
Glyph renderer models for displaying simple scatter-type markers on Bokeh plots.

class Asterisk(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render asterisk ‘*’ markers.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "a7bebb3e-c309-4d55-98f3-d70e8e5f9502",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class Circle(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render circle markers.


source: tests/glyphs/


property type: radius:DistanceSpec(units_default=’data’)

The radius values for circle markers (in “data space” units, by default).


Circle markers are slightly unusual in that they support specifying a radius in addition to a size. Only one of radius or size should be given.


Note that Circle glyphs are always drawn as circles on the screen, even in cases where the data space aspect ratio is not 1-1. In all cases where radius values are specified, the “distance” for the radius is measured along the dimension specified by radius_dimension. If the aspect ratio is very large or small, the drawn circles may appear much larger or smaller than expected. See issue 626 for more information.


property type: radius_dimension:Enum(‘x’, ‘y’)

What dimension to measure circle radii along.

When the data space aspect ratio is not 1-1, then the size of the drawn circles depends on what direction is used to measure the “distance” of the radius. This property allows that direction to be controlled.


property type: radius_units:Enum(‘screen’, ‘data’)

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "e0180a36-a562-4bfe-a787-d7b39e139505",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "radius": null,
  "radius_dimension": "x",
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class CircleCross(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render circle markers with a ‘+’ cross through the center.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "8e0ebc17-9b10-4cc9-9dd2-60c2f5f8ce44",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class CircleX(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render circle markers with an ‘X’ cross through the center.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "d6b3a74d-b491-42a2-aae2-17554d72d8f1",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class Cross(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render ‘+’ cross markers.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "789dadf9-ebfb-4b41-8a96-021c2ba77f35",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class Diamond(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render diamond markers.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "594aee01-7d08-47f5-bc40-46bf1c68606c",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class DiamondCross(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render diamond markers with a ‘+’ cross through the center.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "671d61f1-177b-417b-8c88-b9f12b37bbf5",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class InvertedTriangle(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render upside-down triangle markers.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "276d7d58-3de5-4d56-9f8f-11d6f60fae03",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class Marker(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.glyphs.Glyph

Base class for glyphs that are simple markers with line and fill properties, located at an (x, y) location with a specified size.


For simplicity, all markers have both line and fill properties declared, however some markers (Asterisk, Cross, X) only draw lines. For these markers, the fill values are simply ignored.


property type: angle:AngleSpec(units_default=’rad’)

The angles to rotate the markers.


property type: angle_units:Enum(‘deg’, ‘rad’)


property type: fill_alpha:NumberSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Float)), Float)

The fill alpha values for the markers.


property type: fill_color:ColorSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Color)), Color)

The fill color values for the markers.


property type: line_alpha:NumberSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Float)), Float)

The line alpha values for the markers.


property type: line_cap:Enum(‘butt’, ‘round’, ‘square’)

The line cap values for the markers.


property type: line_color:ColorSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Color)), Color)

The line color values for the markers.


property type: line_dash:DashPattern

The line dash values for the markers.


property type: line_dash_offset:Int

The line dash offset values for the markers.


property type: line_join:Enum(‘miter’, ‘round’, ‘bevel’)

The line join values for the markers.


property type: line_width:NumberSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Float)), Float)

The line width values for the markers.


property type: size:ScreenDistanceSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Float)), Float)

The size (diameter) values for the markers in screen space units.


property type: x:NumberSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Float)), Float)

The x-axis coordinates for the center of the markers.


property type: y:NumberSpec(String, Dict(String, Either(String, Float)), Float)

The y-axis coordinates for the center of the markers.

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "39bb5698-8e7b-48f6-bebc-f0492b5b8377",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class Square(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render a square marker, optionally rotated.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "e4bdf941-2056-4b93-b1e5-a59991f8e295",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class SquareCross(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render square markers with a ‘+’ cross through the center.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "120937a4-49de-472c-bb03-d37a8cadca57",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class SquareX(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render square markers with an ‘X’ cross through the center.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "d0a16c0a-cce1-45a6-a2a7-4077f7ed2b7a",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class Triangle(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render triangle markers.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "48cf6b55-f7ce-4289-bce1-e5f04d6ec33d",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null
class X(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.markers.Marker

Render a ‘X’ cross markers.


source: tests/glyphs/

JSON Prototype
  "angle": {
    "units": "rad",
    "value": 0.0
  "fill_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "fill_color": {
    "value": "gray"
  "id": "69779ca8-14e2-4e10-b29c-a979d186c11d",
  "line_alpha": {
    "value": 1.0
  "line_cap": "butt",
  "line_color": {
    "value": "black"
  "line_dash": [],
  "line_dash_offset": 0,
  "line_join": "miter",
  "line_width": {
    "value": 1
  "name": null,
  "size": {
    "units": "screen",
    "value": 4
  "tags": [],
  "visible": true,
  "x": null,
  "y": null