientation = Enumeration(horizontal, vertical, parallel, normal)#
- LatLon = Enumeration(lat, lon)#
- LegendClickPolicy = Enumeration(none, hide, mute)#
- LegendLocation = Enumeration(top_left, top_center, top_right, center_left, center_center, center_right, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right, top, left, center, right, bottom)#
- LineCap = Enumeration(butt, round, square)#
- LineDash = Enumeration(solid, dashed, dotted, dotdash, dashdot)#
- LineJoin = Enumeration(miter, round, bevel)#
- Location = Enumeration(above, below, left, right)#
- MapType = Enumeration(satellite, roadmap, terrain, hybrid)#
- MarkerType = Enumeration(asterisk, circle, circle_cro .... angle, triangle_dot, triangle_pin, x, y)#
See all values
Enumeration(asterisk, circle, circle_cross, circle_dot, circle_x, circle_y, cross, dash, diamond, diamond_cross, diamond_dot, dot, hex, hex_dot, inverted_triangle, plus, square, square_cross, square_dot, square_pin, square_x, star, star_dot, triangle, triangle_dot, triangle_pin, x, y)
- Movable = Enumeration(none, x, y, both)#
- NamedColor = Enumeration(aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqu .... white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen)#
Specify one of the CSS4 named colors (
See all values
Enumeration(aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgreen, darkgrey, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, green, greenyellow, grey, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgreen, lightgrey, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, rebeccapurple, red, rosybrown, royalblue, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, yellowgreen)
- NumeralLanguage = Enumeration(be-nl, chs, cs, da-dk, de-ch, de, en, en-gb, es-ES, es, et, fi, fr-CA, fr-ch, fr, hu, it, ja, nl-nl, pl, pt-br, pt-pt, ru, ru-UA, sk, th, tr, uk-UA)#
- Orientation = Enumeration(horizontal, vertical)#
- OutlineShapeName = Enumeration(none, box, rectangle, square, circle, ellipse, trapezoid, parallelogram, diamond, triangle)#
Names of pre-defined outline shapes (used in
- OutputBackend = Enumeration(canvas, svg, webgl)#
- PaddingUnits = Enumeration(percent, absolute)#
- Palette = Enumeration(Accent3, Accent4, Accent5, A .... Rd5, YlOrRd6, YlOrRd7, YlOrRd8, YlOrRd9)#
Specify the name of a palette from bokeh.palettes
See all values
Enumeration(Accent3, Accent4, Accent5, Accent6, Accent7, Accent8, Blues3, Blues4, Blues5, Blues6, Blues7, Blues8, Blues9, Blues256, Bokeh3, Bokeh4, Bokeh5, Bokeh6, Bokeh7, Bokeh8, BrBG3, BrBG4, BrBG5, BrBG6, BrBG7, BrBG8, BrBG9, BrBG10, BrBG11, Bright3, Bright4, Bright5, Bright6, Bright7, BuGn3, BuGn4, BuGn5, BuGn6, BuGn7, BuGn8, BuGn9, BuPu3, BuPu4, BuPu5, BuPu6, BuPu7, BuPu8, BuPu9, BuRd3, BuRd4, BuRd5, BuRd6, BuRd7, BuRd8, BuRd9, Category10_3, Category10_4, Category10_5, Category10_6, Category10_7, Category10_8, Category10_9, Category10_10, Category20_3, Category20_4, Category20_5, Category20_6, Category20_7, Category20_8, Category20_9, Category20_10, Category20_11, Category20_12, Category20_13, Category20_14, Category20_15, Category20_16, Category20_17, Category20_18, Category20_19, Category20_20, Category20b3, Category20b4, Category20b5, Category20b6, Category20b7, Category20b8, Category20b9, Category20b10, Category20b11, Category20b12, Category20b13, Category20b14, Category20b15, Category20b16, Category20b17, Category20b18, Category20b19, Category20b20, Category20c3, Category20c4, Category20c5, Category20c6, Category20c7, Category20c8, Category20c9, Category20c10, Category20c11, Category20c12, Category20c13, Category20c14, Category20c15, Category20c16, Category20c17, Category20c18, Category20c19, Category20c20, Cividis3, Cividis4, Cividis5, Cividis6, Cividis7, Cividis8, Cividis9, Cividis10, Cividis11, Cividis256, Colorblind3, Colorblind4, Colorblind5, Colorblind6, Colorblind7, Colorblind8, Dark2_3, Dark2_4, Dark2_5, Dark2_6, Dark2_7, Dark2_8, GnBu3, GnBu4, GnBu5, GnBu6, GnBu7, GnBu8, GnBu9, Greens3, Greens4, Greens5, Greens6, Greens7, Greens8, Greens9, Greens256, Greys3, Greys4, Greys5, Greys6, Greys7, Greys8, Greys9, Greys256, HighContrast3, Inferno3, Inferno4, Inferno5, Inferno6, Inferno7, Inferno8, Inferno9, Inferno10, Inferno11, Inferno256, Iridescent3, Iridescent4, Iridescent5, Iridescent6, Iridescent7, Iridescent8, Iridescent9, Iridescent10, Iridescent11, Iridescent12, Iridescent13, Iridescent14, Iridescent15, Iridescent16, Iridescent17, Iridescent18, Iridescent19, Iridescent20, Iridescent21, Iridescent22, Iridescent23, Light3, Light4, Light5, Light6, Light7, Light8, Light9, Magma3, Magma4, Magma5, Magma6, Magma7, Magma8, Magma9, Magma10, Magma11, Magma256, MediumContrast3, MediumContrast4, MediumContrast5, MediumContrast6, Muted3, Muted4, Muted5, Muted6, Muted7, Muted8, Muted9, OrRd3, OrRd4, OrRd5, OrRd6, OrRd7, OrRd8, OrRd9, Oranges3, Oranges4, Oranges5, Oranges6, Oranges7, Oranges8, Oranges9, Oranges256, PRGn3, PRGn4, PRGn5, PRGn6, PRGn7, PRGn8, PRGn9, PRGn10, PRGn11, Paired3, Paired4, Paired5, Paired6, Paired7, Paired8, Paired9, Paired10, Paired11, Paired12, Pastel1_3, Pastel1_4, Pastel1_5, Pastel1_6, Pastel1_7, Pastel1_8, Pastel1_9, Pastel2_3, Pastel2_4, Pastel2_5, Pastel2_6, Pastel2_7, Pastel2_8, PiYG3, PiYG4, PiYG5, PiYG6, PiYG7, PiYG8, PiYG9, PiYG10, PiYG11, Plasma3, Plasma4, Plasma5, Plasma6, Plasma7, Plasma8, Plasma9, Plasma10, Plasma11, Plasma256, PuBu3, PuBu4, PuBu5, PuBu6, PuBu7, PuBu8, PuBu9, PuBuGn3, PuBuGn4, PuBuGn5, PuBuGn6, PuBuGn7, PuBuGn8, PuBuGn9, PuOr3, PuOr4, PuOr5, PuOr6, PuOr7, PuOr8, PuOr9, PuOr10, PuOr11, PuRd3, PuRd4, PuRd5, PuRd6, PuRd7, PuRd8, PuRd9, Purples3, Purples4, Purples5, Purples6, Purples7, Purples8, Purples9, Purples256, RdBu3, RdBu4, RdBu5, RdBu6, RdBu7, RdBu8, RdBu9, RdBu10, RdBu11, RdGy3, RdGy4, RdGy5, RdGy6, RdGy7, RdGy8, RdGy9, RdGy10, RdGy11, RdPu3, RdPu4, RdPu5, RdPu6, RdPu7, RdPu8, RdPu9, RdYlBu3, RdYlBu4, RdYlBu5, RdYlBu6, RdYlBu7, RdYlBu8, RdYlBu9, RdYlBu10, RdYlBu11, RdYlGn3, RdYlGn4, RdYlGn5, RdYlGn6, RdYlGn7, RdYlGn8, RdYlGn9, RdYlGn10, RdYlGn11, Reds3, Reds4, Reds5, Reds6, Reds7, Reds8, Reds9, Reds256, Set1_3, Set1_4, Set1_5, Set1_6, Set1_7, Set1_8, Set1_9, Set2_3, Set2_4, Set2_5, Set2_6, Set2_7, Set2_8, Set3_3, Set3_4, Set3_5, Set3_6, Set3_7, Set3_8, Set3_9, Set3_10, Set3_11, Set3_12, Spectral3, Spectral4, Spectral5, Spectral6, Spectral7, Spectral8, Spectral9, Spectral10, Spectral11, Sunset3, Sunset4, Sunset5, Sunset6, Sunset7, Sunset8, Sunset9, Sunset10, Sunset11, TolPRGn3, TolPRGn4, TolPRGn5, TolPRGn6, TolPRGn7, TolPRGn8, TolPRGn9, TolRainbow3, TolRainbow4, TolRainbow5, TolRainbow6, TolRainbow7, TolRainbow8, TolRainbow9, TolRainbow10, TolRainbow11, TolRainbow12, TolRainbow13, TolRainbow14, TolRainbow15, TolRainbow16, TolRainbow17, TolRainbow18, TolRainbow19, TolRainbow20, TolRainbow21, TolRainbow22, TolRainbow23, TolYlOrBr3, TolYlOrBr4, TolYlOrBr5, TolYlOrBr6, TolYlOrBr7, TolYlOrBr8, TolYlOrBr9, Turbo3, Turbo4, Turbo5, Turbo6, Turbo7, Turbo8, Turbo9, Turbo10, Turbo11, Turbo256, Vibrant3, Vibrant4, Vibrant5, Vibrant6, Vibrant7, Viridis3, Viridis4, Viridis5, Viridis6, Viridis7, Viridis8, Viridis9, Viridis10, Viridis11, Viridis256, YlGn3, YlGn4, YlGn5, YlGn6, YlGn7, YlGn8, YlGn9, YlGnBu3, YlGnBu4, YlGnBu5, YlGnBu6, YlGnBu7, YlGnBu8, YlGnBu9, YlOrBr3, YlOrBr4, YlOrBr5, YlOrBr6, YlOrBr7, YlOrBr8, YlOrBr9, YlOrRd3, YlOrRd4, YlOrRd5, YlOrRd6, YlOrRd7, YlOrRd8, YlOrRd9)
- PanDirection = Enumeration(left, right, up, down, west, east, north, south)#
Which direction click pan tool acts on.
- Place = Enumeration(above, below, left, right, center)#
- RegionSelectionMode = Enumeration(replace, append, intersect, subtract, xor)#
- RenderLevel = Enumeration(image, underlay, glyph, guide, annotation, overlay)#
- ResetPolicy = Enumeration(standard, event_only)#
- Resizable = Enumeration(none, left, right, top, bottom, x, y, all)#
- ResolutionType = Enumeration(microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minsec, minutes, hourmin, hours, days, months, years)#
- RoundingFunction = Enumeration(round, nearest, floor, rounddown, ceil, roundup)#
- ScrollbarPolicy = Enumeration(auto, visible, hidden)#
- SelectionMode = Enumeration(replace, append, intersect, subtract, xor, toggle)#
- SizingMode = Enumeration(stretch_width, stretch_height, stretch_both, scale_width, scale_height, scale_both, fixed, inherit)#
- SizingPolicy = Enumeration(fixed, fit, min, max)#
- SortDirection = Enumeration(ascending, descending)#
- SpatialUnits = Enumeration(screen, data)#
- StartEnd = Enumeration(start, end)#
- StepMode = Enumeration(before, after, center)#
- TextAlign = Enumeration(left, right, center)#
- TextBaseline = Enumeration(top, middle, bottom, alphabetic, hanging, ideographic)#
- TextureRepetition = Enumeration(repeat, repeat_x, repeat_y, no_repeat)#
- ToolIcon = Enumeration(append_mode, arrow_down_to_b .... _zoom, y_grip, y_pan, zoom_in, zoom_out)#
See all values
Enumeration(append_mode, arrow_down_to_bar, arrow_up_from_bar, auto_box_zoom, bold, box_edit, box_select, box_zoom, caret_down, caret_left, caret_right, caret_up, check, chevron_down, chevron_left, chevron_right, chevron_up, clear_selection, copy, crosshair, delete, freehand_draw, fullscreen, help, hover, intersect_mode, invert_selection, italic, lasso_select, line_edit, maximize, minimize, pan, pin, point_draw, pointer, poly_draw, poly_edit, polygon_select, range, redo, replace_mode, reset, save, see_off, see_on, settings, square, square_check, subtract_mode, tap_select, text_align_center, text_align_left, text_align_right, undo, unknown, unpin, wheel_pan, wheel_zoom, x_box_select, x_box_zoom, x_grip, x_pan, xor_mode, y_box_select, y_box_zoom, y_grip, y_pan, zoom_in, zoom_out)
- TooltipAttachment = Enumeration(horizontal, vertical, left, right, above, below)#
- TooltipFieldFormatter = Enumeration(numeral, datetime, printf)#
- TrackPolicy = Enumeration(auto, min, max, flex, fixed)#
- VAlign = Enumeration(top, center, bottom)#
- VerticalAlign = Enumeration(top, middle, bottom)#
- VerticalLocation = Enumeration(above, below)#